Paero lowered his head and felt it carefully for a moment.

Then he raised his right hand and spread out his five fingers, and crack! The sound of crystals colliding rang out.

Purple crystals appeared instantly and then condensed into a dagger, a dagger with an exaggerated degree of curvature of the blade.

The shape is more like the claws of a cat! The attack range is less than one meter, but the length of the blade is far more than one meter due to its arc shape.

However, this shape is very convenient for throwing!

While Rocky was analyzing, Paero suddenly threw the scimitar in his hand.

The scimitar rotated in the air like a full moon, and instantly flew over a distance of five or six meters. The next second, the phantom of purple crystals appeared.

Paero grabbed the scimitar and instantly performed the phantom shift.

Seeing this scene, Rocky's eyes lit up.

"It really works!"

Paero was also excited."Rocky, is this your ability? Wow... so amazing... you can actually teleport!"

"It’s not true teleportation, and weapons are needed as flashing coordinates!"

"But even so, it's very impressive!" Paero felt that Rocky's modesty was nothing.

Then Rocky asked:"How far can you flash now?"

""That was my limit!"

Paero answered quickly, and this answer made Rocky stunned.

Is a distance of five or six meters the limit?

If he used his own ability, shouldn't he be able to see the range of the weapon clearly?

This distance should be at least a hundred meters!

But Paero's distance was too close!

"Are there any other abilities besides these?"

Rocky continued to ask, and upon hearing this question, Pyro shook his head,"No! Are there any other abilities I can use?"

Rocky thought without answering Pyro's question.

In this case, it is very likely that the person who accepts his ability link and agrees to the contract will be able to use his own Apparition, but to what extent he can use it depends on himself.

At the same time, other abilities cannot be shared.

After all, it only consumes a little bit of blood power, and it is already very good to have such an effect.

In addition, when materializing items, Pyro's blood is added. Maybe it has been decided here that if you want to increase the strength of the ability, you need to rely on the other party himself.

"Rocky! Rocky!"

"How far can you flash?"

Pyro, holding the machete, looked at Rocky curiously.

"About a hundred meters!"

After saying that, Rocky stretched his body gently. These days of crazy meditation are indeed a bit tiring.

I don't know how Netero can persist in polishing the Hundred-style Guanyin for decades.

"Rest here for a day. You can use this time to study your ability of Apparition. We will leave tomorrow!"

"Where to go?"

Paero tried to flash again.

"Go find other tribesmen!"

Rocky couldn't help but clench his fists when he thought of Lei Zha. He didn't know where all the tribesmen were!

He hoped that nothing would happen to them, otherwise Rocky would not let Lei Zha go.

The next day!

After a day's rest, Rocky recovered his spirit. At the same time, he had an unexpected gain. Although he was mainly meditating these days.

But he didn't expect that the amount of mental energy had increased a lot.

Compared with before, it has at least doubled again.

He estimated that his current level should be close to the level of the bomb demon in the original book.

This only refers to the level of fighting with bare hands and relying solely on mental energy, rather than using abilities.

If abilities are used, then it will naturally be more terrifying.

At the same time, Pyro was also roughly familiar with the ability of Apparition, and was very fond of a weapon that could be summoned at any time.

Before setting off, Rocky also asked Pyro to do a water-viewing ceremony.

"Operation system?"

Rocky was stunned for a moment.

Pyro frowned and said,"What is the operation system? Is it bad?"

He shook his head and said,"There is no good or bad system category. It depends on how you develop your own abilities."

"Development capabilities? Don’t I already have the capabilities?"

"You are using my ability, you can also develop your own ability!"

Rocky stood up and put on his backpack."Let's go! I'll explain it to you on the way!"


The destination is another city 500 kilometers away.

According to the information obtained from the black-hearted businessman before, there is a rich man in this city. Because he is interested in fantasy things, he bought several sets of Greed Island games.

Rocky now has more than 2 billion left, which is not enough to buy a set of Greed Island.

So there are only two ways left, one is to use the money to directly purchase two game positions, and the other is to be a villain directly.

Find the memory card and enter the game directly.

With Rocky's current level of bomb demon, there should be no enemy that can enter the game Threat to Rocky.

After all, the bomb demon in the original book is rampant!

Most of the players have become food.

There is no danger in entering the Greed Island.

It’s just that we need to protect Paero. However, Paero, who has his own abilities, is not weak even though he is just a beginner in Nen ability.

The combat effectiveness of capable and incapable Nen users is completely different.

Rocky took Paero and hurried on the road.

The target location is a villa halfway up a mountain.

A large group of bodyguards with guns and three Nen users are guarding this place.

The three Nen users looked at their employer with a serious expression.

"That rookie has probably given up. If he had any ideas about you during these days, he would have done it long ago!"

Another Nen user also said,"Indeed, this time those guys might just want to take the opportunity to make some money. Fortunately, 30 million is not a lot!"

Although two Nen mercenaries said so, the employer still seemed worried.

"You guys better not let your guard down recently, I don’t want my game to be stolen!"


" Rocky had never thought of stealing anything, but planned to enter the game directly.

After several days of traveling, he finally arrived here.

The heavily guarded villa surprised Rocky. It shouldn't be so heavily guarded under normal circumstances!

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, now Pyro also has the ability of Apparition, and it is not difficult to sneak into this villa! The game storage point is located in a basement. Although there is a door that requires a password to open, it is very easy for Rocky to enter.

The game's memory card and ring were searched in another place. There seemed to be a lot of these things.

When someone opened the door, throw the sword into the room. Of course, the sword was in a hidden state during this process.

After successfully entering the room, Rocky opened the door from the inside and let Pyro in.

The next day, when the employer came to the underground secret room again to check on the status of the game strategy personnel.

Inexplicably, he found two more memory cards!

This made the rich man roar in anger instantly.

There are only three of the five reserved positions now, and there is no way to pull them out!

Who the hell did this?

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