Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 66 Screening Purpose X Similar

Mu Liuji looked around carefully, one by one, over and over again. She thought that girls with wounds would be "eliminated", but Mu Liuji did not find any wounds on many intact girls. So what is the standard of these people's judgment? At this time, Mu Liuji's mind emerged with the appearance of the girl that the secretary of the 12th block liked the most. She seriously thought about the details of the few girls she arrived at for the first time. If the reason why she was selected was because she looked like that girl, it seemed that it would be clear in reverse. Her disguise was to make some changes to the appearance of that girl.

However, if they were looking for a substitute, then what was the purpose? You know, if you want to investigate the appearance of that girl, it is not a secret. Looking for a substitute? What happened to that girl. Mu Liuji always felt that if they were looking for a substitute for that girl, they arrested so many innocent children for the reason. The deeper reason is actually thought-provoking.

"Maybe it's true love, and you need to find a substitute to take her place." You curled his lips, reading Mu Liuji's thoughts, and couldn't help complaining.

Mu Liuji heard You's casual mention, but didn't express her dissatisfaction with him reading her thoughts without her permission, and sat there covering her mouth and thinking. You's idea, once proposed, seemed to take root in her mind. Yes, if she was in the position of secretary, if she met "true love", then finding a substitute might not be a bad idea.

"But, can such a person also have true love?" Mu Liuji still couldn't believe how the secretary, who was used to intrigue, could fall in love with a little girl who was only a few years older than her. It was like a relationship similar to that between a person and bread, but the relationship between this secretary and the little girl was better than that between a person and bread. In short, if she was that little girl, she would never fall in love with such a person.

You listened to Mu Liuji's somewhat contradictory voice, and he held back from speaking. You, a girl, have never been in love, so you naturally don't know that love comes so suddenly, and you can't hide from it.

If the secretary wants to find a substitute similar to that little girl, Mu Liuji will not worry about not being able to contact that Portaru. Among this group of people, she is the most similar. And the opportunity, Mu Liuji believes, will come soon.

On the other side, when the bald man led the group into the door of the villa where Portaru was, he suddenly felt that his chest was not breathing well. The bald man grabbed the clothes on his chest tightly, turned around with difficulty, and suddenly found that there was a lot of distance behind him. The girls he led fell there with black faces. They all died of poisoning.

The bald man didn't care how these people would die. He was dizzy, and something flowed out of his nostrils, ears, and eye sockets. He didn't have time to breathe. The bald man fell down heavily with blurred consciousness, staring at his bloodshot eyes, and his pupils gradually dilated. Obviously, he didn't know when he was poisoned until he died.

Portaru received the sudden death of the bald man's men and the selected seedlings led by him in the villa, which finally changed his face. This time, he didn't have time to look for other girls again. The other two people were staring at him desperately. If he went too far, if his plan was affected, it would be more harm than good.

Portaru didn't have time to ask how the bald man died. He had to find the right person quickly now. He immediately ordered other men to bring the remaining children over, and he wanted to choose them personally.

When Portaru sent people to transfer the other children, Mu Liuji saw this and gradually let go of her heart. Here comes her chance. The chance to get close to Portaru. Mu Liuji did not adjust her appearance any more. She was confident that she would be selected.

Mu Liuji followed everyone nervously to Portaru. She quietly nestled in the crowd, lowered her head, and was afraid to raise her head. However, many bold girls boldly raised their heads to look at Portaru, especially noticing his charm of a mature man. Many precocious girls even blushed. Mu Liuji took advantage of the opportunity to hide behind others and quickly glanced at the man named Portaru. He was not much different from the man in the photo. He was very ordinary. It was estimated that it might be because of the saying "clothes make the man". This ordinary Portaru outside has become a "hot commodity" in this Meteor Street?

Portaru simply looked around the children in front of him, and remembered the faces of those who raised their heads and were not afraid of strangers, but some of them seemed too timid and really petty.

——You were participating in a beauty pageant at that time, and this is Meteor Street.

Portalu clenched his fist and coughed a few times in a pretentious manner. Someone immediately stood in front of everyone with a list of names, asking the girls who had registered to come out. Portalu would decide what to do.

Mu Liuji's alias "Bo Jiang", with the first letter B, was called out soon. She clasped her hands together nervously, and nervously wore the glasses that had slipped down to the root of her nose. As soon as she appeared, Portalu, who had just picked up the teacup, was shocked and the tea in his hand spilled without realizing it.

"It looks like, it really looks like!" Portaru stood up suddenly, the tea cup in his hand had already been dumped on the desk beside him, and he looked at the girl named "Bo-chan" who was scared by him in disbelief. They are really similar. Apart from their temperament, they are very similar in many places. Portaru quickly thought about why the bald man didn't put this child in the first batch. The suspicious Portaru didn't know who to ask, because all the people in that group, including the girls, were dead, so it seemed that only she knew about "Bo-chan"'s turn to be in the defective group.

"Why are you in this group?" Poltaru tried to make his tone sound more kind. He walked up to Kiruji and squatted down to look at her level.

Mu Liuji shrank his head in fear, took half a step back, and showed off his fear of strangers vividly. Acting is a familiar thing, and deceiving people. Mu Liuji felt that the more he did it, the less burden he felt. Not like myself. Mu Liuji bit her lip and did not dare to answer.

"Tell uncle. Uncle will never hurt you." Poltaru's attitude towards Muliuji was really strange. It was obviously the first time they met.

Mu Liuji looked at him timidly and hesitantly for several times, shook his head and said nothing.

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