Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 122: Dowry, database collation

Brainwashed yourself?

Ron actually remains skeptical about whether he has been brainwashed by a certain ability.

In fact, after he developed his abilities before, he also checked his physical condition, and even went to find a teacher to check his own condition.

But unfortunately, there is no good news or clues to be found.

In other words, there is no good news, it is good news.

Whether it was his own inspection, or he searched for several mind-eliminating masters in a row, checked him, and checked other people, he didn't find any feeling of being controlled by mind-mind ability.

Some of the masters have also told him before.

When this happens, either it is the ability of the other party, it is not a compulsory ability, and there is no harm to the human body, so there is no mentality and transformation.

Or, there is some hidden mechanism that cannot be discovered.

In addition to these two kinds, the third one is the most likely. According to those who are not reading the masters, Ron has nothing at all.

In fact, some time ago, he also accepted this statement, especially when he observed other people in Meteor Street, he couldn't see anyone who was manipulated or possessed any operating system ability.

If it is manipulated, it is usually the ability of the operating system, and Meteor Street, there are actually many people who can use the ability of the operating system to operate themselves.

Those with operating system abilities pay attention to first-come-first-served arrivals. If the residents of Meteor Street have already been manipulated by some operating system abilities, it is obviously impossible to continue to control them with other abilities.

I thought so at first, but after going through the events of the Fourth Elder, Ron was actually more inclined, which was the first possibility.

Harmless, the ability to subconsciously transform.

Of course, all of this is just his own speculation, and Ron has not explained the situation to anyone else.

This is my first time talking to someone.

The only person who heard it was Maggie.

And Maggie, after listening to Ron's words, her eyes were a little hesitant. In fact, she couldn't judge anything about such an ability. Anyway, subconsciously, they did have some kind of obsession with Meteor Street.

It's all the same, it's true.

At this time, Maggie didn't feel any intuition in her usual intuition.

She had no idea about this.

Looking at Ron who had no intention of letting her meddle at all, Maggie didn't continue to struggle.

"Do whatever you want, but I hope, if anything goes wrong, just give up."

As for convincing Ron, Maggie no longer had this idea, and Maggie always spoke very seriously.

And now even more so.

Ron is so entangled about Meteor Street and the Presbyterian Church, so she. .

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool."

He waved his hand and let Maggie come to him, but Ron grabbed each other very rudely and stinged each other.

"I haven't lived enough, especially if I haven't eaten you, how could I just do something stupid like this."

He hugged the other person directly, and then said casually.

Maggie was actually used to the other person's words, but every time Ron said this to tease her, especially when he was very close.

She will also habitually want to punch each other.

Some people get used to it after beating for a long time.

On the first day of leaving the Kingdom of Emira, Ron caught Maggie and rested in the hotel for a day. Well, nothing happened.

He was beaten up for being too naughty.

The next day, thinking that he would still need money in the future, Ron went directly to reissue the previous bank card.

Although it wasn't too much, Ron's family fortune had billions of ringtones before.

"Even if your dowry is ready."

Seeing that Maggie gave out part of the dowry and saved him a little bit of money, and made up 10 billion, Ron accepted it rudely.

She said something mischievous, and when the guy next to him didn't speak, it was her acquiescence, and Ron just smiled.

Now that he is short of money, he may have to use it later, so Ron will naturally not give up.

He knew that Maggie was richer than him, but a lot. It should be the brigade's money, and Ron wouldn't let her make it difficult to continue to get money.

Ron didn't care much about the money before, and it was basically taken away by the Presbyterians, or he simply gave it to Maggie or his subordinates.

Deposits are not really much.

And Maggie is an organization that left Meteor Street, similar to these people in the Phantom Troupe.

After each event, they would also distribute a large sum to the Presbyterian Church, which could be regarded as protection fees or taxes.

Ron was still very clear about this.

It is said to be for the people of Meteor Street, but in fact, it is to fatten the people of the Presbyterian Church.

Meteor Street is like a day for billions of years.

It's the same garbage dump, just more garbage day after day, and dead people day after day.

The change is actually not that big.

In other words, as long as the members of the Presbyterian Church are always here, there is no possibility that this Meteor Street will change. .

In their view, the change is to move their position, which is something they are not happy about.

They can accept capable people to join them, but they can't accept that someone wants to change this Meteor Street.

After a while, the Fourth Elder actually invited Ron to join the Presbyterian Church and asked him to give up some things, which he hadn't noticed before.

But actually think about it now. .

Obviously the other party is testing the situation.

It can only be said that he still thought a little too little about the ideas of those old guys before.

After getting things like bank cards and passports, Ron took Maggie back to the hotel.

During this period, I also saw a few undead soldiers before.

Well, being trained by Maggie to be half-dead every time, Ron just told them to work harder.

Then he let Bordello, who had nothing to do recently, join them, training their physical strength while training their mental energy.

It can't be completely pulled down, but for some knowledge and battle experience of Baldlow.

In fact, the slugs are already being sorted When Ron was free yesterday, our industrious little expert had no intention of being free at all, and even the slug clone next to Maggie was relieved .

There was a moment of respite, after all, Ron was here now, and if Maggie had anything to do, Ron was the one who beat him, no matter what happened to him.

So I started to study the matter of sorting out the database and joining the army without dying.

All the undead soldiers, among the more than 800 undead soldiers, all those with combat experience have been sorted out.

It's not just Baldlow's.

Whether it's gun combat or hand-to-hand combat, it's all there.

Baldlow is just one of them, and the combat power is still good. For example, Chris and the others, before the awakening ability, are actually not worse than Baldlow.

Everyone has his value, even the ordinary undead army has his unique fighting skills.

This is very useful.

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