Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 89 Encounter with a time traveler and deception

"Mu Liuji~" Just here Mu Liuji was embarrassed. When facing Ilmi, a high-pitched voice suddenly interrupted the good atmosphere. Mu Liuji immediately breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head to look. Ilmi's eyes flashed with displeasure. He wanted to see which blind person dared to disturb him and his sister to cultivate a good relationship. It was simply unbearable.

Ilmi turned his head with murderous intent and looked at the boy who had met him once. He really hated this person. After Mu Liuji saw this person clearly, the embarrassment on his face just now could not be retracted. Let the visitor see her different side. Such dazzling, really makes people want to destroy this innocence.

"Ahaha~ What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you in this city. It seems that fate is destined for us to be together." Pariston smiled brightly and ignored Ilmi, who was looking dark next to him. Especially after he finished speaking, the atmosphere around Ilmi almost turned into an ice cone. If looks could kill, the one he wanted to kill the most was the boy who had bad intentions towards his sister. Jin or something, that kind of hate is nothing.

"It has nothing to do with fate." Mu Liuji frowned, raised his head and looked at the boy who made people creepy. Seeing Pariston's stunned look, he explained, "This world is not big. I used to buy tickets online. As a hunter, it is not difficult for you to get my geographical location. I believe in planning more than encountering by chance."

Mu Liuji and Pariston looked at each other. The light in Pariston's eyes became brighter and brighter. Seeing this, Mu Liuji couldn't help it. He stretched out his hand. When Pariston and Ilmi didn't expect it, Mu Liuji actually punched Pariston to the ground.

"Mu Liuji-chan?!" Pariston fell to the ground in shock, covering his abdomen, and looked at Mu Liuji as if he was looking at a "scumbag".

Before Mu Liuji could explain, another annoying person came. A figure rushed over. Seeing this, Yilmi reached out and pulled Mu Liuji away in time, thus avoiding his precious sister from being hit. Mu Liuji nestled in Yilmi's arms, looking at the girl who came out of nowhere. She was a teenage girl, who looked very capable and vaguely had the demeanor of a queen.

"How could you push Pariston!" The girl nervously helped Pariston up, turned around, and questioned Mu Liuji angrily.

Mu Liuji looked at her: "I like him. He deserves a beating." Mu Liuji answered lightly.

"You! You! Do you know who he is? How dare you do this to him." The girl glared at Mu Liuji and pointed at her. If you didn't know her, you would think Pariston was some precious person.

Mu Liuji raised his hand and slapped her claws away: "I don't care if he is a human or a ghost, a thing or not. If you love him so much, tie him up with a rope and keep a good watch on him. Don't let him go and bite people everywhere." Mu Liuji was short but not inferior in momentum. The tone of the girl made her a little concerned.

"It's no good to offend us. Be careful or you will die miserably in the future..." Before the girl finished her arrogant declaration, a cold light flashed in front of her eyes. If Pariston, who was supported by her, hadn't reached out and pulled her back in advance, the girl would have become a corpse at this moment. There was a thin and long pin stuck in the ground where she was originally standing.

Ilmi held a pin in his hand and looked at the girl with a cold look. Even if it was a loss-making business, he would kill this outspoken woman who was looking for death.

The girl stumbled a few steps and fell on Pariston. She looked scared, and when she saw Ilmi, her eyes lit up: "Ilmi?!"

Mu Liuji had previously doubted a certain idea. After seeing the girl affirmatively calling out Ilmi's name, she could probably guess that this girl was probably her "kind", but her attitude did not seem to realize the danger of this world. If this was a soul from another world, then it would make sense that she was so nervous about Pariston. This girl knew that Pariston would be the vice president of the Hunter Association in the future, but she made a really bad move. Even Kuroro, who chose to be evil to the end, would not choose Pariston.

When Ilmi heard the girl say his name, the hand that originally raised the pin paused: "How do you know my name?"

Ilmi said this, Mu Liuji knew that his elder brother had murderous intentions, but the girl in front of him who had no vision and no eyesight did not think so. She stood firm and pretended to be calm and looked directly at Ilmi. This courage made Mu Liuji stand beside Ilmi and watch the show. She did not dare to look at her elder brother like this. This girl was awesome.

"This is related to my ability. I have nothing to say." The girl pretended so well. Mu Liuji knew with his toes that what the girl wanted to say was nothing more than the "precognition" and "dreaming" commonly used by time travelers. Such tricks are unbelievable at first hearing.

Ilmi put down the pin in his hand and looked at the girl: "Oh? It seems that you know me very well." Ilmi looked at the girl who had been marked as "dead" by him, and her words were completely unbelievable. There was a big loophole.

The girl nodded: "Yes."

Mu Liuji lowered his eyes to hide the coldness in his eyes when he heard the voice. When he raised his eyes again, he took a step forward and held Ilmi's arm intimately. In the shock of the girl, he gently leaned his head on Ilmi's arm: "Dear, how come I never knew you knew other women?" The drama queen Xiaomu appeared, and she pinched her throat and spoke delicately. If you didn't know, you would really think that Mu Liuji and Ilmi had something.

Ilmi felt the sharp claws of a kitten on his arm pinching him. He lowered his head and rubbed Mu Liuji's little head with his other hand: "I don't know her."

"Really! You promise that you will never go out with other sluts behind my back, otherwise I will be very angry." Mu Liuji pushed the issue further and looked at the girl's angry face.

"How is it possible? Who are you?" The girl couldn't help screaming when she saw that Ilmi, one of the "harem" in her heart, had such a person beside her. Her answer made the other three people present realize something, except the person involved.

Mu Liuji leaned on Ilmi and said, "I am Ilmi's closest person." A sister can also be considered a close person.

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