Hunter X Hunter: Start With A Shiny Fruit

Chapter 101: First Master! Chrollo: I'm Just A Good Guy Passing By [Please Customize]

"Sir! This is my little thought! Please accept it!"

"And mine, sir, you don't need any money. You are my savior. If you don't even accept this little thing, then let me live in this world with a peaceful face!"

"Yes! Sir!"

The station of the customs clearance group should be called a gourmet party at this time.

The players who had the bomb defused by Chen Nuo expressed their gratitude and took the initiative to take out the ingredients in their cards, including some cards that they were reluctant to sell at the beginning.

Everyone understands.

If it weren't for Chen Nuo, I'm afraid they would have become the corpses of Bomb Demon Ganshu's men by now!

The grace of saving life is greater than anything else.

"Then you're welcome, Nickens, I'll leave this place to you."

Chen Nuo was not polite, and with a wave of his hand, he collected hundreds of ingredient cards, including more high-level cards than last time.

After all, the last time I came here was a transaction, but this time it was more about gratitude.

"Don't worry, sir! I, Kenskin, will look for all the ingredients in the GI world for you!!"

Nikkens burst into tears of gratitude.

In the past, the purpose of the clearance group was to find cards to clear the level, but now... it's more about repaying a favor.

After a brief explanation with Nikkens, Chen Nuo directly returned to the wilderness where Biscuit and others were.

at the same time.

Night falls.

GI Greed Island.

A line of black shadows walked slowly from the shore.

"I'm exhausted. I guess you are the only ones who can come up with this method, using the bulging-eye fish to suck up the sea water..."

Shizuku, the girl with glasses, clasped her hands helplessly and said weakly.

In order to land on the island, she almost burst the bulging-eye fish and swallowed an unknown amount of seawater before she managed to land.

"What kind of place is this? First steal a [Come Together] and fly to any place."

Feitan complained.

"The situation is not very good. I heard that the Bomb Demon seems to have been dealt with by that guy Chen Nuo."

Shalnark wrung out the water from his clothes and sighed.

"Haha, a guy like the Bomb Demon is not even worthy of carrying our shoes." Kubi, with his hair hanging down to the ground, sneered.

Franklin, who is the tallest, also thinks so.

But the news of Chen Nuo's appearance still made several people wary.

They have tried their best to avoid Chen Nuo's sight. At least according to the previous plan, at least they will not recruit Chen Nuo until they understand the nature of the GI game and get the rewards for completing the game.

A monster that can instantly kill Phinks with one blow and crush Hisoka...

It is definitely not a lucky thing for anyone to face each other alone.

"Then where should we go next? I don't know why you want to find such a remote place to land on the island..."

Shizuku, the girl with glasses, murmured.

"Hey, I haven't met an uninvited guest for a long time, so I'm a little nervous."


The lights in front of me were bright, and a tall, muscular man wearing a short sweatshirt and an extremely heroic man appeared with a smile on his face.

"First of all, let me ask you, are you not castaways? You will never be able to get to this island just by relying on the tide."

The man walked slowly over with a smile.

"This guy... is very strong."

Feitan frowned slightly and reminded.

His words immediately caused the expressions of other brigade members present to change slightly.

There are very few opponents in this world that Feitan would call strong.

"Who are you? The NPC who came to guide us?"

Shalnark stepped forward and asked, but his vigilance had already been raised to the highest level.

He also felt the dangerous aura on the other party's body

"NPC? Haha, am I so shabby? Let me introduce myself, my name is Razor, I am one of the producers of this game, specializing in Transmuter game design, using spells to move and deal with foreign enemies."

Razor smiled.

"Game Maker? Razor? Specializing in Transmuter?"

Razor's answer stunned all the brigade members present. They didn't expect to meet the game producer here?

Moreover, with the tone and attitude of the other party, Yi Ping did not welcome them?

To a certain extent, they did not use formal methods to reach Greed Island, which was equivalent to a cheating invasion.

"This is a special spell that can only be used by the master of the game. To deal with foreign enemies, special props must be used. Sorry, you must leave."

Razor smiled and drew a card from the void.

003-Discharge-None limit

Description: Those who invade GI using illegal methods are sent to somewhere in the Aizhen continent.

