"This is our temporary residence. Before the auction starts tomorrow, I hope no one will leave here at will!"

"From now on, be on alert 24 hours a day! There absolutely cannot be any problems with the BOOS!"

Dazonie looked at the people in front of him.

To be honest, he was quite puzzled now!


Whether it was Basho, Melody, Fei Jie and other newcomers, or Rinxian and others, they all... wore suits!

This made Dazonie, a man in casual clothes, feel very puzzled!

What's going on?

Otherwise, he would go back and get a suit to wear. Not to mention that if everyone wore suits, it would be quite imposing!

However, as a guard or a Nen user, he naturally did not have to abide by such boring rules and could wear whatever he wanted.

But today's situation was puzzling to Dazonie!

The cause started two days ago.

Before leaving for Youke Xin City, Rocky ordered a suit.

Rocky looked much more energetic in a suit on the bed.

Basho asked Rocky casually when he met him. 11"Why did you think of wearing a suit!"

Rocky just said casually at the time,"Because I have to attend the funeral of some guys!"


Rocky glanced at Basho."A guy who's not wearing a suit!"

After saying this, Rocky left.

He didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, the people who didn't wear suits in Rocky's mouth were referring to the Phantom Troupe.

But Basho thought he was warning them, and told Melody and others after he went back.

As expected, everyone changed into suits, and even Fei Jie found a lady's blazer to wear.

She was afraid that she would be killed by Rocky.

Seeing their uniform attire, Rocky naturally thought of the reason, but didn't say much.

Wouldn't it be good to have more people mourn for the people of the Kuruta tribe!

Entering the hotel, there is still one day before the Youke Xin City Auction.

The auction will be officially held tomorrow night.

And today Dazonie will make the final deployment.

As for the specific location of the auction, of course, it is still unknown now.

But the people who will arrange it at that time will still be Fei Jie, Dochino, and another guy.

The three of them entered the auction venue together and took the things they wanted for their BOOS.

Dazonie obviously knew that there would be problems with the auction.

And as a guy who has been following Nion for many years, he should be very clear about the content of the divination prophecy.

In this case, we have to send our companions in to die!

Rocky looked at Dazonie,"We don't need to send anyone in!"

After hearing Rocky's words, Dazo was stunned for a moment, and secretly glanced at Rocky.

"If no one goes in, who will take pictures of the boss’s things?"

"No need to shoot! Don't worry, he won't get away!"

Others didn't understand what was going on between the two of them, why they suddenly felt like they were competing against each other

"I am the captain. Mr. Rocky, although you are very strong, you are just a hired hunter!"

Hearing this, Rocky nodded:"Indeed, but do you want to fire me? You can do it anytime!"

"Even now, as long as you fire me, I won't have any concerns!"


And it was an undisguised threat, Dazonie's face looked a little ugly. The stalemate lasted only a few seconds."Then don't send anyone! Anyway, it's the first auction, it's not a big deal!"

Knowing that there is danger, he still sends his companions to die. This guy Dazonie is not a good person! At this time, Domino looked at Rocky, and there seemed to be some complaints.

As if Rocky stopped him from showing off.

In such a scene, participating in the auction on behalf of the Nosra family would indeed show off.

After all, the Nosra family is quite financially strong.

These people, Banana, Melody, and Fei Jie are all rookies, but they are still good guys.

At least they don't rely on their own thoughts to do evil.

It's not bad to be able to change their fate a little.


Fei Jie had better not die!

People with this ability may come in handy one day.

Outside the city of Youke Xin.

Three people are approaching this side.

Neat black suits.

The three are Huadou Shilang, Kate and...Pierro! (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Kurapika hasn't arrived yet?"

After arriving at the location sent by Rocky, Pyro began to look around.

Kate beside him patted his shoulder and pointed to a place. Pyro looked over there.

Sure enough, Kurapika was standing on the hillside.

He was looking at the distant Youkexin City.

He also changed into a suit.

"When did you come?" asked Piro, floating up from below on the sand.

"We have been here for more than a day!"

Hearing this, Pai Luo was stunned for a moment,"Why are you here so early?"

"When I think about the memorial service for the dead tribesmen, I can't help but want to come here earlier. Now only when I think about dealing with the Phantom Troupe can I calm down a little!"

Pyro sighed,"It's the same for me. The closer it gets to this time, the more I can't calm down!" He couldn't help but smile as he said,"Tell me, if we had the strength we have now, could we have saved the Kuruta tribe?"

Kurapika didn't answer this question, but just looked into the distance.

Kate and Huadou Shilang also walked up[]

The two stopped talking.

The four of them waited silently.

Time passed bit by bit.

The sun rose and set, and the auction in Youkexin City finally... began!

In an abandoned building, Kuroro, who was reading a book by candlelight, looked at the people in front of him.

"Are you ready!"

"The captain can't wait any longer!"Wo Jin was the first to stand up.

At this time, the others also stood up.

"For this operation, the seven of you will go: Wogin, Nobunaga, Feitan, Machi, Phyllis, Xiaodi, and Mark!"

"I... want all the auction items for 930!"

This is the first time the brigade has taken action in more than a year.

Kuroro looked at everyone and said,"In the past, we were chased to Meteor Street and hid there, and now we want to tell everyone about this action!"

"The Phantom Troupe has been resurrected!"

Wo Jin was the most excited when he heard this.

He had wanted to do this for a long time!

"But unfortunately, that brat may not come!"

Wo Jin showed a disappointed look, while Nobunaga smiled and said,"Do you really hope to meet that kid again?"

"Of course!"

The scene of the underground auction in Youkexin City.

With the appearance of underground forces one after another, it is quite lively here.

At this time, Duoqino is helpless.

Originally, he also had a share among these glorious people, but now he can only watch the gate. No matter how handsome his suit is, it has no effect at all.

He is always a gatekeeper!

Fei Jie also doesn't understand"Why did Rocky speak up and conflict with Dazonie at that time!"

Duoqino shook his head"I don't understand, maybe that guy wants to challenge the authority of Captain Dazonie!"

Fei Jie disagrees with this statement.

At this moment.

Boom boom boom!!!

Suddenly there was a horrible explosion in the venue!

In an instant, the gang members at the door rushed in quickly.

Duoqino was about to rush in, but was stopped by Fei Jie"Wait, have you forgotten what Rocky said? If something happens, it is best to observe it clearly before going in and report to the captain as soon as possible!".

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