Hunter X Hunter: Start With A Shiny Fruit

Chapter 90: The Bomb Demon Itself! Chen Nuo's Deals

outside world.

Ancient city, Batra Castle.

After strict interrogation and background investigation, a group of inspected personnel were finally sent to the underground of the ancient city.

There are host computers prominently placed here.

The G-I game strategy team, headed by Hu Jue Zi Jue La, is responsible for assessing and leading these newcomers to join the team, many of whom are even strong players who have obtained Hunter licenses!

The super-rich Batra spent a lot of money to buy dozens of sets of G·I game archive cards. The normal auction price of these cards at auction is 8 billion gin and upwards!

The bearded Hu Juezi Juela introduced the situation of G·I and some precautions.

Among these people, there was a guy who stood out.

His whole body was covered with white bandages. It was obvious that his figure was extremely strong but not bloated. His right arm was a strange mechanical arm and he was extremely taciturn.

According to other people's descriptions, this guy killed two other people with his own hands in order to obtain a quota.

Only then was he admitted.

"Okay! This is what you need to pay attention to. Everyone takes turns to enter the game in order. Remember that our purpose of this game is to break the level and get two cards [Archangel's Breath] and [Rejuvenation Potion]! As long as you get these two cards, you can get 50 billion ring ni rewards!!!"

The bearded man said loudly.

Suddenly, all the recruiters present were extremely enthusiastic, and a cold light flashed in the narrow eyes of the man with the bandaged mechanical arm.


The G·I game strategy team formed by the super rich Batra has been launched one after another.

G-I game.

"You have arrived at the bounty city of Andocheba"

A line of subtitles appeared on the collection card book.

"Wow! There is actually a city. It looks so real. This is a real world!!"

Killua couldn't help but marvel.

Chen Nuo also sniffed his nose slightly, and there were various smells floating in the air.

In the distance are row upon row of brick and stone houses, towering lush old trees, and pedestrians walking on the streets unaware.

Although this game is limited to 100 sets, there are definitely more than that number of gamers here!

Of course, this includes a large number of NPCs!

"Wow! There are so many bounties, and you can get prizes for all the bounties!"

Gon was immediately attracted by the densely packed reward notices on the street.

Chen Nuo and Killua also followed.

"Reward: Find your dog and reward [the cursed Statue of Lady Luck]!"

"Reward: kill enemy Macro, reward [Charging Paladin] as reward!"

"Reward: [Archangel's Lament 830], I am willing to exchange 1 S card and 4 A-level cards!"


A lot of news.

"Here, here! Anduoqi's moon-pulling contest, September is the guessing contest, and the winner's prize is the [Sword of Truth]! Brother Arnold, do we want to participate?"

Both Gon and Killua looked at Chen Nuo expectantly.

The Sword of Truth is a relatively rare card. Even if there are better cards in these bounties, the difficulty is definitely far higher than the competition, let alone the guessing game.

"Guessing? Then let's join in."

Chen Nuo smiled.

If you want to pass the G-I game, you must collect all the cards. Among them, the Sword of Truth is one of the more important cards. Now that you have obtained the information, you will naturally not let it go.

"But the game won't start in four days. Before that, let's fill our stomachs first. How about this?"

Chen Nuo rubbed Gon's head, and Killua blushed even more because his stomach just made a growling sound.

A special reward was placed in front of the two of them.

Super Big Eater Competition!

If you eat a super large portion of delicious food within thirty minutes, you can get the [Garuga Card] card!

How could this kind of activity with free food and gifts not be exciting?

Chen Nuo and the others were excited to cook.

As a result, the three people finished it all within ten minutes.

It's a pity that the boss chef is an NPC with a very low IQ. Like an elderly machine, it can only answer some specified words and does not have much intelligence.

[Ding! You tasted E-level delicacies, activated your gourmet talent, and gained attribute increases. Congratulations on your strength +1, agility +1, spirit +1, and food points +10]

A system prompt sounded in Chen Nuo's mind.

"Cool pen!!"

Chen Nuo couldn't help but exclaimed with excitement.


My guess is right!

GI games are not virtual at all, but are played in a special world, or a special area, and everything is real.

Because the food system here is judged to be real!!

This is definitely your perfect place!

So cool!!

But it's a pity that this NPC boss only has this one delicacy.

