Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 215 215. Friendship between men X Both

Everyone saw that Mu Liuji seemed to be very curious about Lei Zha, and glanced at him with their big eyes. Du En, who was beaten badly, was still not afraid of death to provoke Jin. He pointed at Mu Liuji quietly, raised his hand to cover his mouth and lowered his voice.

"Jin, you are going to make wedding clothes for Lei Zha's kindness~ Ouch!" Du En's voice fell, and he gloriously became a bright meteor in the daytime, briefly burning his own calories and providing fun for his companions present.

When Mu Liuji heard the movement, he could only see Du En, who was free falling far away. She glanced at Jin who was still holding his fist, and the scene was unbearable to watch. Mu Liuji later found it amazing that the rest of Jin's friends present were not surprised by this scene. Okay!

"Xiao Mu, don't worry, Jin and Du En get along like this." Elena thought that Mu Liuji thought Jin was too rude, but she couldn't help but want to fight for Jin's few images.

Mu Liuji raised her head and saw Elena was so attentive in speaking well of Jin and saying that there was no trick. She didn't believe it. Maybe it was just that Jin and Elena were not interested. Mu Liuji seemed to have touched upon a new idea. She had already thought about bringing Jin and Elena together. Mu Liuji looked at Elena with a little more kindness. However, in front of everyone, Mu Liuji's attitude was still that of a cold little girl.

"You are indeed Jin's friend." Mu Liuji nodded and changed the subject. She looked in the direction where Du En landed in the distance.

"Hey? What do you mean?" Elena felt that something was wrong and subconsciously followed Mu Liuji's words.

"If Mr. Du En is not hopelessly stupid, he must have a special preference for being beaten by Jin to maintain friendship." Mu Liuji's words made everyone except Jin look at Jin.

Jin had naturally experienced Mu Liuji's style of shocking others countless times. He should have known it long ago. Mu Liuji is a naturally black guy. Jin couldn't beat this little girl, but the other idlers who were watching the show could. Jin waved his fist at those people with a dark face.

"Yes, so do you want to deepen your relationship with me?" Jin glanced at Lei Zha, Liszt and the twin sisters one by one. As for the shortest one, Jin just skipped it.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I haven't finished my inspection today, so I'll withdraw first. You continue." Liszt made a prompt decision. In order not to suffer any more physical pain, he naturally left his companions and slipped away.

After Liszt took the lead, Lei Zha and the two sisters each found an excuse to leave. They appeared like the wind and left like the wind. Just looking at the direction they left, it seems that no one took Mr. Duen away.

Even Mu Liuji couldn't help laughing when he saw the actions of these adults. A smile appeared in his eyes. Seeing this, Jin smiled along with him. Obviously, this time he met, it was the first time he saw Mu Liuji so relaxed. It seems that those guys who are in the way are not watching his show for nothing.

"Jin, it seems that you have a group of very interesting friends." Mu Liuji raised his head and spoke to Jin, especially there is a Miss Elena who has a crush on you. Mu Liuji looked at Jin with big eyes and blinked, "Do you come back here often?"

"No, what's wrong." Jin saw Mu Liuji's eyes shining when she saw Jie Ni, and felt that she must have a very bad idea. He raised his hand and hit her lightly, "Don't think about it, hurry up and catch wild monsters, and there is still a second process after catching them." Jin didn't want to listen to Mu Liuji's next words. If he wanted to live a few more years, he shouldn't follow this girl.

Mu Liuji rubbed his head and nodded obediently, okay, there will always be a chance to match them up later, and when fate comes, it can't be stopped. Now in the far sky arena, there is one of her closest targets, and she will definitely defeat him. Mu Liuji cheered herself up. She had some impression of the feeling of Qi flowing in her body, but she felt that the feeling of Qi flowing seemed to be very similar to the feeling of mental power. Mu Liuji had a question in her heart, can the telekinesis be integrated with the mental power? Transformation? This question is difficult now.

Mu Liuji looked at the fur ball that reappeared in front of her. She was bullied just now. Even if Mu Liuji knew its trajectory in advance, her body could not reach this speed without using the telekinesis to strengthen it. Is this because she neglected the homework assigned to her by President Netero?

"Well, sooner or later, you will have to pay for what you have done." Mu Liuji shook her head and admitted that she made a mistake by neglecting to practice.

"What? Are you going to give up so soon?" Jin was sitting not far away. He saw that Mu Liuji wanted to use telekinesis to enhance his speed to catch the wild monster. He sat cross-legged and hugged his chest and looked at Mu Liuji, "You are just unfamiliar with your body, not that you can't catch it."

Mu Liuji clenched her fists, and she put away the little thoughts that were exposed by Jin. She simply sat on the ground, put her hands on her legs naturally, and closed her eyes to meditate. She was impetuous and needed to calm down. Jin saw that Mu Liuji simply gave up the attack on the wild monster in front of him. He propped up his chin and smiled at Mu Liuji who had calmed down. This is how it should be. Knowing that he was not calm at the moment, he paused in time. Jin appreciated Mu Liuji's occasional maturity, so he kept his original posture and entered meditation with her.

This scene was very warm, with one big and one small, one high and one low.

Elena, Ida and Liszt, who had returned to this side from a distance, looked at the two people.

"Really, if that troublesome guy Jin wasn't so awkward, maybe things would be different now." Yida couldn't understand Jin's "unrequited love" behavior. Obviously, he was so bold and courageous in other things, but he was so bold in love. Previously, in the custody of his son Xiaojie, a similar thing happened again. Yida had a hunch that if Jin continued to maintain such progress with the little girl, the little girl might only regard Jin as a friend or something like that.

Liszt stood by and smiled at Jin's back: "If not, Jin would not be the Jin we are familiar with." Besides, Jin didn't expose that layer of relationship, perhaps because of his inferiority. After all, from the perspective of others, the huge age gap between Jin and the little girl is difficult to close. Maybe for Jin, silently protecting her is what Jin wants.

Elena looked at Liszt strangely: "Liszt, you don't seem to be optimistic about them."

Liszt was stunned and laughed out loud: "Really?"

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