"No...this guy didn't summon the card collection book at all just now? Did he draw the card directly?"

"Game producer? Could it be that he is the GM?"

"Damn it, is that guy trying to deal with us?"

Razor's actions immediately caused the expressions of the brigade members present to change slightly.

"If we enter the island in a legitimate way, we are phantoms. If you defeat me, you can get props. Play games, and sometimes you have to fight. But you can't invade the game in other ways. Goodbye, map position."

Razor smiled and turned over the elimination card.

"Damn it! We will come again!! We will come in through the gate next time!!"

Shalnark stared at the other man.

"Use exclusion cards!"

Card flipped.

Suddenly, the brigade members headed by Feitan were enveloped in a strange energy, and then flew to other places and disappeared.

"They are all a group of powerful guys."

Razor glanced at the direction in which he disappeared, threw the volleyball high in his hand, and smashed it with one blow.


The volleyball that shot away hit the ship anchored on the sea, and exploded like a missile.

After finishing dealing with these intruders, Razor was not happy at all. Instead, the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

"Eta, what are you worried about? Are you actually unwilling to let me expel the intruders despite destroying the game?"

Razor murmured under his breath.

As a game producer, he has discovered that some strange data has invaded the GI game.

Above the wasteland.

Gon and Killua are training in full swing.


There was a loud noise like a missile exploding.

"It worked! It worked!!"

Gon shouted excitedly.

Under Biscuit's guidance, he successfully developed the rock-paper-scissors move.

That is the powerful Transmuter mind power similar to Qigong waves!

And Killua also demonstrated a telekinetic attack move that absorbs lightning.

"What two little monsters, they can develop their telekinesis to such an extent at such an age..."

Biscuit couldn't help but sigh.

She suddenly noticed a golden light falling from the sky.

It’s Chen Nuo!

"It seems Biscuit taught me well.

Chen Nuo said with a smile.

"Brother Arnold!!"

"Brother Chen Nuo!"

Seeing Chen Nuo's arrival, Gon and Killua immediately put down their training and ran over happily.

"Hey, hey, hey! Today's training is not finished yet, you two guys, hum! They won't abide by the training rules when you come.

Biscuit complained.

"Finish your training. Now Biscuit and I will cook some delicious food. Whoever finishes cooking first will eat first."

Chen Nuo smiled lightly, and Gon and Qi Ma, who had just rushed halfway, turned around and went back.

"Wow! Brother Arnold's delicious food! I must finish it first!!"

"How about we compete to see who is faster and more standard? Gon.

Gon and Killua immediately ran back obediently and continued to complete the training mission for the same purpose.

"gourmet food?"

Biscuit, on the other hand, looked at Killua with a confused expression.

Of course, they didn't tell you that I'm actually a chef?"

Chen Nuo joked.

"Hmph! I believe you, but those hamburgers you had before still taste really good."

Biscuit rolled his eyes, but soon couldn't help the tears on his lips.

There are more than a hundred ingredient cards.

Chen Nuo can unleash his cooking abilities.

The dazzling knife skills made Biscuit astonished, followed by the extremely delicious delicacies!

It’s simply a dish that shines.

Biscuit was completely dumbfounded. Just asking about the taste made people want to eat.

at the same time.

In a lush forest.

The man with dark skin frowned.

Abengani was one of the members of the previous clearance team, but he was not one of those who stayed, but chose to leave.

Because no one knew at that time whether Chen Nuo had the ability to defuse bombs.

He was even worried that the other party would kill the entire team because of the past grudges, so to be on the safe side, Abengane left the team early.

"If you use companion cards to chase Gan Shu, you may catch him, but there is no guarantee whether the opponent will directly detonate all the bombs. In this world, the range of spell cards is 20 meters

Once you get close to this distance, you may be affected. "

Abengane murmured in his heart that he finally chose a safer approach.

Get rid of telekinesis in your own way.

When he came to the forest, he seemed to perform some strange rituals and lit a bonfire.

Then he held a strange wooden doll high and chanted some strange spells while holding it high.

"O spirit of the forest, please remove the impure thoughts from my body for me!"

Abengane murmured piously, and then pointed the specially made puppet toward Yin Di Xixi on his shoulder.

