If this is true, then Rocky really admires Kuroro.

Just because of the first guess, a possibility, or a hunch!

He actually paid such a high price to gamble on a possibility!

As expected of the man who established the entire Phantom Troupe, the guys born in Meteor City are indeed not that simple.

"All right! Boy, let's stop chatting, we're about to get started! Since we've been paid, we're going to get things done!"

It was drizzling, and Geno was ready to start.

Silva on the side had no other words, and gently moved his body to adjust his state to the best state.

Both of them had felt the terrifying mental fluctuations that Rocky had burst out.

That's why Silva said that this was a loss-making deal, but if he didn't accept it, it would damage the reputation of the Zoldyck family, so he had to bite the bullet and go ahead.


"I'll test him first, and you can find a chance to attack me if necessary. Of course, if you catch him and create an opportunity, I will also attack him directly. Even if it affects you, I will not stop!"

Zeno raised one hand, and his mind was concentrated on his palm.

For a mind user of Rocky's level, Zeno put 120% of his energy into it. He released his energy seriously and attentively.

There was not a trace of magazine, which was a respect for Rocky.

And strictly speaking, Rocky had already fought a battle just now, and they were taking advantage of him, but the reality was like this.

They couldn't let Rocky rest because of this.

Using all their strength now was a reflection of their respect for Rocky.

""It's started!"


The Qi in Genuo's hand changed and condensed into a small ball of purple light. Don't think that the Qi was just condensed into such a small ball.

This is condensed to the extreme level.

Concentrating and condensing such a large amount of Qi to this level, increasing the power of Qi, and then changing it!

Genuo raised his head and followed the posture he took, and gently said the name of the move.

"Dragon head painting play!"

Facing unknown enemies and abilities, the best solution is to keep a certain distance and force the opponent to use his ability!

Zeno didn't want to get close to Rocky at the first time.

But he didn't dare to be too far away from Rocky. Who knows if Rocky would be the kind of guy who would bombard after the distance was widened.

Both possibilities must be considered, so while keeping the distance, Rocky would not be given any chance to use his ability.

Looking at Zeno's actions, Rocky's eyes shifted to the other side. Shiba was also adjusting his position, finding a distance that could be widened at the first time and close at the first time.


The air instantly turned into a dragon shape, and rushed directly towards Rocky, opening its huge mouth and hissing fiercely.


There was a change, at least in terms of quality, it seemed to be close to steel, So don't just look at it as a dragon made of air.

It not only has the power of air, but also has the texture of steel.

This is the transformation system!

Change the air into something else.

Just when Silva and Zeno focused their eyes on Rocky, wanting to see how Rocky would respond, so as to determine what kind of ability user Rocky was.

Rocky also made the same move as Zeno.

The white thoughts gathered and condensed into a small white ball in an instant. With Rocky's movement, a white air dragon appeared directly.

It collided with the air dragon cast by Zeno.

The two air dragons entangled and bit each other, and with just one collision, they easily erupted with an astonishing roar.

As the airflow spread, Zeno controlled the air dragon to attack, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Exactly the same?"


Silva looked at his father Zeno."Could he be a person with the same ability as you, father?"

"Idiot!" Geno's face was very serious at this moment."Even if they have the same ability, it is impossible for them to have exactly the same moves. This guy……"

He controlled the air dragon to strike again, but this time he was easily suppressed by Rocky's air dragon.

Zeno's expression suddenly changed:"Incredible talent and ability... can you easily imitate it just by watching?"

Talent, talent?

Hearing what Zeno said, Shiba understood.

This kid is not a person with the same ability as his father, but... he is learning on the spot!

But is this possible?

He can imitate his father's moves just by watching, and now he is suppressing his father in turn!

In terms of talent in mind, Rocky has reached a heaven-defying level.

Even Jin was shocked by Rocky's talent.

As long as Jin has the ability of the strike system, he can imitate it almost after feeling it once. But Rocky is different. Rocky, who has cultivated each system to the extreme, can roughly understand it with just a glance. As long as it does not involve deep changes or rules, Rocky can imitate it directly.

The so-called deep level can be understood as complex abilities. Rocky can directly imitate simple abilities.


Zeno felt Rocky's level of control over the air dragon, and in the first ten seconds he was still imitating and observing his movements, and then copying them.

But now, in just about ten seconds, Rocky had mastered it and surpassed him in super-control of the air dragon.

It was as if he had seen through all his movements and was suppressing him!

That's why Zeno had to call Shiba!


Shiba suddenly stomped on the ground and rushed straight towards Rocky. His hands instantly burst out with amazing thunder, and purple light suddenly burst out!

Shiba, who seemed to be holding two huge lightning bullets, approached Rocky while observing Rocky's movements. 007

The next second, Rocky turned his head and stopped controlling the air dragon. He chopped Shiba with a knife in his backhand.

Obviously, there was nothing in his hand in the last second, but a knife appeared in Rocky's hand in the next second.

Shiba hurriedly pulled away and threw the two bullets in his hand directly.

The moment he jumped away, Shiba's eyes flashed with even more surprise. 's expression.


The spirit that emerged from Rocky's head was still connected to the body of the Qilong, and at this moment, he was still fighting with his father.

Not to mention this control ability, Rocky did not look at his father. How did he know his father's movements and maintain the suppression force? It was as if he had eyes on his back. At this moment!

Rocky's fiery red eyes have been opened, and they are emitting a faint blue light. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Facing

Silva's attack, the Shield of the King of Mercy appeared.

Blocked directly in front.


The explosion sounded, but the shock wave of the explosion was blocked.

Genuo in the back could clearly see that Rocky was not covered by the shock wave of the explosion at all.

Being able to block Silva's attack is the ability of the materialization system!

This is not good!

If there is a materialized thing that can resist the attack, then the initiative may not be controlled by the two of them.

Genuo understood the situation in an instant.

Raise your hand!

The other hand is also gathering thoughts!

"It depends on your limit!"

Dragon head painting series ~ Two Dragons!

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