Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 218 218. Forced transaction x twists and turns x clues

"Hahaha, I really can't hide it from Komaki-chan~" Pariston showed no panic or embarrassment at all after his lie was exposed. He was still smiling, "Actually, I still know a little bit about the clues about the No. 2 one-ping coastline. Otherwise, why would I have the nerve to appear in front of you, Komaki-chan~"

Although Pariston consciously admitted that he had the information that Mu Liuji needed, he told Mu Liuji in this straightforward way that if he wanted to know the information, exchange was inevitable. Everyone else present, including Mu Liuji, understood this simple truth.

"What do you want?!" Mu Liuji raised his head and looked at Pariston.

"Well, why don't you owe it first? I haven't thought about it yet." Pariston grinned, and his procrastination made Mu Liuji silent. This news about Pariston is indeed the information that Mu Liuji has not been able to obtain despite searching hard in the game. It can even be said to be the result of her two years of training. He made sure that he would never ask Jin about the card.

For Mu Liuji now, it's not how difficult the No. 2 card is, but time. Johnny Heitinga appears here, replacing Siba's father's ultimatum in disguise. Should she give up unwillingly, or should she keep such a time bomb? Mu Liuji stood there, no matter whether she agreed to this condition or not, it would definitely not be a loss for Pariston, but she was different.

Pariston stood there patiently waiting for Mu Liuji's answer. Johnny Heitinga stood next to Mu Liuji and glared at this insidious and cunning man. He knew that this man was not well-intentioned and had this intention.

"Miss Mu Liuji, don't believe what he says. Since he can find the information, we will definitely be able to find it too." Johnny Heitinga didn't want Mu Liuji to agree to Pariston's conditions, which were obviously a trap. He Knowing that her comfort was weak, Miss Muliuji had been in this game for such a long time without finding any clues. In the next short period of time, it would be easier said than done.

"It doesn't matter to me~" Pariston spread his hands and smiled harmlessly.

"Let me think about it." Mu Liuji did not answer Johnny Heitinga or Pariston. She actually already had a choice in her mind, if she couldn't find a third way.

José Leo Mori stood aside with his chest crossed. He noticed Mu Liuji's expression that seemed to have made up his mind. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Pariston, who was clearly digging a hole. He didn't think this girl would compromise so easily. Although, judging from the current situation, the boy's news is too tempting for the girl. As for that kid's purpose, even José Leo Mori, who had read countless people, didn't know what he wanted.

José Leo Mori was a little uneasy about Mu Liuji provoking a dangerous person like Pariston. He was playing tricks on him. This girl would definitely not be able to play with that kid. Under the premise that both parties seemed to have noticed, why did the kid keep repeating his behavior? appeared in front of this girl. There is a lot of news about Jos Leo Mori outside Bimuliuji. This guy is quite famous among hunters, and even Muliuji doesn't know about it yet. However, José Leo Mori accidentally learned that a year ago he learned that this kid was looking for clues to the GI game. José Leo Mori felt that this young man named Pariston was too dangerous. Now, while he has not yet fully grown up, this period is the last chance to prevent him from becoming a huge trouble in the future. José Leo Mori was wondering something secretly. José Leo Mori saw the young man named Pariston looking over keenly. José Leo Mori had not had this idea at first, but when Pariston looked over, he felt that he I'm in a good mood, but it's not bad that I can reluctantly eliminate a dangerous guy for this girl Mu Liuji. After all, he definitely likes girls more than boys, and there's nothing wrong with him.

When José Leo Mori saw Pariston looking over, he smiled as usual, but he had already decided to kill this guy. José Leo Mori knew that Pariston must have realized that he With murderous intent, José Leo Mori intuitively told him that that guy would definitely react in some way, so instead of being passive, it was better to make plans in advance.

At night, everyone rested in the open-air forest. Mu Liuji really couldn't sleep, so she got up. She really couldn't sleep, so she walked out of the forest with a heavy heart, looked at the ocean in front of her, found a place, and sat down. .

"Who are you……"

Mu Liuji heard the footsteps and turned her head to look at the strong man who suddenly appeared in the forest. He seemed to recognize her. Unfortunately, Mu Liuji also recognized the man who was one of the game masters. However, I can't even remember his name. Mu Liuji stood up.

"Hello, I'm Mu Liuji." Mu Liuji took the initiative to introduce herself and told the strong man her real name. She probably felt that he looked fierce but actually didn't bring any bad feeling to her. This man, actually, shouldn't be too bad.

"I'm Leza, we've met before." Leza looked at the girl in front of him who seemed to have grown a little taller. She was more energetic than when he saw her before. He had heard about this little guy in the game. I'm making rapid progress, and I've stolen many people's cards. This surprised everyone, after all, from the appearance, this person did not look like he would do such a thing. As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance.

"Although it is rather presumptuous, I would like to ask you something." Mu Liuji looked at Leza in front of him.

"Tell me about it." Leza nodded with a smile.

"In addition to NO.O, I also lack one square meter of coastline for NO.2. I want to know how to trigger the clues of the game. I don't have much time left." Mu Liuji confessed the difficulties she was facing now. After she finished speaking, she actually regretted it a little. After all, she didn't think Lei Zha would tell her the clues truthfully, and she didn't want to owe Jin more. If the other party really told her, it must be for his face.

Lei Zha looked at Mu Liuji, and he looked at Mu Liuji: "It has a limit on the number of people. I can only tell you so much." Seeing that this little girl was someone Jin asked to take care of, she would appear in front of him as a player anyway. Considering that she has always been arbitrary.

Mu Liuji was stunned and looked at Lei Zha: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

After Mu Liuji and Lei Zha parted, she returned to the place where everyone rested. When she approached, she saw Yos Leo Mori leaning against a tree, who seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time. He was playing with something in his hand, and he didn't seem surprised that she had insomnia.

"It seems that going out so late has yielded a lot of gains." Yos Leo Mori chuckled. It seems that his worries were unnecessary. Moreover, the purpose of the man named Pariston to threaten this girl with clues was completely unnecessary.

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