"Making ice?"

Paero looked up at the sun hanging in the sky.

Although the temperature is indeed hot, it is not so bad in this season!

It is not so hot that ice is needed! Besides, if you need ice, why not just buy it? The store in the small town before basically has everything.

Everything you can think of in daily life can be provided.

In the simple cellar dug by Rocky himself, there is a huge pool. Rocky put jars in the pool, which are filled with saltpeter and water.

Saltpeter can absorb heat, so that the temperature of the water can be quickly reduced until it freezes.

Making ice is not Rocky's main purpose. The main purpose is to observe the formation of ice. Ice phenomenon.

Or let yourself deeply experience the low temperature environment.

This is also for the future development of the mind beast to be of some help, of course, do not expect to be able to fully experience and integrate this feeling of lowering the temperature into your own ability in a few days.

That is not realistic.

Killua converted the mind energy into electricity but was influenced by the electric current punishment since he was a child.

Only under this circumstance will he develop such a handsome ability later.

Therefore, the ability user's own experience and understanding of a certain thing is very important for the development of ability.

Seven days!

It happened that these seven days were used by Rocky to experience the feeling of being in a low temperature environment and remember this feeling.

Although it is impossible to be as direct as Killua, The steps were in place, and the key points were understood instantly.

But there was at least a hint, and the next step was to rely on constraints and oaths to ripen.

For seven days, Rocky basically stayed in the cellar.

Feeling the low temperature environment, carefully observing the freezing process.

At the same time, he could not use his mind to resist.

Every time he came out of the cellar, Rocky's body was covered with frostbite.

Although the frostbite was quite serious, Rocky's physique was quite abnormal.

After a night's sleep, he was basically recovered.

As a user of mind ability, the mind energy itself has a certain effect of enhancing recovery.

Coupled with Rocky's top physique, although the recovery ability cannot be restored to a visible level speed.

But for general minor wounds, such as those caused by a knife, it will basically take ten hours for the wound to recover from scarring to shedding.

This recovery speed is quite amazing.

Maybe in the future, it will be possible to develop a special healing ability, just like Kurapika, by strengthening the self-healing and regeneration ability of cells, so that injuries can be healed instantly.

Seven days passed quickly.

During this time, Rocky also saw that Paero's talent was indeed very average. It took him seven days to comprehend Zhou's skills.

This kind of talent is probably only average among Nen users. It may take several years of practice to become stronger.

Rocky shook his head.

"Rocky, aren't you going in today?"

""No!" Rocky shook his head.

Early in the morning, with several big bumps on his head, Pyro asked Rocky listlessly.

Rocky mastered the vigilance training these days in less than three hours, and what about Pyro!

Seven days have passed, and now he is hit on the head by falling stones when he sleeps at night, but the frequency of falling stones has been reduced a lot.

Maybe it will take another half a month to master it.

Looking at Pyro like this, Rocky couldn't help but sigh. If he didn't have the golden finger, he might be worse than Pyro.

But there is no if in everything.

So this is fate!

Rocky clicked on the information bar.

There was no special change as last time.

Talent, physique, and bloodline are all top-notch, and the detailed introduction is the same as last time.

There is nothing to study.

There is no new information bar, and the seven-day training There probably won't be any new information bars after the modification, which Rocky had expected.

And this time, there is only one modification Rocky has to make.

Modify the bloodline!

Why Rocky still chooses to modify the bloodline ability this time, of course it is not without purpose. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Rocky thought a lot during these seven days.

While feeling the cold, he was also thinking about how to develop the six gods.

Although the top priority is to develop a mind beast to deal with Lei Zha, Rocky cannot just focus on the mind beast.

Instead, he needs to be more long-term.

Develop the six gods! []

The first one is the Ice God, the purpose is to create a mind beast, a powerful mind beast!

Based on this purpose, Rocky will choose to make ice while perceiving and experiencing the formation of ice, in order to create a power for the development of the Ice God. condition.

At the same time, Rocky also thought a lot. If it is the ability to control ice, then the difficulty of developing the Ice God will increase exponentially.

After all, control means that there will be a lot of practice in the transformation system.

To master the change of a thought, it is not only difficult, but the time will also become very long.

So for the ability to control ice, Rocky is considering giving up.

There is no need to control ice, and you don’t need to use your own thoughts to freeze something.

It is enough to release a thought beast with ice attributes through a thought beast.

After determining the ability you want, you have to talk about how to achieve it.

If you don’t have so much time, you have to achieve it through approach, restriction and oath.


The first step is restriction.

Rocky doesn’t care about restrictions. After all, Rocky can modify it. Through the power of the oath, you can achieve the power you want to a great extent.

But this time is different.

Six Gods!

It is not difficult for the mind beast to represent the power of the Ice God, but what about the other six gods!

The ability that Rocky imagined is quite terrifying.

So the constraints also need to be more stringent.

First of all!

To use the power of the six gods, you cannot use it in normal state, and can only use it when the red eyes are turned on.

Of course, the ability that can be used just by turning on the red eyes seems to be extremely loose.

On this basis, Rocky also added a little bit. When the red eyes are turned on, once the power of the six gods is used, the power of the bloodline will be continuously consumed, and the consumed bloodline power will increase exponentially.

Once the bloodline is exhausted, Rocky will never be able to use the power of the six gods.

In other words, this kind of power is basically used a little less.

The price is also not small.

On this basis, the oath that Rocky made is that once he loses his red eyes, he will lose his mind ability forever (Zhao Hao)……

This condition is not much worse than the condition that Kurapika risked his life, but Rocky didn't risk his life.

So! At this point, it is clear why Rocky wants to modify the power of blood this time.

【Bloodline ability: Top-level Red Eyes (top-level Kuruta bloodline, brings all-round amplification, and at the same time increases the power of reinforcement attacks by 91%).

This is the original one, and now Rocky is going to start modifying it.

【Bloodline ability: Perfect Eternal Eye (the most perfect of the seven beauties in the world, bringing all-round enhancement, when activated, it will increase the power of all mind systems by 100%)丨】

Looking at the modified information bar, the top level was modified to the perfect level, and the term"eternal" was added, and the subtle parts were also modified.

The modification is not about the number of words, but about the effect. If the effect of the modification is better, it will take more time, and the time required for such a modification is……

【The estimated time for the next modification permission acquisition is: (36……)】

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