Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 192 192. Expulsion x Special Predator x Discovery

"In short, its prey is those with special spiritual power." You reminded Mu Liuji, "and that little boy is just a shell of it. If you want to get rid of him, you must destroy the whole person."

"My employer this time wants his body. The reputation of the Zoldyck family cannot be tarnished." Mu Liuji rejected his suggestion, "Is there any way to make that thing leave?"

"You can only think of a way yourself." You spoke slowly, and he let Mu Liuji come up with a solution on his own. You looked down at her own spiritual power, which had weakened a lot. Recently, in order to prevent Mu Liuji from noticing his abnormality, You had not pulled her into his spiritual world for a long time to practice. Mu Liuji's dependence on her made You a little moved but also worried.

Mu Liuji's eyes locked on the little boy, and she glanced at Johnny Heitinga next to her: "Let's follow him first, and we will always find a loophole."

The two people followed the boy at a certain distance regardless of time, day and night. As it turned out, that thing seemed to be very inconvenient to move. In You's view, it was a "degenerate" existence, but in Mu Liuji's view, it must have a certain wisdom. Mu Liuji didn't know how that thing would find food. This was a battle of endurance.

One night, Mu Liuji and Johnny Heitinga noticed that the little boy had stopped in front of a building.

"This is the territory of a powerful man in the seventh block." Johnny Heitinga explained the specialness of this place to Mu Liuji. Mu Liuji nodded. They stood in the distance and watched the little boy stagger in step by step. After a while, the little boy was kicked out from inside, and a strong man with a lot of flesh walked out from inside.

Mu Liuji and Johnny Heitinga watched the strong man unilaterally beat the little boy, and the little boy did not resist. Mu Liuji watched the little boy's body bleed quickly, and he looked like he didn't feel any pain.

"That man's condition is a little wrong." Johnny Heitinga suddenly spoke, and Mu Liuji shifted his attention to the man, the ferocious look on his face, the abnormal excitement, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Mu Liuji frowned slightly: "Is he the type who gets easily excited?" Mu Liuji had been staring at the little boy, and didn't see him make a move. It should be that the little boy did something when he walked into the building. Mu Liuji covered her mouth and watched the one-sided beating. She pushed her glasses, and her intuition told her that something must happen.

Mu Liuji didn't see any obvious changes in the aura of the strong man from her sight. But she always thought that she had entered a misunderstanding and that something very important had been overlooked. Mu Liuji decided to rethink the purpose of this little boy, no, the purpose of the soul in his body. Its purpose should be to use a special way to perform predatory behavior and consolidate its own soul. But its target is selective, and it seems that not all of them are Nen ability users. So what does it rely on to identify whether this is the prey it wants?

Mental power.

These three words appeared in Mu Liuji's consciousness. She came back to her senses and saw that it was still going on. She suddenly realized that her other eye was showing different information. Mu Liuji saw from his golden pupils that many different mental powers leaked out from the fist of the sturdy man. When he touched the little boy, he felt as if he was forced to use his mental power into the little boy's body.

"Johnny, find a way to pull that man away." Mu Liuji wanted to try to see what was wrong with the little boy.

Johnny Heitinga nodded, holding his breath, bypassing the little boy, and appeared next to the unsuspecting man. Before the little boy understood Johnny Heitinga's intention, he stopped him, and the latter had already stretched out his hand to pull the sturdy man away. This behavior stimulated the little boy, and he actually let out a roar similar to that of a beast, and rushed towards him with legs that seemed to be unable to stand at all. It seems that as Miss Mu Liuji said, the fainted man in his hand has really become his prey.

Johnny Heitinga was extremely alert to this creature he had never encountered before, and temporarily regarded it as a soul-like existence attached to the little boy. Johnny Heitinga saw him running towards him, seemingly for the "food" in his hand. Johnny Heitinga pulled away, carrying the sturdy man, and ran to another garbage mountain. As soon as he landed, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and subconsciously threw the bag in his hand back.

Johnny Heitinga looked at the white fire that appeared behind him without anyone noticing. If he hadn't habitually set up a space barrier behind him, he might have been like the sturdy man who had turned into ashes. Johnny Heitinga felt that this was really mysterious.

Mu Liuji stood in the distance and used his golden pupils to cooperate with the lens to convey the message to himself at the same time. The white fire was actually the body of the little boy. After it devoured the sturdy man, it was obvious that the mental power was a little more condensed than before, but only a little. As for the reason why the little boy deliberately "irritated" the man before, Mu Liuji couldn't know it now.

The white fire was mental power, and the only way to harm it was mental power attack. Mu Liuji really had no confidence in mental power, and she didn't even know the entry level of it. Moreover, she only barely completed the task that Grandma Lingye gave her before it was suddenly interrupted. Mu Liuji really had no confidence in how to attack with mental power.

Now that Johnny Heitinga has angered that thing, if Johnny Heitinga does not have the ability to teleport, he will also become its meal. Mu Liuji raised his hand and recalled the most spiritual power training so far. Whether it is You or Grandma Lingye, they all emphasize the importance of materialization. Then use the so-called density to judge the strength of the spiritual power attack. Mu Liuji imagined out of thin air, thinking of spiritual power as a sharp arrow, more refined and more exquisite.

Mu Liuji was very hard to immerse himself in the materialization process of spiritual power, while Johnny Heitinga looked at the white fire that was completely ineffective against the telepathy, and he could only dodge continuously. This thing is really too difficult to deal with. Whether it is physical attack or something else, the mysterious white fire like a ghost fire can eat it. By the way, what is that.

While Johnny Heitinga was dodging in a panic, he felt that Mu Liuji, who was carrying his mark, moved and was coming towards their direction.

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