Hunter X Hunter: Start With A Shiny Fruit

Chapter 94 Virus Bug Chen Nuo, Crazy Biscuit [Please Customize]

"How can you talk like this?"

"Yeah, it's so heartless, just watching the child die."

"woo woo woo woo..….……"

The villagers who were originally immersed in a sad atmosphere were obviously hostile to Chen Nuo and others.

"Oh, if you take action, he will really die."

Chen Nuo said calmly.


These villagers were a little dumbfounded.

It seems that...the IQ given to the villagers by the game makers is not very high.

"Technically speaking, I'm a doctor."

Chen Nuo said suddenly.


This time it was Gon and Killua who were confused.

When did my brother become a doctor? Why didn’t they know?

"Doctor? Sir! Please save the child!!!"

The villagers present burst into tears as if they had grasped a life-saving straw.

The waist knife in their hands has been put down, and everyone kowtows.

"Okay, okay, the doctor can't spread the news a hundred times, he has to take a look at his condition first.

Chen Nuo waved his hand and stepped forward.

"As long as the adults are willing to save the child, even if it is unsuccessful, we are grateful to the adults!!"

The person who spoke was an old man, a family member of the NPC child.

"Yes! Sir!"

"Please save the child."

"Sir, you are our benefactor, and our whole family will be grateful to you!"

Other villagers also quickly begged.

It seems that there are many ways to increase NPC favorability. The degree of freedom of G Game is still worthy of praise.

In fact.

The reason why Chen Nuo made such a move was because he wanted to truly try to understand the core of making this game.


The developers of this game themselves created this world with Nen as the core.

It sounds strange.

This should be a real world area, and all objects and materials really exist.

But it can be made into cards by telekinesis, including these NPCs and so on.

This all shows that this is a very superb skill in using mind power, or a transcendent attitude of developing mind power.

If Chen Nuo can truly understand the core of GI games, it means... he can also become a similar game producer, which is equivalent to a counterfeit owner.

In the respectful eyes of many villagers, Gon and Killua looked confused.

Chen Nuo stepped forward.

The light golden thought power flowed from his fingertips into the sick child's body.

Very strange feeling.

The child in front of you looks real if you look at it with the naked eye, but if you look at it with his mind power, you will find that it is a special kind of 'membrane'!

It is equivalent to a visual shell created by mind power, which is different from the inside of a normal person.

The reason why this so-called 'psychic doll' becomes sick is naturally not due to the disease caused by normal people.

But...the telepathic instructions he was given.

He deserves to be sick!

It is a very special command, which is equivalent to a curse. After getting the [Paladin Necklace], you can erase this sick command to achieve the 'cure' effect.

Similar to some data modifications by programmers, what Chen Nuo has to do now... is to act as a telepathic hacker.

to be honest.

As a time traveler, it was his first experience with the development of telekinesis, but he could not withstand his own terrifying mental attributes of more than 400.

Both his comprehension and IQ have reached an extremely high level.


After carefully groping for two or three hours, Chen Nuo finally found some tricks.

Golden telepathy surged, and the telepathy inserted into Chen Nuo's instructions quickly entered the child's body.

His high fever faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his rosy complexion returned to normal.

Disease banished!!

"Ah!? Alright?!"

“It’s really good!! It’s so good!!”

"Thank you so much!! We can never repay your kindness!!"



The villagers present were all excited, and the old man was even more happy as he quickly picked up his grandson.

"Wow, so powerful? Brother Arnold, when did you learn medical skills?"

Gon was even more impressed.

He found that he could not understand his brother more and more.

Swordsmanship, medical skills, is there anything Brother Anuo doesn't understand?

Killua was also confused, but he was not too surprised. He used telekinesis to heal the opponent. Brother Chen Nuo had this ability before, and now it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

But he didn't know that Chen Nuo was not using phototherapy this time.


Light therapy cannot cure the child in front of him at all. The child in front of him is infected with the telekinesis virus. What he is doing now is to create an anti-virus program to directly and forcibly remove the child's curse.

This is just like when others play games and fight BOSS, they pass each level one level after another, trying their best to level up and accumulate equipment.

