Watching the wounds gradually heal, although some deeper wounds have not completely recovered.

But it is almost done, at least the impact on Kate has been reduced to a small extent.

Rocky put away the Holy King's Staff

"Well, your injury should not be a big problem~!"

Kate moved her arms and nodded."Indeed, I feel much better!"

"There is not enough time. If there is enough time, it will not be a problem to help you recover completely!"

Rocky said, turning his head to look in the direction of the city.

Seeing this, Kate also understood,"Then let's go!"

Rocky smiled,"No need, you go back first!"

According to Kate's speed, it would probably be useless even if he chased after them.

The other group of spiders has more enemies, and Rocky has more chances, and he doesn't need Kate's help.

If Kate encounters danger, it will distract Rocky, and there is no need for Kate to continue to act together.

After a few seconds of silence, Kate looked up at Rocky,"I know, be careful!"


Rocky turned back into a white light and flew towards the sky. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Kate clenched her fists lightly. Was she almost a burden because of her lack of strength?

It seems that she has not practiced enough, otherwise she will become a burden to others next time.

In comparison, she is much older than Rocky, but Rocky not only has an amazing amount of energy, but also has very strong abilities.

Moreover, Rocky's abilities are somewhat similar to his. He is also a person with the ability of materialization, and he also materializes weapons.

The difference is that his weapons are selected by the crazy clown, while Rocky's weapons are selected by himself.

Logically, Rocky is With such ability, the power should not be that great.

But Rocky's weapons are obviously too powerful. As Jin's disciple, Kate knows very well what it takes to achieve that level. What a huge price to pay for such ability! Rocky!

On the other side!

The members of the brigade chasing the helicopter certainly cannot compete with the helicopter in terms of speed.

But the people in the brigade are not without a solution.

Taking advantage of the terrain, they successfully took a detour and jumped directly from a high place, shooting down the helicopter that was about to fly out of the mountain.

However, because of this, the hunters successfully brought Shui Liuli to the plains, where there was only a short distance left to the destination.

"Contact the guards in the city and ask them to come over for support!"

After landing, the professional hunter immediately contacted the outside world and sought support.

"The support will arrive in about fifteen minutes!"

Although the support is just some ordinary people, the guards with guns are already very good combat power.

It is enough to help delay time.

There are now five people left in the seven-person professional hunter team.

Two are reinforcement-type, one is transformation-type, one is materialization-type, and one is trait-type.

Among the two reinforcement-type, one is Yun Gu, who is Bisiji's disciple and also joined the operation.

Another reinforcement-type professional hunter, wearing a special modern armor and carrying a long stick on his back, looks like a person of the same type as Nobunaga.

Although he is a reinforcement-type user, the direction he chooses to strengthen is to strengthen the attack power of weapons.

The transformation-type user is naturally Bisiji, and the materialization-type hunter and the trait-type hunter both look a little thin.

And the materialization-type user took out a small pocket and took a look at the things inside

"What should we do now?"

"The enemy will catch up in two minutes."

The helicopter was destroyed, so there was no way to get rid of the Phantom Troupe behind by relying on legs.

Biscuit glanced at Yun Gu and said,"You go with him first, and the others and I will be responsible for holding them back!"

The materialization ability user glanced at Yun Gu and said,"Let's go!"

There were only three people left!

Biscuit saw several black shadows approaching from a distance

"There are more of them than I thought. If we fight together, we will be more passive."

""Escape separately, create an illusion and force them to make a choice!"

After saying this, Bisji changed direction and quickly fled.

The other two also chose a direction to escape.

"These guys... Damn it!"

Machi, a member of the pursuing brigade, cursed.

"These guys fled separately."

Finks looked at Kuroro,"Captain, what should we do now?"

However, Kuroro looked at the directions in which these people fled,"Five people, fled in four directions!"

This is a bit wrong. Under normal circumstances, if you want to flee in a scattered manner to increase the probability of escape, then the five people should be divided into five different directions.

But it is also possible that the other party deliberately lets one of them go with another person.

Let them be the team escorting Shui Liuli, and then make a wrong judgment and let the other guys who are actually carrying Shui Liuli escape successfully.

However, this is psychological warfare.

No matter what choice you make in this situation, there will be problems.

"Separate and chase!"

Kuroro turned and looked at Feitan and Finks."You two each pick a target to chase. Machi and Feitan, Pecknotta and Finks, Peeler and Joe in one group, and Menying, you and I will go together!"

This arrangement seemed a little unreasonable in terms of combat power, but no one objected. Instead, Menying looked at Kuroro with some surprise. He didn't seem to understand why Kuroro asked him to act with him.

In terms of combat power, he was not weaker than Feitan and Finks, and there was no problem acting alone.

But Kuroro arranged it this way.

Menying couldn't help but wonder, could it be that this guy knew about his affair?

"Let's go!"

Kuroro aimed at the direction of Biscuit, and felt that the guy was the strongest one. Kuroro felt that the strongest person was more likely to be responsible for escorting Shui Liuli!

Finks chased the enhanced hunters, Feitan chased the special ability users, Peeling Lev chased Yun Gu, Kuroro and Shadow chased Biscuit.

Once caught up, except for Yun Gu's team, every other hunter on this side would have to fight one-on-two!

Facing masters like the Phantom Troupe, with a number gap, the possibility of winning is basically close to zero, and it is already amazing to be able to survive.

Not long after they separated and chased separately.

Rocky had already appeared in the sky.

Looking at the members of the brigade scattered in four directions.

Each team is still a group of two.

This made Rocky very excited, this is his chance! However,

Rocky's vision is wider in the sky, and he can also notice things that the members of the brigade don't notice.

For example!

In the direction of Biscuit, Rocky saw a familiar guy


This guy was standing on the roof of a resident's house, looking into the distance.

On the other side, there was also a sneaky figure in the direction of Yun Gu. The other party was well hidden, but Rocky still saw it.

Seeing the figure of that guy, Rocky frowned slightly.

At this time, at this place!

Rocky no longer had to guess who could appear.

Silva~Zoudike! Is it really the Brigade No. 8 who assassinated at this time! Five[]

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