Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 166 Savage G x Bad Impression x Hallucinogenic Magic Beast

Mu Liuji was waiting to eat snacks, but unexpectedly the number appeared again. Mu Liuji pouted, stretched out her greasy hand, pressed the answer button, and put it to her ear: "Hello. Who is this?"

"Why don't you answer the phone after changing your number? I feel even more arrogant after not seeing you for a long time." Jin Te's tone was rising.

"Oh~ I thought you were eaten by some wild beast. It seems you are still alive and well." Mu Liuji took out a potato chip from the snack bag in Lan Ling's hand with his empty hand, and said with relish Start eating. The barbarian Jin who was opposite him had been hungry for who knows how long. When he heard this voice, he really couldn't feel happy.

Jin squatted on the ground, holding the microphone in his hand, and looked at the clouds in the sky helplessly: "I said, can you stop eating? I've been hungry for a long time."

"That's not bad. The more painful you are, the happier I am." Mu Liuji said this, but did not pick up the second potato chip in his hand. At the same time, he briefly waved to Lan Ling, who handed her a tissue. , wipe the grease from your hands.

Jin, who didn't hear the second sound, couldn't help but smile, this girl. When Jin was about to ask Mu Liuji if he was in Meteor Street, he suddenly heard the sound of boarding the plane from the opposite side. Before he could ask, Mu Liuji on the opposite side said that she would board the spaceship first. If there was anything pressing, she would come back in 5 minutes. beat.

"I have nothing to do. Let's talk next time when we have time." Jin just wanted to hear how this girl was doing. He was going to his next destination, a phantom beast that had just been discovered that had never been discovered before, and he wanted to observe it. Maybe I can prepare some small gifts for that girl.

Mu Liuji hung up the phone in such a hurry. Unexpectedly, she thought that Jin was in a hurry than she was. He looked at his phone with a strange look on his face, put it back and shook his head. He picked up the snacks in Lan Ling's hand again, got up and walked towards his flying ship while eating.

Pariston, who was next to him, was curious about who made the phone call that made Mu Liuji change his attitude. Pariston thought that the voice just now could stop Mu Liuji from continuing to eat snacks. It was a very subtle action, but it also proved that the other end of the phone was very important to Mu Liuji. This kind of relationship really makes people want to destroy it.

"What bad things are you thinking about?" As soon as Mu Liuji saw Pariston's eyes, his whole body became hairy and he immediately distanced himself from him.

"Huh? I'm just very curious. Is the person who just called Mu Liuji-sang a friend of yours?" Pariston asked curiously.

"I don't need friends." Mu Liuji heard such words and carefully corrected Pariston's wrong words.

Pariston was stunned, and laughed twice: "But I think the feeling just now is very similar~ Could it be that I guessed wrong." Mu Liuji treated most people coldly, but when he called just now, Mu Liuji Liu Ji's body indeed adds a lot of vivid atmosphere.

"Please don't continue talking about topics other than the mission." Mu Liuji didn't want to have more conversations with Pariston other than being ordained. She strode ahead, eating snacks. There are also many kinds of snacks on the flying boat. You can try them later.

Mu Liuji and the others were brought to that special place by Pariston. Mu Liuji saw that the hunter's license in Pariston's hand was really convenient. He could go with him anywhere. Although she also has one in her hand, it is Savage Gold.

"This is only the outermost part of the extinct forest. Generally, only very ordinary birds and beasts with little attack power appear. The deeper you go, no one knows what kind of unknown creatures will appear." Pariston said with great interest. Mu Liuji introduced this forest, which is not only green but green as far as the eye can see.

"Why is it called the Extinct Forest?" Mu Liuji frowned.

"It's very dangerous here. Even many hunters don't dare to go too deep." Pariston smiled and led them towards the previously agreed meeting point. Along the way, Mu Liuji didn't notice much popularity.

Here, you can rarely even hear the chirping of birds. Mu Liuji looked around, guessing that it was quite dangerous inside. Animal intuition is generally much more sensitive than that of humans. It seems that Pariston may not be able to make extra money from the live capture.

"Here we are, right there." Pariston led them through a forest and entered the cave on the short cliff. Mu Liuji followed him and easily climbed into the cave. He found that there were 4-5 people sleeping inside, and the ground was covered with food residues left after the barbecue. It was really messy, which made Mu Liuji stop at the door. Disgust flashed across his face.

Pariston didn't expect that just because he had been absent for so long, the hunters who gathered temporarily from all over the association would bring him such surprises. Pariston didn't really want to step into it, so a few people just stood outside the entrance of the cave.

Mu Liuji noticed Pariston's little move and made no secret of his disdain: "Birds of a feather flock together." It was obvious that this guy was looking for a partner. She really had enough, but she wanted to see how amazing these Pariston's "companions" would be.

Pariston heard the ridicule in Mu Liuji's tone and smiled awkwardly. In fact, he didn't know them very well. He just happened to take on the same task. However, it seems that Mu Liuji clearly misunderstood.

"This is actually just a coincidence."

"So what about the existing information about the monsters we are looking for this time?" Mu Liuji did not forget the information that Pariston had delayed telling her. She glanced at Pariston and said, "We will not refund the money."

Parriston heard this and did not expect Mu Liuji to say such words that would damage the reputation of the Zoldyck family. He lowered his head and looked at the petite girl. He walked into the mess. The vigilance of these hunters was really too poor. He, Mu Liuji and two others stood at the entrance of the cave for a long time, but they did not wake up. Pariston had anticipated this activity and estimated that there would be many casualties.

Pariston took out a document from a package, returned to the entrance of the cave, and handed it to Mu Liuji. Mu Liuji reached out and took it and read it carefully.

A kind of monster with an unknown appearance, with an extremely hard shell, which seems to be able to create illusions. It was first discovered in the wetland.

"A monster that creates illusions?" Mu Liuji flipped through a few pages, and saw the tragic deaths of other discoverers, who seemed to have been sucked dry by something. "Does it use illusions to hunt?" "That's a possibility, but there are no survivors." Pariston nodded.

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