Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 41 Meteor Street in the Blacklist

"Let's make a deal." The fearful pain did not appear. Instead, there was an extra weight on his head, which was Siba's big hand.

Mu Liuji timidly raised her face, her eyes were drawn to Siba's arms that were thicker than her current waist.

Mu Liuji pouted and held Xiba's hand, thinking seriously about what could make her go to such a terrible place. She felt like she was suffocating now, and the smell made her dizzy. Mu Liuji is still struggling.

"Aren't you heavily in debt now? Take advantage of this opportunity and hurry up." Yuzai screamed in Mu Liuji's mind. It was rare to see Xiba's deflation, so he hurriedly spoke out. But Mu Liuji still didn't want to enter this smelly place, and he could still make money in the future. Mu Liuji puffed up her face and pouted, hugging Xiba's calf and refusing to let go.

Siba stood there, waiting for her daughter's answer. The target can't escape anyway. Now that he is being monitored by his own deacon, his daughter still needs to be educated well. There is only one girl in the family, and according to her father's repeated instructions, she must be patient.

"Then Dad, can the construction fee of the waterfall and future expenses not be included in my account?" Mu Liuji thought for a while and felt that Yu's suggestion was indeed the most tempting. After she finished speaking, she felt a little embarrassed. But think about it, this is my father, he asked me to say it.

After Xiba stared at Mu Liuji for a moment, he couldn't help but laugh a few times. He raised his hand and rubbed her little head: "Okay. It's just this once." Xiba looked at his daughter and said, She really is a girl who doesn't suffer any loss. However, his daughter had a rare little thought, and it was not a big deal to him, so he naturally agreed. Money can be made again.

"Then let's go in." Even though Mu Liuji had gained great benefits, she still hated the smell around Meteor Street. In her heart, she finally had a blacklist - Meteor Street.

Xiba took Mu Liuji and walked into this abandoned place. In addition to the stench, she didn't know how long she had walked. She saw some people wearing protective clothing and protective masks picking up garbage in the poisonous miasma. . Seeing them, one big and one small, walking in, he raised his body and looked at them one after another. Mu Liuji couldn't tell the difference between their expressions.

"Dad, what kind of person does it take to get out of this poisonous miasma?" Mu Liuji raised her little face and asked in confusion.

"People who know a little about telekinesis can get in and out of here." Xiba answered frankly. However, if he received very special drug resistance training like them since childhood, it would be equally easy to get in and out of this poisonous miasma.

Mu Liuji nodded: "However, Dad's place is so big, how do we find the target?"

"There are members of our family stationed in Meteor Street. If a target enters this area, they can be found immediately no matter where they are." Xiba replied calmly. Mu Liuji's eyes widened when he heard the sound. Wow, this is really amazing. The family turned out to be so awesome. Grandpa knew President Netero, and it seemed that wherever he went, there were dispatches from his family stationed there. Sure enough, they are golden thighs. It is truly a killer family that has stood firm for many years.

Mu Liuji had a plastic bag hanging in her hand, which was filled with food that Siba had bought for her before. But because Mu Liuji couldn't stand the smell here, she didn't take it apart and eat it. She just hung on her arm. It seems that there is Siba nearby, and no one appears from the surveillance sights appearing everywhere.

Seemingly approaching the mission target, Xiba stopped, and Mu Liuji tilted his head in confusion.

"Mu Liuji, walk straight ahead, about 2,000 meters away. Your target is there. He is an ordinary person. Here is a photo. Go and kill him. Do you understand?" Xiba handed a photo to Mu Liuji. And a locator with a small red dot on it, which seems to be the target's current position.

Mu Liuji pinched the photo in his hand, thought for a moment and handed the snack bag hanging on his arm to Xiba: "Then dad, help me take this.

Xiba reached out and took the plastic bag from Mu Liuji's hand, and then watched her run in that direction with a stern face. He quickly disappeared and calmed down. He wanted to take a closer look at his daughter's condition.

And Mu Liuji held the photo tightly in his hand, holding the dial-like thing in his hand, and moved forward seriously in a straight line, while the related obstacles like garbage mountains were all destroyed by Mu Liuji with all his energy. Blast away. Really, it was so straightforward that Yuu and Xiba, who were watching in secret, were filled with helplessness.

Mu Liuji stopped somewhere, lowered his head to make sure it had overlapped with the red dots. He just looked down at the crumpled photo, looked at the rough face of one of those people, and tilted his head in confusion. Why? It doesn't feel like it.

"No matter how you look at them, they are different from the people in the photo." Yuu looked at the people in Mu Liuji's sight with a dark line on his face. This girl is really too slow to think about her abrupt outfit, which makes her look like she is not from Meteor Street. Moreover, those few people had noticed her presence, and her focus was still on the photo.

Mu Liuji put the photos away and looked at the boys and girls. She had already noticed the way they looked at her, but she just felt that none of them could beat her together, so she didn't take it to heart.

"Hello." Mu Liuji thought for a moment. Since we have encountered each other, it would be best to avoid unnecessary battles. There seems to be a family motto for beating enemy Hakkas: don't do loss-making business. If you kill extra people, you will lose money. kindness.

"Little sister, you are not from here, right?" One of the very good-looking black-haired boys raised his hand to stop his somewhat reckless companions, and looked at the very young girl in a friendly manner. She was wearing an exaggerated Lolita skirt. She looked like a rich girl. She appeared here alone, intact, which is worth thinking about.

Mu Liuji blinked: "Yeah."

"You seem to be in trouble. Do you need our help?" The black-haired boy took a step forward in a friendly manner, but the girl who was originally standing there raised her arm and subconsciously made a warning gesture. The black-haired boy did not take the second step.

Mu Liuji looked at the boy who seemed familiar. Anyway, he didn't remember who he was, so he shouldn't be an important person: "I don't know you, and I don't need your help." And you don't look like good people. Mu Liuji didn't say the last sentence. But her action already represented her attitude.

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