Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 180 180. Parting ways X Two different things X Mist Shadow

"Let's let other people in the association handle this matter. Just this time, the little snail discovered that your contribution to Jin is not small." Mu Liuji persuaded Jin not to do stupid things, "Although most of the hunters in the association are It's rubbish." But when it comes to decisions made by superiors, Mu Liuji hopes that Free Jin won't get involved too much.

"Oh, what about me? Even though I have no merit, I still have hard work~" Pariston smiled and tilted his head to joke.

"It's just the first and second picks. There is actually no difference between the two." Mu Liuji glanced at Pariston deliberately, pretending that she didn't know anything. In a summary of a task, the names are often ranked first. The first two hunters are the two who have made the most contributions, and the honors they have received are almost the same.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Mu Liujisang was very clear about the association's allocation." Pariston was surprised that Mu Liuji would know such details. You must know that many hunters only wrote their own names in the reports, and then the association There are specialized personnel to judge the order, but in the end only the first and second-ranked hunters are given relevant honors and rewards.

"Don't treat everyone as a fool. Bastard." Mu Liuji raised his chin arrogantly, not forgetting to despise Pariston.

The further you go inside, you encounter fewer and fewer attacks from animals, but the trees inside are getting denser and denser. Even at dawn, you can hardly see any sunlight. In the end, you have to rely on making torches. The source of fire comes from Johnny. ·Haitinga prepared matches inside. It seemed that there was a source of fire in their team. Although the tree roots felt the breath of strangers coming out a lot, they did not launch an attack. It's just that the further inward these plants are, the less influence the fire has on them.

Finally, they stopped. The five of them sat together and discussed what to do next.

"We won't go in." Mu Liuji said slowly. She could feel it. If she went inside, she couldn't use her telekinesis. After all, she would be a burden for others. She was very satisfied if she could persist in this way. , and she felt that Johnny Heitinga and Blue Bell had already reached their limits. In this case, why bother to take risks anymore?

"Okay." Jin did not try to persuade them to stay. He looked at Pariston sitting next to him, "What about you?"

"I think I can go deeper. I hope Mr. Jin won't think I'm a burden." Pariston said with a smile.

It seems that King and Pariston will continue to move forward together in the next road. Mu Liuji sat there and looked at Jin, her eyes flickering for a moment. She had a lot of things she wanted to say, but what came out of her mouth was a vicious warning to collect debts.

"Don't forget that you still owe me money! With this commission, don't die so easily. I will never help you collect the body." Mu Liuji patted the dust on his body and said cutely. warned Jin.

"I don't even know how much money I owe you. But I will work hard." Jin understood that Mu Liuji was just an excuse. This time of separation, no one knew when they would meet again.

"I will stay in Meteor Street for a long time. Although I may not answer your call, I must receive your text message about transferring money."

"Can you please stop talking about money? This is really embarrassing." Jin sighed helplessly.

"Remember, no matter how dangerous it is, don't relax your back." Mu Liuji pursed his lips and reminded Jin seriously.

As for Pariston, forget it, for the sake of him saving her, let’s remember this extra settlement first! Next time this guy will definitely come to you personally for a commission, and I will kill him ruthlessly next time. Oh no, let Brother Yi Mi trick him. Mu Liuji lowered his head and glanced at the small transparent snail nestled on his shoulder. He took it back to Kulu Mountain and let it roam freely.

After Mu Liuji finished speaking, he prepared to leave with the two deacons.

"Ah? Why don't you say goodbye to me! This is really cold. We have obviously gone through a lot of hardships together." Pariston stood up pretending to be sad.

Mu Liuji turned sideways and looked at Pariston, who had only one shirt left. It looked really harmless. Mu Liuji lowered his eyes and did not look at him: "I am very grateful to you for saving me. For this I won't ask you for the balance." Mu Liuji looked at the knife in his hand, "I don't know the reason why you saved me this time, and I don't want to relive the experience of being left behind."

For this reason, Mu Liuji has always understood that although Pariston and Chrollo Ruxilu are not the same kind of people, they have very similar ruthlessness. Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years. Mu Liuji understands this sentence deeply.

Jin was silent after hearing Mu Liuji's words. He could probably understand how Mu Liuji was feeling at that time. Mu Liuji must have been very hard these years. He knew the virtues of President Netero, but he failed to learn the essence of that old man at that time, which was Guanyin. Jin Ge couldn't give up exploring the world, so he started exploring after learning the basics. And Mu Liuji took the opposite boring path to him. From her outstanding slashes, Jin could vaguely guess the training that went into it day after day and year after year.

Mu Liuji walked back with the two deacons. How to get out, of course, you have to ask for help from a certain little navigation snail. When it dared to be arrogant, Mu Liuji reached out and pinched its little tail. Seeing it chirping and shaking its little head, it looked really cute and cute, and Lan Ling, who was walking next to it, couldn't help but laugh.

They didn't know if they were going in the right direction, but they didn't encounter any more attacks from strange creatures along the way.

On the other side, Jin and Pariston each held a torch and continued to go deeper. The closer they got to the depth, the smaller the flames in their hands became. Not only that, their most direct feeling was that the air was getting thinner and thinner, and at the same time, there seemed to be an indescribable nauseating smell in the air. It seemed that there was no other sound around except their footsteps. It was really a very strange place.

Finally, when the torches in the hands of the two could no longer light up, they could only move forward carefully based on their intuition and push away the messy plants in front of them.

"Tick-tick" seemed to be the sound of some liquid falling. Jin and Pariston heard it at the same time. The two looked at each other in the dark night. The sound similar to water drops seemed to be coming from not far ahead. They could only walk towards the source. The road ahead was full of unknowns and dangers.

Raising his hand to push away the huge banana leaf in front of him, he saw a mist and a hazy figure standing in the mist. After the mist dissipated a little, the true face of the figure was revealed. Wasn't this Mu Liuji who was supposed to leave?

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