Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 116 The Terrible Grandma X Special Training

Mu Liuji looked at the old lady with fluffy retro curls in front of him, standing in front of him with a serious look on her face. It was so scary. The sharp eyes were scanning Mu Liuji up and down. Mu Liuji was so scared that he didn't know what expression to use to deal with the grandmother who was nominally his grandmother. It was really scary. Where is grandpa? Why can't I see grandpa? After this thought suddenly appeared in Mu Liuji's mind, N fragments flashed uncontrollably in his mind.

"Put away the things that shouldn't be in your mind." Just as silence spread in front of Mu Liuji and the old lady, the old lady suddenly spoke. Mu Liuji, who was hit by the words, trembled in fear. Mu Liuji's face was covered with cold sweat. It turned out that he was still not used to getting along with old ladies.

"Come up, what are you standing there for." Mu Liuji was a little panicked by the dangling grandma. The voice sounded again. Mu Liuji quickly came back to his senses, raised his feet and followed, asking Lanling to follow closely beside him and not leave. Although this place is under the control of the Zoldyck family, it is only on the surface. In fact, it is controlled by this grandmother. She doesn't know what this grandmother is like. She didn't see this grandmother when Ji Qiu's mother had so many accidents. She doesn't know what the relationship between this grandmother and Ji Qiu's mother is, and what the relationship between her and the Zoldyck family is.

Mu Liuji quietly kept a distance from this grandmother, but he didn't know that the old man was carefully probing Mu Liuji. Seeing her wariness of him, he admired her. She knew about the matter of Kukulu Mountain from the beginning. This child is indeed quite conscious. If there is anything to say, it is that there are too many mixed feelings. If this child was sent to her at the beginning, he would not have achieved this little achievement. It's all because of that old man Jeno.

Hmm? Killing intent. Mu Liuji suddenly sensed the killing intent from the grandmother in front of her. She felt unwell and was confused in fear. Obviously, she didn't know what was going on with this old woman. She suddenly had such a killing intention towards herself. It was indeed an old woman with a weird personality. The suffocating doting of Ji Qiu's mother turned out to be good. This old woman has a strong murderous intention.

"She is really a good child." The grandmother stopped and looked at the girl carrying the gourd. Her kind face was really chilling.

"What are you going to do? I am in a hurry." Mu Liuji refused to move forward. Who said that even a tiger would not eat its own cubs? In this special place of Meteor Street, everything is possible. And Ilmi is also the grandson of this person. When I arrived in front of this grandmother, she should have received the news about my encounter with the pervert Yos from the Fifth Block. Why would she be so calm? ! Unless Ilmi's misfortune is what this old woman wants to see? !

"Don't be so anxious, young man. Anyway, one more or one less moment will not change the result too much." The grandmother dropped her hands to her side and looked at Mu Liuji, "Or do you think that you can get out of here safely?" The grandmother's words made Lan Ling couldn't help but step forward and stand in front of Mu Liuji.

Mu Liuji never expected such a situation: "Where is the eldest brother? You must know." The troublesome old woman, even if it takes time to exhaust her, will exhaust her to death. Thinking of this, something in the gourd behind Mu Liuji has begun to stir. As long as the old woman moves, she will crush her into powder.

"He is not in danger of life for the time being, but with your level, if you go to fight with that guy, you will not last more than 5 minutes before he will kill you." The old woman's words shocked Mu Liuji.

"You mean..."

"Special training, how far you can go depends on your luck." The grandmother turned around again and continued to move forward, "If you can't pass my assessment, I won't watch another granddaughter die." The grandmother's words made Mu Liuji's heart move. She meant that if Mu Liuji could not grow into the strength to defeat that man in a short period of time, then Ilmi would have to sacrifice himself. Too cruel, obviously this task should have been completed by Mu Liuji at the beginning, but now Ilmi is asked to die for him, Mu Liuji can't do it.

"I will never watch my elder brother die." Mu Liuji looked at the old woman's back firmly. Even if the direct attack didn't work, he would do it secretly. Even if he had to use a bomb, he had to blow Ilmi out. Mu Liuji's thoughts had shifted so far without him realizing it. After hearing her thoughts, You, who was in Mu Liuji's body, couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was a pity that this girl didn't become a writer, with her brain hole.

You looked at the old woman. He always felt that he seemed to sense the same kind of breath on her. This old woman had a strong mental power. You didn't dare to communicate with Mu Liuji. He was not sure whether the old woman would discover him.

Mu Liuji followed the grandmother to the iron gate, and watched the grandmother, who was as tall as him, push the door open a little, and then go in, and then the door closed in front of Mu Liuji. Mu Liuji was stunned, walked forward, stretched out his hand, and pushed hard. Oh, isn't this similar to the trial door of Kukulu Mountain? Mu Liuji estimated that each door should weigh 20 tons, and the two doors should weigh 40 tons. She almost couldn't push it open.

"So, you still need to train more in normal times." You couldn't help it, and took advantage of the old woman's absence to complain about Mu Liuji. Mu Liuji ignored him. What caught his eye was a series of hanging beams, and her grandmother was standing on one of them.

"Then what you have to do is to cause me harm within three days." Grandma stood on a beam, crossed her arms, and looked down at Mu Liuji, "Jump up."

Mu Liuji jumped onto the shortest beam and saw that grandma had pressed some button. The ground she had just stood on split in the middle, revealing the uneven and sharp spikes. There were also many bones and corpses among the spikes. What on earth was... disgusting. They didn't even know how to clean it up. Mu Liuji complained in his mind, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. Just looking at the number of corpses piled up, this place is quite dangerous. And she didn't know what the old woman's ability was.

"At this time, you dare to desert. It seems that you are really bold." This voice suddenly brought Mu Liuji back to his senses. In his sight was the sharp poisoned blade, which was just within his reach.

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