Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 200 200. The only one who is rich in the eyes is Xiao P who tries to show his existence

After finally punching Pariston away, she felt very happy. For this reason, in the next Sky Arena game, she won consecutive games and reached the 100th floor, and had her own room. Although the sparrow is small, it has everything, except for the person who is standing by the French window. It's even better.

"It's getting late, are you leaving?" Mu Liuji stared at the person standing by the French window with the sunset behind him.

"Oh! What's our relationship..." Pariston dodged the pillow thrown by Mu Liuji.

Why did Mu Liuji let Pariston stay in the end! It was probably because Pariston paid Mu Liuji with the cost of a single room in a five-star hotel outside. And he didn't stay in a good star hotel, but stayed to sleep on the floor. Mu Liuji felt that Pariston was "stupid" and had a lot of money. After Mu Liuji ate the box lunch, she sat in the room and watched TV. The only free program was the 24-hour battle report of the Sky Arena. The rest of the programs, even cartoons, had to be paid. It's really a profiteer, digging holes all the time.

Mu Liuji sat silently on the bed, looking serious, and it didn't look like he was watching TV. At least Pariston felt that his eyes didn't look relaxed, but like a hungry wolf staring at meat.

That's right, the man on the screen in Mu Liuji's eyes is her opponent tomorrow, and she herself has participated in the bet, so naturally she is betting on herself, and all the bonuses she has won are bet on herself. You know, the upsets have made her a lot of money. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. Mu Liuji watched the performance of tomorrow's opponent on the screen very seriously.

"Hahaha, is Xiaomu-chan nervous? The first battle on the 100th floor." Pariston saw that Mu Liuji's attention was all on the "waste", and couldn't help speaking.

"Don't talk." Mu Liuji watched the TV seriously, and didn't listen to Pariston's speech at all. That voice was really annoying in his ears. Waved his hand and spoke with disdain.

Pariston saw that Mu Liuji's attention was not on him at all, and he felt that this feeling was terrible and really annoying. He looked at the player on the screen who had no characteristics at all.


Mu Liuji stood on the ring the next day. After waiting for a long time, she did not see her opponent appear. She slowly looked at Pariston sitting in the audience. The latter noticed her gaze and waved to say hello.

Almost 20 minutes later, the referee announced that Mu Liuji won without a fight. Mu Liuji listened to the excited cheers outside the venue, and she walked off the field calmly. Mu Liuji looked at Pariston and smiled at Pariston standing at the entrance.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Mu Liuji stopped in front of him.

Pariston smiled and tilted his head: "What does Xiaomu-chan mean?"

His answer already let Mu Liuji know. But Mu Liuji didn't understand.

"Why did you do this?" Mu Liuji looked at Pariston. This was her opponent. Pariston killed him in advance. For what?

Pariston lowered his head and met Mu Liuji's clear eyes. Yes, from the first time he saw her to now, she has grown up, but her eyes have not changed much. What is her obsession? Pariston could not get the answer he wanted from her daily actions. Pariston wanted to see what kind of expression Mu Liuji would have when that obsession was broken. But he had no way of knowing her unknown things.

"Are you angry?" Pariston didn't understand. The girl in front of him made him confused.

This man asked such a question out of the blue. Mu Liuji really wanted to knock his head open. Is this man's brain structure different from that of normal people?

"You do this just to make me angry?" Mu Liuji's eyes flashed, and he looked at Pariston, and his eyes were like a BT.

Pariston saw Mu Liuji's eyes, and he had completely thought of him, which was contrary to his original intention.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat first. We have to pack things and go to the 160th floor later." Pariston raised his hand and rubbed Mu Liuji's little head.

"It's only 9:30 now. Are we going to eat?" Mu Liuji waved his paw and looked at the time. "Don't rush to get the things. I'll go sign up for the competition on the 170th floor first. I should be able to get a spot in the afternoon." Mu Liuji held the ascending slip that the referee had just handed him.

"I don't feel any sense of success at all." Pariston watched Mu Liuji's back leave and spread his hands. Sometimes Mu Liuji always surprises him.

Pariston never thought that one day he would sit by the flower bed on the street, eating with a hamburger and a Coke. He looked at Mu Liuji, who was eating quickly like a little hamster, and felt that the dry feeling didn't seem so bad.

"Speaking of which, does Xiaomu feel like an old man and a young wife?" Pariston joked while eating.

"Don't worry about your sister." Mu Liuji couldn't help but roll his eyes. This Pariston was getting more and more exaggerated.

Yuu was watching from within Mu Liuji's body, watching the two people, and through Mu Liuji's vision, watching the smiling boy. Oftentimes, if there are too many jokes, they can be mistaken for real. I guess he couldn't see that scene. As someone who had experienced it, Yuu saw the difference of this Pariston more clearly than Mu Liuji. Sure enough, the boy was still a little immature.

In the 170th floor competition, Mu Liuji won easily. It was only a few days away from the 200th floor. Mu Liuji always remembered the advice given to him by President Netero. The enemy on the 200th floor was a Nen user. Mu Liuji was looking forward to what kind of opponent he would encounter.

By the way, thinking of the Nen user, Mu Liuji wondered if he would meet the target person on the bounty list. Mu Liuji sat in front of the computer, took out Jin's hunter certificate, swiped the card and directly entered the hunter official website, and clicked on the bounty list with familiarity.

"I didn't expect Mr. Jin's hunter certificate was with you, Xiaomu." Pariston was surprised to see the hunter certificate that Mu Liuji took out. You know, the hunter certificate is more important than the ID card. Jin actually gave it to Mu Liuji. It seems that Mu Liuji's weight in Jin's heart is heavier than he thought.

"He owes me a lot of money, and he can't pay it back in his lifetime. For this reason, he used this thing to pay off his debts." Mu Liuji browsed through the updated bounty list of many new characters, and didn't know where to take out the book from to modify the new and old character lists.

As expected, I really like Jie Ni. Pariston wanted to know the purpose of Mu Liuji logging into the Hunter official website at this moment. He should be able to meet him in the next opponent. These bounties are not bad.

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