Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 55: Different Kinds of Love Talks X Give Up

Just as Mu Liuji finished speaking, Pariston also had feelings brewing on the other side. He put his hands on his chest and said to Mu Liuji a confession that made Mu Liuji want to vomit: "The moment I held hands, I told myself, 'Love' It is eternity, love is persistence, and it is not abandoning or giving up. Today, I want to tell you that "meeting you is lucky, falling in love with you is sweet, and being loved by you is happiness." Mu Liuji-chan, come into my arms. ”

Mu Liuji's whole body seemed to have been struck completely by electric shocks inside and outside. What the hell is this? This kind of mental torture. Mu Liuji looked at the two people singing in harmony with a look on her face. She was in the hot summer and her heart was in the frosty winter. I don't want to experience this alternating feeling of hot and cold again in this life.

On the back of Mu Liuji, what she didn't notice was that the stone tablet had a slight change in color. Chrollo and Pariston made quick eye contact and continued to "double kill" Mu Liuji.

Mu Liuji endured this kind of torture over and over again, constantly giving psychological hints, "These are two wolves, and seriously they are pigs." Over and over again, even Yuu in his body couldn't stand it, and he broke off with Mu Liuji early. Lu Ji's relationship was so quiet that he stayed alone. Chrollo and Pariston watched the stone tablet getting redder and redder with their own eyes, as if it was being burned. They speculated that this stone tablet was most likely to be a measure of their deep feelings. After all, the appearance of this stone tablet was too unexpected. Makes you think more.

Kiruji: No, I didn't notice any change at all.

Just when Mu Liuji almost didn't know whether he was a human or a pig, a loud noise suddenly sounded from behind, scaring Mu Liuji to jump up. In sight, there was actually a crack in the middle of the stone tablet. It turned out that the passage was this stone tablet. However, what Mu Liuji is confused about is, that prerequisite? !

"Kiruji-chan is so innocent~" Pariston walked to her left with a smile and glanced at Muruji's puzzled look.

Chrollo walked to the right side of Mu Liuji and looked at the stone tablet that was fully separated: "A love triangle can be unrequited love, but this stone tablet only measures the degree of two people's feelings."

Chrollo explained it so straightforwardly, and Mu Liuji finally realized their unusual confession just now, but recalled the horrific scene just now: "It's really hard work." Thank you for making this up, and thank you for her. Quickly self-hypnotize yourself into a pig.

"Actually, Mu Ruiji-chan, those words are actually from the bottom of my heart." Pariston smiled mischievously beside him.

Mu Liuji didn't look sideways. Seeing that they wasted so much words, she didn't care about this guy's frivolous words. She watched the stone tablet completely open a door, and Mu Liuji took the lead in walking in. She would be weird if she believed these two ghosts.

As soon as the three of them stepped into it, they already noticed the different dangers at that moment. When the three of them took the first step, they jumped in different directions. At this time, different attacks suddenly appeared from above and on the ground. Densely packed little bugs appeared out of nowhere on the ground, making people's scalp numb just by looking at them. Stones of different sizes fell from the sky. If they hit the body, it would definitely have an impact.

The stones fell to the ground and were quickly covered up by the insects. Apparently these insects were able to chew down the hard stones. Mu Liuji could guess the sharpness of the teeth without even thinking. Watching carefully, this is another closed space. I am almost tired of looking for an exit every time.

Mu Liuji had two guesses, one was where the boulder above his head landed, and the other was where the bug appeared. Mu Liuji thought like this and immediately took action. She jumped up and landed on the nearest boulder. As she accelerated her descent, she pushed hard with her feet and replaced the boulder. She was carrying a big gourd on her back, and the weight at this moment was actually a load for her. For this reason, compared to the other two, her rise was the slowest.

Just when she was about to jump to the top, the exit in her sight suddenly began to close, and even Mu Liuji couldn't help showing a surprised expression. There were no boulders falling under her feet, and if either Chrollo or Pariston reached out to grab her at this time, there would be no follow-up.

At that moment, Mu Liuji already understood the intentions of the two people. The moment the door was about to close, the white jade gourd suddenly appeared behind her. She did not choose to leave from this exit, but hung upside down in the air. Using both feet, he rushed towards the other exit.

The exit had been closed. At the last moment, Mu Liuji used her actions to prove to the two guys that she would not join them even if she died down there. Just as she had no expectations at the beginning, when no one helped her, Mu Liuji was shocked but not disappointed.

Pariston and Chrollo walked out of the corridor and met six other people. When Jin saw the two of them alone, his expression suddenly changed.

"Where's Mu Liuji?"

"Ah, she accidentally missed the closing time." Pariston spread his hands with an apologetic look.

"You abandoned her." Jin's eyes moved down, staring at the trousers of Chrollo and Pariston, and he spoke with great certainty. Jin clenched his fists. The mud and sand of Muliuji remained on them.

The situation did not give them a chance to fight among themselves. The second choice came. Of the remaining eight people, one person must stay behind to pass. Jin chose to stay. He looked in the direction where Kuroro and Pariston had just come from. Everyone knew what he was going to do. However, the other people in the three-person team just now had a deep understanding of Jin's fighting ability. Not only was he strong, but he was also very smart.

"If I have to give up Mu Liuji's life for the exploration of the ruins, I will definitely choose her safety." Jin swore in front of everyone unswervingly. He knew that these people were all summoned by himself, but he would never do such a thing as Kuroro and Pariston. He was going to find Mu Liuji.

Mu Liuji, who was trapped inside, did not know what happened to the others afterwards. She was thinking about leaving here quickly, but You in her mind gave her a reminder. Bugs that can chew stones are not easy to find, but her earth element can increase their hardness. This land is actually a very good battlefield.

To this end, Mu Liuji took out all the sand and soil in the white jade gourd, used some of it to make new tools using stones on the ground, and used some of it to kill the endless stream of insects over a large area.

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