Looking at the puppets that had completed the ceremony, he felt a little uneasy, not knowing what the outcome would be this time.

The puppet was finally thrown into the fire pit by Abengane.

…Please give me flowers…


For a moment.

The flames surged, and it seemed as if a huge monster could be seen roaring and hissing inside, tossing the flame pig endlessly.

"It's so big! It's indeed the sound of life! It's a very powerful thought!"

Abengane was shocked.

His ability is to use the power of the forest elves to gather the life energy of the creatures living in the forest, combined with his own manifestation ability, to create a command beast that can devour or drive other people away to release Nen!!

The size and appearance of the mind beast vary depending on the object's power, the strength, nature and form of the ability. Only when the user of the Nen swallowed by the mind beast dies or Abengane meets the conditions for releasing the Nen, the mind beast will disappear.

However, no matter how powerful the Nian beast is, it cannot swallow the Nian left by the dead Nin.

Therefore, there is a prerequisite for getting rid of these thoughts, that is, the person who released Nen is still alive!

Once the opponent dies, these are called dying thoughts, and death thoughts cannot be swallowed.

The flames have disappeared.

The previous puppet turned into an ugly and strange reptile, crawled over slowly, and then sealed the bomb in one breath, hovering around Abengane's body like a python.

"Huh... Finally I don't have to worry about the bomb exploding, but I also have one more annoying guy.

Abengane breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little irritable.

This ugly mind beast lying on his body will not only cause difficulty in moving, but also make it difficult for him to go out and meet people.

Bang bang bang~~~


There was a sound of applause from behind.

"It's really a very good ability."


A chuckle came from behind.

Abengane was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a young man wearing a black suit, handsome in appearance, but with a strange tattoo on his forehead was walking slowly towards him.


Leader of the Phantom Troupe!

Shalnark and the others chose another login method, and after entering the game, they were divided into two groups.

"Who are you?!"

Abengane stared at the intruder warily and instinctively took two steps back.

Now that he is haunted by the mind beast, although he does not need to consider the explosion of the bomb, his own actions are also very inconvenient, and his combat effectiveness has been sharply reduced.

"I am a passerby and a good person. I want to tell you some very unfortunate news. The Bomb Demon has been seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't be able to log into the game for a long time, maybe... maybe for the rest of his life."

Chrollo put his hands in his pockets and smiled.

"What? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! That guy Gan Shu has been lurking in the team for five years and is extremely powerful. How could he lose in an instant?"

Abengane naturally didn't believe it.

"You can take a look at the status of Nickens and others. You should have friends with Nickens, and see if the break-through group still exists. I heard that it has been renamed the Food Club, so

Bomb Demon Ganshu had one arm and two legs cut off, do you think he still has the ability to log into the game?"

Chrollo smiled.

Abengane's face instantly turned pale.

If Gan Shu no longer logs in to the game, it means that the other party's account will be cleared by the game, but the remaining ability bombs will still be saved.

This will also cause him to carry this bomb with him for the rest of his life, and the mind beast will always lie on him, even outside.

This is definitely not what Abengane wants to see.

"You... what are you trying to do by telling me this?"

Abengane's face looked extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that his plan would fail. Will he always carry this thing with him from now on? The existence of Nian Zhu means that his combat power has also declined significantly.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to help you."

Chrollo smiled.

"help me?"

Abengane was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, I will help you disarm the bomb. In return, I hope you can also help me with a little help."

Luo Luo smiled.

"You? Disarmed the bomb?"

Abengane naturally didn't believe it.

Chrollo suddenly pointed at Abengane's right hand. At some point, another time bomb appeared?

This.........What on earth is going on?!

Abengane was stunned.

He just...just touched the other party.



Bomb Demon?


Abengane stared at Chrollo with a very different look on his face.

"I am not a bomb demon, just a good person passing by. I found the bomb demon in reality, and my ability happens to be borrowed. I can borrow the other person's ability.

So disarming the bomb for you is a piece of cake.

In return, I just hope to borrow your ability, First Thought Master. "

Chrollo smiled, and a strange and ancient book appeared in front of him. He held the book with one hand and snapped his fingers with the other.


The bomb on Abengani's arm disappeared. .

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