And Chen Nuo did it.

Just open the Shaobing modifier, adjust the data values, and directly give the target the option to kill to pass the level.

They are all passed, but in completely different ways.

Chen Nuo completely jumped out of the program and just... pushed.

Then came the other villagers.

After this successful treatment experience, the subsequent treatments have become even more convenient. Basically, every villager can solve the problem perfectly in just a few minutes, then tens of seconds, or even the last one or two seconds.

Chen Nuo is already very skilled in this part of data modification.

Not long after.

All villagers infected with the virus have been cured by Chen Nuo.

The previously depressing atmosphere became relaxed and cheerful, and everyone's faces were filled with the joy of recovering from a serious illness and the excitement of the rest of their lives.

At least in this game design, their definition of this disease is that it kills people.

What Chen Nuo is doing now is to pull them back from the brink of death like a savior.


In just a few hours, the favorability points of all the villagers present had been fully refreshed.

This is unprecedented.

"Ah, dear guest, thank you for curing my grandson and the villagers. In order to repay your kindness, please be sure to accept a little bit of our kindness!!"

The village elder took out a treasure box in the eyes of many villagers.

"Wow! It's a reward for completing the level!!"


Gon and Killua were both excited.

There was a beautiful card lying inside.

No.75【Lucky Alexander Ray】

"It's amazing. It turns out that by treating these villagers, you can get the precious card [No. 75 Lucky Alexander Ray]!!"

"As expected of Brother Chen Nuo, if it were Killua and I, we would probably be in trouble."

The two were very happy holding the card.

But before they could continue, they heard a bang.

The villagers present turned into a burst of white mist and disappeared, and a card fell into Chen Nuo's hand.

No.263【Healthy Villager】C-50

"Ah? They...they turned out to be cards? They seem to be real people!"

"Incredible! Brother Arnold, we made a lot of money this time!!"

Looking at the card in front of them, the two of them were a little stunned.

Because in the previous negotiations, all the villagers showed good IQ, at least their communication was no different from real people.

But now these villagers have turned into cards!

This... This is really incredible!

All of a sudden, Gon and Killua's interest in this GI game reached a higher peak.

But at this time.

Eta, the pretty loli girl wearing a helmet at the game entrance, looked at the data in front of her in stunned silence.

"NPC data has been tampered with! The GI game has been invaded. No, it was an internal modification?! It was done by internal players!!"

Eta's pretty face was filled with surprise.

This feeling is like... one day being told that the bank has been stolen or Alipay has been invaded by a virus.

This is a game created by the world's top talents together!

The other party did not directly destroy the game data from the outside, but modified it from the inside, that is, entering the internal modification as a player.

"It's him?!"

As one of the administrators, Eta immediately retrieved the part where the GI game data had changed dramatically.

The source was suddenly found.

It is the Chen Nuo trio.

To be precise, it’s the player Chen Nuo!

The existence of this guy that shocked her greatly at first, but after he entered the game, she discovered that the quality of his telekinesis was surprisingly high, even better than that of Jin Fuji.

In fact, the entire GI game was developed by multiple partners.

But there is only one that serves as the backbone of the game.

That is the telekinesis power of Jin·Fujili!!

Just like if you want to make a chip, you need a top-notch photolithography machine, even a good GI game needs a really powerful laser to support it.

Jin Nian can do this.

in other words.

All NPC and card effects in this GI game are actually made of one raw material - Jin·Fuji's Nen.

It is precisely because of this incredibly powerful mind that such a colorful world has been developed.

Other game administrators, including Eta, are also one of the developers of GI. What they actually do is game design, NPC design, plot design, data design, etc.

If the intruder is an ordinary player, Eta will choose to inform another game manager without hesitation.


In the original history, Razor directly rowed all the members of the brigade to the island. These guys who came here as smugglers were all thrown out of the game.

There is no doubt about his strength.

Razor is responsible for excluding players who enter the game through illegal means.

Exclusion cards and more can be used.

But in fact, Eta, one of the developers, understands.

Whether it is an exclusion card, a companion card, etc., the premise for all cards to be effective is that the other party's telekinesis pressure is lower than Jin·Fuji's, or lower than Jin's special structure of telekinesis, so that it can take effect.