"Congratulations on completing the food challenge and receiving the reward [Garugata]"

The NPC gave the reward.

Name: Garugata (special lantern fish)

Serial 1217 class F-185 (limited)

Explanation: One of the three delicacies on the Greedy Island, its delicate taste cannot be imagined just by looking at its appearance. Everyone says that eating its eggs can lead to longevity. It tastes great when boiled or grilled.

Very simple instructions.

"Use [Garuga]!"

Chen Nuo chose to use it directly from the card collection book.

The next moment.

A top-notch fish that was half the height of a man was summoned, and it was still alive and kicking!

Chen Nuo cooks it directly as ingredients.

Gon and Killua were even more excited to watch.

Chen Nuo conveniently borrowed the chef NPC's kitchen.


A top-notch delicacy is ready!

Cooking Garuda!

"You're welcome, let's get started! This is indeed a paradise for gourmets!!"

Chen Nuo waved his hand, signaling Gon and Killua to start.

The three of them started eating directly.

[Ding! You tasted the C-level delicacy Garuda, the gourmet talent is activated, congratulations on getting the attribute bonus, strength +15, agility +15, spirit +4, and 140 food points]

A voice like the sounds of nature sounded.

Waves of warm currents poured into Chen Nuo's body, rapidly strengthening his body!!


Chen Nuo couldn't help but be excited.

His basic attributes have been directly refreshed.


Agility: 218


Food points: 340

Reached a higher level again!

Sure enough, the richness of food in this game is beyond imagination!!

It's a pity that this attribute bonus can only be refreshed once and cannot be refreshed repeatedly. Otherwise, Chen Nuo could become the ultimate BOSS here!

"Hello, Chenghui is 2310 yuan!"

The fat NPC chef said respectfully.

"Uh? Do you still need more money?"

Chen Nuo and others were a little stunned.

"The Big Mac pasta is free, but there is a fee for ordering ice cream soda and using the kitchen."

NPC explained.

"I see... Well, we ordered some ice cream, so I'll give you the money.

Gon scratched his head and smiled, taking out some coins from his pocket.

Now they are all billionaires. Chen Nuo gave Gon 10 billion at the beginning, so there is no shortage of money.

"Sorry, this is not a transaction currency on the island. It is no different from waste paper. Money on the island can only be used on cards. If you can't take out the money from the card, then traitor Song is here to wash the dishes."

said the chef.

Gon and Killua looked at each other on the spot.

Can you believe it?

A billionaire was forced to wash the dishes while eating the King's meal?

As for making trouble here?

That's not very realistic. Players who dare to offend NPCs in this game will generally not end well. This is the simplest rule of the game.

"Is this enough?"

Chen Nuo suddenly took out a card and handed it over.

"Of course, that's enough. I'll brush it for you."

The chef immediately smiled and swiped cards for several people.

Gon and Killua were surprised when they saw this scene.

"I got the card from a robbery before, but the amount in it is not much anymore, there is still more than 10,000, that guy really doesn't have much money.

Chen Nuo explained.

"I see... Fortunately, Brother Arnold, otherwise we would have to stay here to wash the dishes. I saw that it only costs a few dozen yuan an hour to wash the dishes... I don't know how long it will take to wash the dishes..." "

Gon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Chen Nuo, how about... we go and rob some more? The money is not enough (cdah)."

Killua suggested while holding his head.

Chen Nuo:“

This kid actually likes to make money through robbery, but think about it, how can the genius of the Zoldyck family understand the pain of going to work.

"Forget it, I heard you can make money by killing monsters, so it doesn't matter if we kill monsters then."

Chen Nuo said with a smile.

"Really? You can get money by killing monsters? Who gives you the money?"

Killua asked curiously.

“I also saw it, maybe it’s the game setting, like killing monsters will drop gold coins, it sounds very good.

Gon said.

In this GI game, you have to pay for many things.

You can eat, buy clothes, stay, or even have sex. Money is indispensable, and you can't escape the control of money even in the game.

"What is that? Let's go and see!!"

A group of people were walking casually. The sharp-eyed Gon suddenly noticed the front and rushed forward quickly.


A large number of player NPCs are gathered together, seeming to be watching something exciting.

Chen Nuo and three others also squeezed in.

on the ground.

A player died tragically. His body was almost exploded into two pieces, with blood splattering and internal organs flowing out.

