Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 74 Her determination x Hesitant little Ki

"It's like signing a contract to sell your body." Lan Ling nodded. When she was in the Lan family before, the family also used special methods to recruit outsiders. Now it's the same situation. She doesn't care. At worst, it's just the time when she was controlled by Portaru in the past few years. Moreover, Lan Ling thinks that this little girl is a person who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

"Almost." Xiba can see her decision from Lan Ling's attitude. In this case, there is no need to explain too much. Any words are not as good as actions and will. Xiba stared at Lan Ling. He originally wanted to kill her. Now it seems that his daughter may have a good subordinate. For this reason, Xiba will definitely let her stay.

"Dad, I didn't agree to let her come to our house." Mu Liuji finally couldn't help but interrupt Xiba who seemed to ignore her wishes. The conditions of his own butler were harsh. She heard a little bit. Since this girl wanted freedom, why should she be tied up again. There is no point. Besides, Mu Liuji herself felt a little sorry for Lan Ling. She had thought about killing her before. Mu Liuji thought so, and looked up at Lan Ling seriously, "I thought about killing you, but I didn't succeed."

"?" Lan Ling blinked in confusion, how could she not know anything. Besides, Mu Liuji was unarmed, no, even if the black magnet was her ability, it didn't happen when she was with her. Lan Ling had no idea when she was "killed" by this little girl.

Seeing Lan Ling's puzzled face and her daughter answering seriously, Xiba should be able to guess what method Mu Liuji used. Considering Lan Ling's specialness, in a sense, she is very compatible with Mu Liuji. If the stubborn Mu Liuji can realize this, this Lan Ling is really very useful. Of course, if his daughter really doesn't like this Lan Ling, he won't force it.

"Oh! But you didn't do it again." Lan Ling didn't know what expression or words to respond for a while, and she didn't know how she offended this little girl.

When Mu Liuji heard this strangely old-fashioned answer, he really wanted to be wronged for a while, just to see if the auras were not in harmony. A normal person should be angry, but what was wrong with Lan Ling's tolerant tone?

"Okay, in that case, Miss Lan Ling will go back with us first. If my daughter still doesn't like you, then I can only assign you to other positions." Xiba interrupted Mu Liuji's thoughts, who were stuck in a dead end. Mu Liuji was stunned for a moment, and thought about what Xiba said just now. It seemed that Xiba's father still had to decide to accept Lan Ling.

Mu Liuji sighed helplessly: "Okay, since everyone agrees, I won't stop it anymore." Turning around, looking at those people who seemed to be under the control of Portalu and who were besieged again at some point, Mu Liuji's eyes flashed, and he looked at Lan Ling beside him. Sure enough, she had not been controlled by Portalu from the beginning. As long as he had the power of "purification", that is to say, the only way to kill her was a physical attack. Lan Ling, who was unaware of this, had endured for so long. Mu Liuji really admired her.

"Then please ask Miss Lan Ling to deal with these people as a sign of your sincerity in joining our family." Shiba didn't care about these people. He was able to deal with his own daughter. If Lan Ling didn't have this countermeasure, she would die.

Lan Ling nodded, stretched out her hands in front of Mu Liuji and Shiba, and then a white mist spread from her body. As soon as the mist appeared, Mu Liuji knew what it was, poisonous mist, and the concentration was not low. This ability is really closely related to Lan Ling's experience of growing up. But her current poisonous mist has little effect on her now. The ability to use poison and "purification" is really amazing.

Mu Liuji watched Lan Ling use her ability seriously. In an instant, she used poison gas to directly sweep N people. Obviously, she is also a wide-area Nen user. The joy of like-mindedness made Mu Liuji's eyes almost fly. Shiba noticed his daughter's happy expression and knew that Mu Liuji would definitely like Lan Ling.

Lan Ling's fighting power has great potential. She is not proficient in using telekinesis now. If it weren't for her domineering telekinesis, if she met someone with a physique like them who was resistant to poison, this Lan Ling would most likely be killed. Because of this, Shiba decided to go back and let Wutong make a plan and train her well.

During Lan Ling's battle, Mu Liuji stood with Shiba.

"Dad, in fact, even if Portalu died, he couldn't remove his ability." Mu Liuji asked lightly, his eyes fixed on Lan Ling who was fighting at the moment.

Shiba's attention was also on this battlefield: "Don't you already know the answer?"

"Her ability, Dad, could it be related to the removal of thoughts?" If the kind of restriction that Portalu had could be offset, Mu Liuji could only think of "the removal of thoughts master".

Shiba thought for a few seconds and replied to Mu Liuji: "This possibility is not great. The ability of a mind remover is similar to removing mind power, so it is difficult to generate new abilities, otherwise the two must conflict." Shiba denied Mu Liuji's guess. It is true that the existence of mind power cannot be explained by common sense for many people, but none of them can be separated from basic knowledge. Just like Mu Liuji's own ability, she has the element of fire, but she can't get a trace of water element power through acquired training. Wait, in fact, many abilities, as long as you master its principles, if you want to crack, it is not difficult. In battle, it is often difficult to have a deep understanding of the ability. In this regard, even he, if he has no experience, often can't handle it, let alone his young daughter.

Mu Liuji nodded, and what he said was true. She looked at Lanling, so she offset the power of her toxin at the beginning, just because of the special effect on the drug. Mu Liuji felt a little unconvinced about this coincidence.

"When she becomes your family's steward, if you have doubts about her ability, why don't you just ask the person involved?" You really didn't like Mu Liuji, who was always indecisive. He didn't know why this girl would take so long to think about such a simple matter.

Mu Liuji was choked by You's objection. She felt that thinking about it this way was really a headache. Indeed, it would be better to wait until Lan Ling became qualified as her steward before asking.

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