Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 130 The unknown me x Heterochromia

When Pariston "accidentally" ran into Mu Liuji and the others the next day, he did not approach them. He saw at first glance that it was not Mu Liuji, and even the "Ilmi" next to him was different. Someone disguised themselves to replace them. Pariston frowned. It was because he understood the credibility of the Zoldyck family that he thought that the two pretenders were definitely commissioned by the people above. But what exactly was the reason that Mu Liuji and Ilmi could not participate in the work.

Injured, and not lightly. Pariston did not know what Mu Liuji had experienced after they separated last night. But Ilmi's injury should be caused by him. Thinking of this, Pariston could only laugh. However, what he cared more about now was that they were all gone, and if the bald man took all the treasures of this auction back to Kukulu Mountain, it would be very difficult to take that thing out again. Pariston thought about it, but he still chose to deal with the next auction on the black market first.

In Kukulu Mountain, Mu Liuji, Ilmi and Johnny Heitinga were lying in the intensive care unit respectively. Mu Liuji didn't know what was going on in the outside world. It seemed that she was not in You's consciousness space at this moment. It seemed more like another existence. Mu Liuji followed her intuition and walked in the black environment. There was no light, but she always felt that there should be a sight looking at her. Where did it come from? Mu Liuji couldn't even detect the source.

I don't know how long I walked, and I didn't feel any physical consumption. I always felt weird here, and my body didn't feel any discomfort. What's going on.

"Are you wondering where this place is?" A girl's voice suddenly sounded in my ears, but it was this voice that made Mu Liuji look horrified, because that voice was exactly the same as her current voice. Mu Liuji turned around suddenly and saw the "self" who appeared beside her at some point. Who is this person? Is she trapped in the enemy's ability or something?

"Why do you look like that? I'm obviously looking forward to meeting you." The "Mu Liuji" smiled innocently, and then took the initiative to lead the stunned Mu Liuji to a certain direction. Soon, Mu Liuji's eyes lit up. It was a room exactly the same as the one he had in Kukulu Mountain, but it was just standing there alone, which made him feel a little lonely.

When Mu Liuji saw this girl, he realized that this might be the real "Mu Liuji Zoldyck". Thinking of this, Mu Liuji felt a little confused again, so who was he? ! He wanted to recall the memories of his previous life, but found that there were few left, and some were just vague shadows.

The "Mu Liuji" noticed Mu Liuji's abnormality, smiled and stretched out his hand to hold her arm: "Okay, don't think too much."

Mu Liuji came back to his senses and saw the familiar room. He didn't know what the other party wanted. They were in the room together. Mu Liuji didn't know what the other party wanted.

"I don't have much time left here. Let me introduce myself again. I should be the real soul of this body. But now it's you, and I'm not going to compete with you." "Mu Liuji" smiled and looked at Mu Liuji who looked exactly like him.

"Sorry, I..." Mu Liuji didn't want to compete for other people's souls to get a chance to survive. And the other party was a little girl who had been growing up quietly in a place she didn't know. Mu Liuji was not cold and ruthless. She felt guilty about this matter.

"Mu Liuji" couldn't help but smile brightly when she saw her like this. She looked different from Mu Liuji who had gone through a lot of training at the Zoldyck family. "Mu Liuji" smiled and said, "Don't apologize. To be honest, I can't work as hard as you. Fortunately, I can still use my telekinesis to help you a little this time. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous." "Mu Liuji" laughed.

"Thank you."

"Let's get back to the point. I don't have much time left." "Mu Liuji" looked at Mu Liuji seriously, "I will merge with you, so that your spiritual power training should not be so difficult." "Mu Liuji" was in Mu Liuji's body and could clearly feel that Mu Liuji had not been able to expand his spiritual power when he was practicing. In fact, it had a lot to do with her. If the soul power was incomplete, how could he proceed to the next step?

"Why did you merge with me? Don't you want to get your body back?" Mu Liuji didn't believe her.

"It's impossible. First of all, my soul is incomplete, and you are from another world. It's impossible for me to merge with an ability that is several times stronger than mine, and it is likely that both sides will suffer, or even worse. Then she remembered something and smiled brightly at Mu Liuji, "By the way, my ability is perception. Now I can only perceive a range of 10 meters. As the power of thought increases, the range of perception will definitely increase. I think she should not be able to see in the future.

Mu Liuji didn't think this "Mu Liuji" was kind, but her sincere expression made him feel a little sorry. Mu Liuji didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Don't worry, you won't be burdened when you merge. I just want to meet you." "Mu Liuji" was not bothered by Mu Liuji's vigilance. She smiled brightly at Mu Liuji and waved to send him out.

Mu Liuji was sent away before she could even comprehend the meaning of "Mu Liuji". She felt that she was wrapped in warmth and really didn't want to wake up like this. However, she suddenly recalled what she had just encountered and opened her eyes immediately. A sour feeling filled her eyes.

Well, it was the familiar and inexplicable treatment fluid. She was still soaking in it. Mu Liuji was the first to wake up. She noticed Mu Liuji's eyes opening at the first time and quickly pressed the button at hand. Immediately, many people pushed the door in, walked to the machine connected to Mu Liuji's treatment fluid, recorded the data of each, and then found that Mu Liuji's lightness was much better than before, and even his ability to read was much more stable. What's going on? After the general manager confirmed that it was correct, Mu Liuji was released from the treatment fluid.

Mu Liuji took the bathrobe handed over by one of the deacons, put it on, and asked about the situation of others.

"Ah, Miss Mu Liuji, your eyes!" Someone exclaimed, and everyone looked over to see that Mu Liuji's left eye had somehow changed from light blue to light gold. Seeing their surprised expressions, Mu Liuji asked someone to get a mirror immediately.

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