Load this bullet!

Then Rocky raised the Ghost King in his hand and rotated it!


Looking at Dochino's speechless expression, Rocky smiled and said,"Do you think that my Ghost King Rotation couldn't be fired because there were no bullets just now?"

"Then let me introduce it to you briefly!"

As Rocky said this, he let go of his hand, and the Ghost King rotated and floated into the air.

"I am a user of materialization abilities, and my materialized weapon is this gun!"

"It has two abilities. The first is to fire bullets directly. The bullets are contaminated with ghost energy. The thoughts of the people hit by the bullets will gradually dissipate. The more times they are hit, the faster the thoughts will dissipate!"

"If you are hit too many times in a row, you will not be able to use Nen for up to a month!"

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard this. Although they could not kill the enemy directly, this ability was terrifying enough.

"Of course, bullets can also cause damage, but under normal circumstances, ordinary psychic bullets are easy to dodge, and psychic users will not be hit!"

But Rocky forgot to mention one thing here, that is, ordinary bullets can mark the target.

At the marked position, Rocky can control the phantom sword to move instantly to attack, and the attack does not require Rocky to move. The phantom sword will appear directly at the marked position to attack, without getting close! Of course, you can get close!

Rocky grabbed the ghost king and turned

"So the bullets used by these two abilities I will call them thought-sealing bullets and ordinary bullets!"

"Neither of these two bullets needs to be reloaded. I can switch at any time if I want to!"

Hearing this, Melody was stunned for a moment."Then what did you just reload?……"

The question hit the point. Rocky looked up at everyone and smiled,"Good question. What I just filled was my other ability, the Destiny Bullet!"

"Roulette! You all know it, right?"

Suddenly, strange black wormholes appeared beside everyone. On the other side of the wormhole, a black hand grabbed everyone's neck from behind.

Sharp black nails, coupled with a black, slender and even bloody hand, this kind of arm is not something that a normal human creature can have.

It is... the hand of the devil from hell.

"What are you doing?"

Fei Jie tried to break free the moment she was caught, but the next second the sharp nails scratched her neck. The pain made her calm down, and the hand became more and more powerful, and her breathing became very difficult.

"Better not move! Otherwise, you will be crushed to death before the roulette game even starts!"

"Even if you break free, the Ghost King will always catch you. No one can break free from my ability when it is activated!"

Fei Jie calmed down and looked at Rocky with fear in her eyes.

When exactly were the conditions for Rocky's ability to be activated met?

In their opinion, the ability to control everyone by force like this probably requires quite harsh conditions.

However, in reality it is completely different.

The only restriction is to witness Rocky reloading bullets within a range of no more than ten meters!

And Rocky's movements in this process cannot be too fast, and the fastest can only be completed within three seconds.

Once this condition is met, the ability can be activated.

In normal combat, it is naturally impossible to spend three seconds reloading bullets.

So the disguised requirement is that it can only be used in non-combat situations.

It is also possible if the conditions are met in combat.

But it is basically impossible!

"What do you want to do?" Basho's thoughts burst out, and the next second an invisible force forced him into a state of despair.

"The roulette begins and no one can attack, including me!"

"Once caught, you will be forced into a desperate state!"

Melody said,"We have to wait until the roulette game is over, right!"

Rocky nodded,"Yes, that's basically it!"

"How did they develop this abnormal ability?"

Dokino felt that his ability was too weak compared to the other party's.

"Is this abnormal?"

Rocky laughed

"The truly amazing part hasn’t even been mentioned yet!"

"That's roulette, I have the final say on what to bet on, and if I lose, then your restraints will disappear and I will be fine!"

"If I win, the loser will only have two choices, either agree to one of my requests or choose to die!"


Even Bajiao, Melody, and Fei Jie were stunned.

This ability is completely out of the normal range!

With such a domineering ability, the ability holder does not have to pay any price if he loses, and if they lose, they can only choose one of the two, and no matter which one they choose, it seems that it is not so easy to accomplish.

"Okay, that’s about it for the rules!"

"So let’s get started now!"

"Let's make a bet now, will you lie when you face my questions next!"

Rocky raised the Ghost King Wheel in his hand and pointed it at Melody,"I bet you will lie!"

Hearing this, Melody frowned and swallowed silently.

"So are you an undercover agent?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Melody shook her head,"I'm not!"

The next second, the Ghost King loosened his arms, and Melody's restraints disappeared.

Seeing this scene! Everyone was slightly stunned.

Rocky explained,"I bet she would lie, but obviously she didn't lie, so she won and I lost! The restraints were naturally released!"

He turned the gun and pointed it at Fei Jie,"What about you! Are you an undercover agent?"

Fei Jie responded in the same way, and the Ghost King's arms loosened.

But the roulette game is not over yet, and they still can't start thinking.

Next is Basho. Basho looked at the black muzzle of the gun,"You have already fired two shots, and this is the third shot. Are you sure it won't if I tell the truth?……"

Suddenly, the Ghost King's arm increased its strength.

Rocky shook his head."Delaying, not answering questions directly, or saying anything else will increase the strength of the restraint until you suffocate to death!"

But since he asked the question, Rocky could still answer it."It's said that it's the bullet of destiny. Its position appears in different positions according to the answer. 687 doesn't really have only six rounds, understand?"

Basho nodded, and then answered,"I'm not an undercover!"

The Ghost King's arm loosened.

Then it was Dochino's turn, and he answered truthfully.

Finally, the gun was pointed at Skuvara[]

"In fact, I really hope you are lying!"

Skuvara swallowed and said,"I'm an undercover agent!"

The Ghost King let go!

""Regret! It seems that I lost!"

Everyone's restrictions were lifted.

The Ghost King Rotation in Rocky's hand also disappeared.

Seeing Rocky's disappeared revolver, everyone's hearts suddenly relaxed a lot.

Melody looked at Rocky.

There is no punishment for losing, but winning can make the enemy pay the price of life.

Such an ability is so domineering.

There is no reason at all, and it is not equal at all. How was it developed!

This is the power of modification. It has been modified step by step to become what it is today, but even so, Rocky is still a little dissatisfied.

But in general, the new Phantom Sword and the Ghost King Rotation are quite good.

The ability of roulette is only incidental, mainly in battle, and it is very helpful for medium and short-range combat.

After all, the Flying King Bow is only suitable for long-range combat.

And there are two Ghost King Rotations, and the bullets can provide the position of the phantom shift.

The two guns can be combined into a spear-like head to launch melee impact damage!

In one year, Rocky has developed three new weapons!

The Shield of the King of Mercy, the Sword of the King of Fighting, and the Ghost King Rotation!!!

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