Rocky closed his eyes and began to adjust his emotions again.

The flaming red eyes required strong emotional fluctuations, and among the many emotions, the easiest for Rocky to mobilize was anger.

After brewing emotions for more than ten seconds, Rocky opened his eyes, but it was just the beginning.

The flaming red eyes were open!

The red eyes were the same as before, but this time there seemed to be more starlight.

Rocky naturally couldn't see it, but he could clearly feel that his flaming red eyes were open.

It seemed to be much easier than before to open the flaming red eyes.

"The bloodline ability has been improved. Does it make it easier to open the red eyes?"

Loki raised his hand and performed the water-viewing ceremony again. It was still the performance of the strengthening system. The water in the cup overflowed, which showed that Loki's mind system was transformed into the strengthening system.

Very good!

He felt his own mind again, and it seemed to be strengthened.

Compared with the last time, the opening of the red eyes this time also brought a significant increase in the amount of mind.

It is about 1.3 times the normal state. Although the improvement is not much, it is already very good.

In the battle of the mind ability users, the sudden increase in the amount of energy, even a little bit, will cause the opponent to make a wrong judgment.

And this is enough to determine the outcome of a battle.

The battle between the mind ability users is different from the battles in other worlds. It is not simply to see who has the stronger mind energy.

Intelligence is in the mind ability users. It is especially important in the battle.

After feeling the increase in the amount of mental energy, Rocky took the initiative to close the red eye state.

The next step is to feel his own fatigue level.

From the degree of fatigue, Rocky can roughly guess how long he can open the red eye.

However, this time it was opened for a full minute. After ending the red eye state, Rocky obviously felt that he was not as tired as he imagined.

The body did not seem to have any pain.

This is not to say that there is no physical burden when the red eye is turned on, but it may be that Rocky's safety valve has been raised.

In other words, now that the red eye is turned on, it may not cause any adverse effects within a certain period of time.

In other words, there are no side effects.

"This is interesting. The improvement of bloodline power can enhance the power of the Red Eyes while reducing the load!"

"Then the bloodline ability must be upgraded to the top level quickly!"

The emotional fluctuations of opening the flaming red eyes are reduced, and the burden is reduced and the qi is enhanced.

From these three points of view, if the bloodline ability is upgraded to the top level, perhaps it is not necessary to mobilize emotions to open the flaming red eyes.

Just a thought is enough, and it can even last longer after opening, and the qi is enhanced more.

And the safe opening time is also extended

"Three days is not too long!"

"You can start researching and developing abilities first!"

A smile appeared on Rocky's face. If he could develop the ability he imagined, then escaping from the Kuruta tribe wouldn't be a problem!

Even Rocky had the final say on whether to escape or not!

But if you think about it carefully, the difficulty is probably not a little bit big!


The next day!

Rocky followed the chieftain to a remote forest in the wild.

There were two logs placed on the open ground in the forest. Rocky and the chieftain sat opposite each other.

There was a wooden block in the middle that could be considered a table!

"Little Rocky, I didn't expect that you would make such rapid progress in just one month!"

The patriarch praised

"You have already completed the four basic practices of entanglement, absoluteness and practice, and you have also perfectly accomplished the practice required for the manifestation system!"

"Now we can start the last of the four basic lines, the training of development!"

Rocky nodded.

"Yesterday I asked you to think about what you would like to materialize if you were asked to materialize a certain item."

At this moment, the patriarch seemed to be looking at Rocky nervously.

Materialization-type ability users are a little different. Basically, the choice of materialized things determines the development direction of the ability user.

Although the abilities are so strange that people can't just think of them casually, they can be roughly guessed.

For example, containers are mostly auxiliary ability users.

Mind beasts may have auxiliary abilities or combat abilities, which is uncertain.

In addition, there are types that are obviously combat weapons, cold weapons or hot weapons, which are mostly not auxiliary abilities.

And this type of direct combat type items usually have very demanding ability activation conditions.

In fact, it is not recommended.

""I want to materialize the sword!"

Rocky said firmly.

The patriarch, who was originally expecting something, didn't know what to say after hearing this answer.

He looked at Rocky for a long time before speaking,"Anything else?"

"No, when the clan leader asked me, the first thing that popped into my mind was this!"


The clan leader looked a little strange, ability is a very strange thing.

Especially for the materialization ability users, the first thing that comes to mind is basically impossible to change.

Of course, it is not impossible to change, but it is very difficult. Even if it is changed, the power of the materialized thing is usually not very good! The clan leader himself is not a materialization ability user, so he doesn't know how to persuade Rocky.

He can only sigh. Although swords are not recommended, Rocky has amazing talent after all, and maybe his future will not be too bad.

Even if the talent is bad, it should be okay!

"All right!"

"What kind of sword do you plan to materialize?"

Rocky smiled and said,"Grandpa will know when I materialize it!"

"Do you know that it is impossible for something that is materialized to achieve 100% of the effect of the real thing?"

"I know!"

The patriarch nodded and said,"It seems that you remember everything I told you before. Then I won't waste my words. Let's start!""

��Next, Rocky began to open his hands, trying to gather his thoughts. At the same time, he closed his eyes and silently began to imagine in his mind the sword he wanted to materialize.

The sword body was black, the hilt was silver, and the pattern was very special.

On one side, there was something similar to the rapier guard, and on the other side, it extended from the top of the hilt and bent at the same angle to resemble a wing.

When Rocky simulated every part of the sword in his mind bit by bit

, the thoughts gathered in front of Rocky, and a sword exactly the same as Rocky's imagination appeared in front of him.

And the process of its appearance also surprised the patriarch.

White crystals emerged from all directions. It was obviously a materialized long sword, but it was more like the crystals that appeared when Rocky performed the water-viewing ceremony were first materialized.

Then these crystals were pieced together to form a long sword. At the same time, accompanied by a sound similar to that of broken glass...

The patriarch looked at the sword that Rocky materialized. Sure enough, the things materialized by the materialization-type ability user could not be ordinary.

This sword is between the size of a giant sword and an ordinary long sword.

The shape is so unique, it is obviously impossible to be just an ordinary weapon.

I wonder what kind of ability Rocky will develop it into in the future.

Rocky opened his eyes and materialized the sword floating in the air in an instant.

It's done!

It's really materialized, the Sword of the Wise King!!!

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