The picture is extremely realistic!

No, this should be the real situation!

In this game, if the player dies, they will completely and truly die. It can be said to be a weird game played with life.

"This guy...I have some impression that he came from the novice area before, but he didn't expect to die."

Killua looked solemn.

When Shi and Chen Nuo arrived together, there were only three of them, but after dealing with the headphone man, they saw some other newcomers on the way, including the short-haired man with a beard in front of them.

He looked quite strong, but his death at this moment was extremely tragic.

"Excuse me, what exactly happened just now?"

Gon asked a passerby next to him.

"I don't know. I just heard a bang and this guy's body exploded. It was weird!"

Passers-by also looked confused.

Everyone came over to check after hearing the noise, and saw the scene in front of them. To be precise, it was actually what happened a few minutes ago.

Chen Nuo narrowed his eyes slightly.


His luck wasn't too bad, it was probably the bomb devil's fault.

that house

The guy's telekinesis attribute should be a bomb.


As long as Chen Nuo is willing, he can release even more amazing light explosive bombs and destroy the entire city.

It's just that his focus is not here now.

What he wants is to get various food attribute bonuses. As for the Bomb Demon, if he encounters him, he can only blame himself for his bad luck.

"Isn't this some kind of card? Brother Arnold can dodge those cards, but we can't. If we are hit by this thing, we will die miserably."

Gon looked solemn.

Killua also remained silent.

They don't have the bug speed of Chen Nuo, and they can't escape the lock of the card.

If the explosion effect comes from the card, it is equivalent to danger.

"Don't worry, there is no such card in the game. It should come from some kind of Nen, which is released by other players. It is... hunting players.

A man with a stubble and dark circles under his eyes came over.

"You mean, players will kill each other? Why is this?"

Killua was stunned.

"You also know that the number of some cards in this game is limited, and more and more players mean that the chance of obtaining cards is getting lower and lower, especially for some cards that are already

Very rare cards, so...the fewer players there are, the greater the probability of getting the card.

And, in this game get money as fast as possible, naturally it's robbery. "

Hu Zhanan explained, but his eyes always fell on Chen Nuo.

Because he clearly felt that both Gon and Killua seemed to be headed by Chen Nuo.

"Oh, that's interesting."

Chen Nuo smiled slightly.

"But our method is just the opposite. We win with the number of cards, never with bloodshed. You must have just come to this game [are you interested in joining us?"

Our way until we break through. "

The bearded man said with a mysterious face.

"Brother Arnold..."

Gon and Killua looked at Chen Nuo expectantly.

Chen Nuo pondered for a few seconds and understood.

A few minutes later.

Under the leadership of Hu Zhanan, several people came to an open square.

There are a lot of players here, but some of them are obviously nervous and vigilant. They are far from the calmness of the experienced players, and they look like novices at first glance.

Surprisingly, they also included many members of the Batra game strategy team.

"My name is Nikkens! Welcome!!"

The bearded man introduced himself.

Chen Nuo and the other three also told them their names. In fact, this thing cannot be hidden. The other party can easily see the real name by using a spy card or other cards.

"Oh, we didn't promise to join you.

Chen Nuo's words made Nickens' smile freeze, and he became a little embarrassed.

"That you......"

Nikkens looked at the three of them slightly embarrassed.

The other members of the Breakthrough Group in the square also looked at each other, and the atmosphere seemed to be inexplicably tense.

And Chen Nuo seemed to have noticed an inconspicuous guy in the crowd.

A thin man with short blond hair, triangular transparent glasses, and a blue scarf.



This is the bomb maniac who has been hiding in the Breakthrough Group for five years!!

As a time traveler, Chen Nuo could tell at a glance, but Nikkens and other members of the clearance group obviously didn't notice it.

And Chen Nuo's telekinesis swept across.

It was clearly seen that almost most of the members, including Nikkens, had been attached to invisible force bombs.

Tsk tsk tsk.

The house thief is right in front of you but you can't see it. Isn't this the bomb demon you consider your formidable enemy?

But now is not the time to expose the bomb devil's background.

This guy is very likely to detonate everyone here, and Chen Nuo's plan will come to nothing.

"I'm going to make a deal with you."

Chen Nuo stepped forward, glanced at everyone and said with a smile. .

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