Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 113: Harvest, Uker Village

In the end, Endersey gave the order.

Bring everyone back.

Since I couldn't find it before, if I continue to look for it, there is no possibility of finding it.

There is no other outcome than death. .

After all, there are already so many lessons learned, and so many people have disappeared and died, if you don't learn the lesson.

That can only be said to be a fool.

Of course, that doesn't mean Endersey just gave up.

To really do anything, it would definitely require redeployment.

At this time, Endersey began to think again.

Thinking of the slug that can cure alienation disease, and that there may be any special abilities that can improve the strength of others, he just gave up, and Endersey was very unwilling.

Such a thing should belong to him. It appeared in front of him and gave him such an opportunity. Besides him, who else could be worthy of such a thing.

If he can form an army of telepaths, hehe, thinking of this, Endersey's rough old face showed an ugly smile.

Thinking of this, Endersey felt that the more than 1,000 people who died and disappeared before were nothing.

Not as painful as before.

And now, the troublesome question.

Just looking for someone, although I know the general area, but I can't find any clues.

After all, most of the people they went there before were dead. ,

He even doubted that if people continued to search there, would they all die there.

This is actually quite possible.

"Really contact them? Let them shoot together?"

In fact, after receiving the call, Endersey already had an idea to contact other military regions and arrest people first.

Really, being a healthy normal person is too tempting.

Even if they don't have monopoly, that's a good thing for them.

Although they have no idea of ​​leaving here, but being able to become normal people in this Emira Kingdom is something they are very eager to do.

Not only powerful, but also do not have to worry about the threat of alienation disease.

There is nothing more convenient than this.

However, if so, then his worry is not whether he can find the slug, but if he finds it, whether he can monopolize it.

He didn't have the idea of ​​sharing it with other people.

He also knew that no one else would have such an idea.

Endersey is particularly aware of what people think here.

There is no problem when it is difficult to be the same, and the blessings are shared, huh, huh.

They have been neighbors for so long, who doesn't know who the people here are.

Their positions are hereditary, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have played together from childhood to adults who really know people from other military regions.

Now. .

"It still feels like it needs to be arranged."

In the end, Endersey still did not make up his mind and did not intend to directly look for people from other military regions.

Since he knew the news in advance, he could prepare in advance.

At least not everyone can fully know the news.

. . .

the other side.

The situation in Stana City.

In a small village in the Kingdom of Emira.

Basically, there is no guarantee of safety in this kind of village.

There is absolutely no registration and no information in the country.

Therefore, if you want to find the village, for passing vehicles, it depends on luck.

This is not the same as what city you want to go to, a certain city or the like.

Unless someone owns the map privately and records it himself, it's just luck.

Ron's team, after leaving Old Nathan's village, Ron and the others have been here for many days.

Sunset and sunrise, fifteen days away, in fact, it should be almost the same.

And recently, it is actually difficult to find the convoys and teams sent by the general of Stana City.

It was an ordinary team, and the team met a few.

Basically, if you can recruit, you will recruit, and if you can collect, you will collect.

So, this has also allowed their team to gradually grow, and besides that, the source of life, too.

A large number of recruits, with the help of several Stana City pursuit teams found before, his life source is still in a high state.

[Origin of life: 35558 units]

The more than ten days that I came to the Kingdom of Emira can be regarded as a full harvest.

The only pity is.

The dozen or so chasing teams in Stana City had not finished killing them before, and almost half of them were not found. I don't know if they ran away or were ordered to go back. Anyway, it was not good news for Ron.

Of course, Ron was still reluctant to accept this result.

After all, as long as those people on the other side still have contact and are not fools, it is impossible for him to stand still and let him stroke the wool.

Running this thing, it will definitely still be.

Without those lambs, Ron's source of life is temporarily enough, and he has no goal for the time being, and the time is almost 15 days.

such a situation.

In fact, Ron had already planned to leave, after all, it was definitely impossible to leave directly.

We still need to settle these people before we leave.

Now there are more than 300 people around Ron alone, and many people have been led back to Chris's village before.

Fortunately, there are slugs to guide the way, otherwise it will be a hassle.

And now.

Before Ron left, he found something to do.

There is also a village here, and Ron came here directly with the idea of ​​collecting more people.

"Lord Ron, it's just ahead."

In Ron's convoy, there was a person who had left the village before. He knew the road here and the situation in the village.

And this village is at least one level higher than the previous villages of Chris and Old Nathan.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a small town.

Moreover, the most important point is that this town, with mountains and water, can basically be self-sufficient, which is a good circular chain.

And the population that Ron cares about the most.

More than three thousand people.

There are more people than he was looking for before.

This is doubled.

That's why Ron came although something might happen if he just came here.

But there is still a chance.

He didn't even think about eating all of the three thousand people at once, but there is still a chance to take some people away or occupy a little bit.

"Yukele Village??"

This village can be considered awesome. When he was approaching, Ron saw the house number early, with the name of the village on it.

This is the village that Ron was looking for before, but he didn't find it.

And this village and town is obviously still big, with enough people, and there are people stationed at the gate to observe the situation nearby.

A convoy of hundreds of people like Ron, who came here from a distance, was easy to spot.

Soon there was movement in the village.

When Ron came to the gate of their village, there were many assembled people, one by one.

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