Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 118: ron and marge

After leaving the Kingdom of Emira.

Soon after returning to the previous port, everything went very smoothly.

And soon, in front of Ron, there appeared a delicate and delicate looking, a little petite and lovely woman with a pink medium-long ponytail. She looked like a young girl, and some people believed that she was a girl. .

However, for Ron, he still knew that the other party was actually not too young.

"Master Maggie, I didn't expect you to think of me so much. I just came back and couldn't wait to come to me."

Ron didn't find it strange that Maggie would appear here.

Before, when he came here, he already knew the news.

In other words, he had agreed before that when he left the Kingdom of Emira, he would notify the other party as soon as possible.

Ignoring Ron's teasing and enthusiastic greeting, Maggie's face was frosty when the other party spoke.

Moved his hands and feet, and then walked towards Ron aggressively, without saying a word.

This is very clear and obvious, it is not a simple come to say hello.

"calm down."

With a wave of his hands, Ron was still very clear about the character of the other party.

He turned his head and signaled that Bowdello beside him could get out.

It's a family affair, and it's not up to anyone else.

As for Maggie, the tone of his speech was completely unreliable.

After coming to Ron's side, Maggie didn't act the first time, but after watching Baldlow leave.

After Baldlow left over Maggie.

Maggie also waved her small fist directly to Ron's stomach.

"Let you not contact me, let you refuse to contact me."

"It's been so long, I still like to find things so much."

Unhappy with the punch, Maggie thought for a moment, and as she spoke, she punched Ron again.

"Oh, your strength is to kill me."

It didn't resist anything, woman, make a fuss.

In fact, it's normal, as long as it's not too much, Ron is still very open to all of this.

But it's better to pretend to be pretending, bending over and groaning in pain. People who don't know seem to think that Ron is seriously injured.

Seeing Ron's indecent appearance, Maggie was very upset and didn't give a good tone at all.

"If you die like this, it's not my turn to beat you."

Between the words, his eyes widened, and he looked at the other party like that, as if he was saying, act, you continue to act.

The strength just now was well controlled by Maggie, and at most it would make the other party feel pain. Moreover, it is impossible to get hurt, and even if it is injured, the ability to be a slug is completely useless.

Maggie looked at each other now as if she was watching a showgirl, or Ron had always been a showgirl to her.

And the meaning of the words is actually very clear. If Ron was just like this, he would have been beaten to death long ago, and it was her turn to beat him.

As far as the other party's unfortunate appearance is, he has offended many people.

"Hey hey, isn't this different from human beings? I was beaten by you, but there were additional injuries. The trauma on my body is nothing. The main thing is my heart, which is aching."

He smiled and explained it vaguely, but Ron didn't show any politeness. He directly grabbed the hand that the other party had just withdrawn, and made him feel good when the other party hit him just now.

But before the other party had time to say anything, he felt dissatisfied, and the whole person leaned on him. As a human being, he couldn't be embarrassed.

Especially someone like Maggie.

Counting on the other party to take the initiative may only be possible in a dream.

Looking at the other party's unhappy and dissatisfied look, but did not refuse, Ron climbed up the tree like a monkey.

"Hehehe, long time no see, it's not too much to hug."

Between the words, Ron directly hugged the other party with a smile, as if this was to retaliate for the other party's fist.

When he found an opportunity, he naturally wouldn't let it go.


Being hugged directly, it's not that she can't react, Ma Qi, looking at the shameless guy in front of her.

After hesitating for a while, he didn't move to avoid anything, and was hugged directly.

His face was still not good, but he didn't do much.

It's a bit depressing here these days, but now, when being hugged, it is undeniable that it still makes her a lot easier.

In fact, he is very clear about Ron. Many times, the other party likes to cover up something, or something that is inconvenient to say, and it is easy to fool him.

If it is not important, she is just like a listener, not asking too much or saying too much.

unless it's serious.

In a way, Maggie is actually very considerate when she does things.

That's part of what makes her so interesting.

It was like in the past, no matter how messed up Ron was or how **** he was, she didn't care about Ron's affairs.

Mainly still feel that the other party can solve everything.

But now, with the previous conflict with the people in Meteor Street, she is still a little worried about what will happen.

But now that she was hugged, Maggie twisted like a kitten, but didn't say anything right the first time.

Originally, Maggie didn't feel anything.

And soon, as Ron spoke.

She wants to beat someone again.

All the time, especially in front of Ron.

She felt that it wasn't that she had a bad temper, it was that Ron was too ill-fated.

Growing up, she really wanted to beat him seven days a week, seven days a week.

"Long time no see, it seems like I haven't hugged you for a long time."

"Well, I feel, I feel that people are still the same, you are so old, you look, well, you are so young, beautiful, small..."

"I always feel like holding you now is like holding you ten years ago. It's still the same, and I panic."

"You owned an airport more than ten years don't plan to develop a little more planes or anything, just bite those willows, what does it mean."

"I see, according to what we said before, find a time and I'll give you a massage. It may take a long time. This is not a bad thing for you."

While holding it, Ron was still like a pervert, while commenting.

At first, there was nothing malicious about it.

Everything is very normal, just like the contact between ordinary men and women who have an ambiguous relationship after parting.

At first, Maggie thought about it, just bear with it and ignore the pervert.

And soon, as he talked, Ron became more and more outrageous.

And with these words.

As he spoke, Ron's waist was pinched by a hand that looked weak and weak like a fair-skinned jade.

A little pain came.

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