Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 19 Xi's Decision

Mu Liuji spent almost all her time practicing. In her sleep, she was dragged into the spiritual space of the man named You and suffered a lot. Although Mu Liuji was mentally exhausted, the consumption of mental power in practicing was much more than the physical power consumed in practicing telekinesis, and the effect of mental power cultivation was minimal, unlike telekinesis, which would increase after practicing.

Mu Liuji's progress was already very remarkable, and her current telekinesis learning was only at the four basic levels. She felt other elements every day, which took up most of her time. She noticed that with the growth of other earth elements, wind elements, and even thunder elements, the relative proportion of fire elements would be smaller. And that You told her that this was because her telekinesis could not keep up with the consumption of these elements. When her telekinesis was more powerful, then these elements would naturally grow accordingly after being balanced, and they would become condensed.

Whenever Mu Liuji heard You painting a pie in the sky in front of her, she always looked undemanding. Painting a pie in the sky meant that she was still very weak, so why did she have to comfort her so much? Mu Liuji curled her lips and stopped listening to his nagging. She was concentrating there alone. Anyway, now, she couldn't even feel the spiritual power, but You kept "comforting" her and always said that she had made a lot of progress. Humph, this guy just likes to fool people.

Mu Liuji sat there cross-legged and straight. She concentrated like this every day. She had to relax a little bit, otherwise You's materialized spiritual power attack would hurt her. Mu Liuji, who was practicing seriously, didn't notice that the very thin things like mist on her body were emitting little by little. This was all her spiritual power. You asked Mu Liuji to do only the initial concentration. Although this thing is not difficult to do, it is difficult to last, especially to last longer than others. This will have a decisive victory or defeat in the later battles. Mu Liuji is still young now, and this thing is not obvious yet.

Mu Liuji is finally 2 years old. In the short half year, she has learned all the basics of the ability and application skills of Nen, and she has been constantly consolidating her four elements and concentrating her spiritual power in the past three years. Her family didn't urge her. After all, she has been constantly consolidating her foundation with Mu Liuji's practice day after day. Shiba saw her efforts and finally decided to take her out on a mission. Mu Liuji wore a blue and white Lolita dress, a small hood on her head, and her slightly long hair was curled into cute big curls. She looked like a doll in a window. Following the muscular man Shiba. Shiba walked very slowly, deliberately waiting for his daughter to catch up with her calves. Thinking of the child who had just been able to open a trial door. Well, now her legs are short, and now she can slowly get in touch with the family business, and she doesn't have to start taking tasks at such a young age. She can go out with him to get familiar with it.

"Dad, can you buy me a chocolate ball when you come back this time? It's the snacks that my eldest brother brought back." Mu Liuji looked up at the tall Shiba with her little head, and said sweetly. She was lucky enough to share a chocolate ball from the stingy ghost of Ilmi, but she never ate it herself again. She always missed the taste. Now, thinking of Shiba taking her out, she really wanted to buy it.

Shiba chuckled: "Okay." After all, it was rare for his daughter to ask for something, and it was just snacks, so it was okay. Shiba didn't know that his daughter had been cheating for many years. Even if she could make money later, Shiba would always be more tolerant of this well-behaved daughter than those bad boys at home.

Mu Liuji happily hugged Shiba's calf: "Thank you, Dad."

"Yeah." Shiba saw that Mu Liuji had the habit of hugging his calf at every turn, especially when he saw such a soft ball. He simply reached out his long arm, held his daughter, and strode towards the airport. Mu Liuji opened her little hand and looked at the distance happily, and her calf couldn't help shaking.

Mu Liuji's age is free to ride on transportation, accompanied by her parents. This is the first time Mu Liuji and Shiba have been on a flying ship, and it is a large room. Mu Liuji finally realized the existence of a rich father. She lay on the glass of the flying ship, curiously looking at the clouds outside and the gold on the ground from time to time. It can be seen that Mu Liuji likes the high altitude very much, and her big eyes are constantly shining. It seems that she is not a character who likes to stay at home. Xiba was completely ignored by her.

"Do you like the high altitude so much?" Xiba couldn't understand why her house was specially built in the mountains and she could see the high scenery every day. This girl.

Mu Liuji nodded: "Yeah." Mu Liuji put her two little paws on the glass, and her big eyes focused on the scenery, as if she was overlooking the world. I always feel that she has come to this world, and it feels unreal. It seems that only when she is outside and looking at everything in front of her at this moment, she has an idea that she grew up here. This sounds absurd, but she also wants to have her own little world.

Mu Liuji looked at this place, which seemed to be very familiar, as if it was the direction of the remote hotel that Jin took her to last time. Seeing this, Mu Liuji turned her head in confusion, and was a little curious about the goal of Xiba's mission this time. If it was Jin, she would stop her father anyway. Yeah.

"What, if my target is your little friend, what are you going to do?" Xiba looked at his daughter who was leaning on the windowsill on tiptoe, and looked at her with a squeezed face, like a meat bun. Xiba had never told his family how to treat friends, but he also wanted to test his daughter.

Mu Liuji pouted, turned around, and looked at Xiba seriously: "If your target is him, I will definitely stop you." After all, Jin is the future super golden thigh, and she is still thinking about building a good relationship with this future big boss. For this reason, Jin must not die now.

Xiba laughed: "Don't worry, it's not your little friend, but it's not far from him." Xiba saw the expectant expression on Mu Liuji's face, he stretched out his hand, waved, and watched Mu Liuji trot to his side. Xiba raised his hand and rubbed her little head, "If you want to go and see, you can also do it by the way." If Mu Liuji still has thoughts after this mission. Xiba brought Mu Liuji out this time, and there are other ideas.

Mu Liuji nodded vigorously. She had made an appointment with Jin to go and see the situation of the king's tomb. Now more than half a year has passed, and she didn't know how far Jin had progressed.

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