But now.

This player named Chen Nuo, when he first logged into the game, Eta was shocked to find that the opponent's telekinesis quality and pressure were not even inferior to Jin's. He was a real monster.

This means... it is very possible that those spell cards in the game may not necessarily have an effect on the opponent.

Especially for the [Exclusion] card that Razor, the security administrator, wants to use, once that super-powerful card fails to take effect, it will cause extremely dangerous consequences.

Either Chen Nuo is completely removed from the game, or the effect rebounds and Razor is removed, and the GI game has lost its fire fighter since then.

The worse result may be that the opponent's power directly destroys the exclusion, causing a series of chain reactions, causing all the cards in the entire GI game to collectively fail, or even causing the entire game to completely collapse and the 'server' to shut down.

It was these threats that stopped Eta, who had already put her finger on the beeper.

At this moment, her pretty face is full of

He was worried, biting his lip, and seemed to be stuck in a difficult decision.


Eta slowly lowered her hand, her beautiful eyes with a hint of pleading filled with grievances.

々 Chen Nuo, Chen Nuo...Please don't cause more damage to the game. These things...even if they are in the past...sigh..."

Eta sighed helplessly.

Now she can only take one step at a time. As long as Chen Nuo doesn't turn the entire GI game upside down, causing the currency system to collapse or something, she plans to let this virus continue to spread.

Rampant in the game.

"Hey hey hey, how much money do you still have? I have a lot of money here."

As soon as he stepped out of the cottage village, Biscuit, a blond twin-tailed loli who was waiting outside, walked up to her with a smile and a flattering expression on her face.

She has seen countless players being cut off here.

Therefore, she is naturally very familiar with this village, and even she has been cut off by the routines in it.

Everyone thinks that as long as they give money, they can unlock the hidden plot.

As a result, some guys were cut off with only their underpants left, which can be described as extremely unlucky.

So now Biscuit is looking at the two of them with a somewhat gloating look, fully expecting Chen Nuo and the others to compromise and let her join the team because of their money offensive.

"She seems like a fool? Brother Arnold."

"Is there something wrong with your head? This girl has been following us for a day or two?"

Both Gon and Killua looked at Biscuit in confusion.

Blonde twin-tailed lolita (Zhao Wang Zhao) The smile on Biscuit's face froze instantly. She was so angry that she wanted to tear Chen Nuo and the three of them into pieces. She even had

I watched the scene where several people were killed, and I was so filled with hatred.

"Oh, don't worry about her. Let's go down the mountain. The area ahead is the monster area. There may be the ingredients we need.

Chen Nuo snapped his fingers and pointed down the mountain.

"Let's go, let's go! Hahaha, I can't wait to eat the delicious dishes made by Brother Anuo. Killua, let's compete to see who can catch more ingredients! Okay!"

Gon rushed down quickly.

"Wait for me, okay, let's compete, whoever is afraid of whom!!"

Killua also chased after him like a gust of wind.

Chen Nuo is no exception. He heard that this area is rich in monsters. He is now looking forward to what ingredients will be given to him.

The blonde lolita Biscuit stayed where she was dumbfounded.

His expression was one of shock, confusion, shock and anger, and hatred for Xiao Jiujiu.

"Assholes! Three bastards!! Especially the little bastard named Chen Nuo!! He actually let me let the pigeons fly here, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's strange, haven't they been deceived?

Biscuit was going crazy, but her rationality told her to make these three guys extremely painful and make them turn against each other completely.

As for what method to use, she has no idea yet. She will wait until she joins their team.

However, driven by curiosity, Biscuit sneaked into the Villa Lu.

She looked at the empty villa in shock.

There's not a single bandit left inside.

"They? Killed all these bandits? come there aren't any bandits left?"

Biscuit was dumbfounded.

But what made her extremely confused was that there were no traces of fighting here. Needless to say, blood, the NPC would be automatically refreshed when it was young.

But the damage traces will not be refreshed, and there will be no traces of the slightest trace.

What the hell?

Where did they take those bandits?

Biscuit is now as big as two heads!.

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