Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 129: Villa area, guard team

"It's coming so soon? Are you in such a hurry to die?"

He muttered to himself, and soon Ron didn't care about the other party, and just remembered the name a little.

His opponent is not just such an organization.

If there is only one golden light, then he will not take it seriously. Perhaps, at that time, they will be able to determine who is the king in the battlefield.

Survival of the fittest, who can fully adapt to the real and survive.

There is always only one answer, there is no possibility of the second, there is no accident.

"Golden light?"

When Ron hung up the phone and handed the phone to Maggie, the other party seemed to hear something emphasized.

"Yeah, that big bald head seems to be coming back."

Speaking of this guy, although it has been many years, but thinking about the previous conflict with the other party, it seems to be related to Maggie. Thinking of this, Ron laughed again.

"When the time comes, I'll help you clean him up again."

That was when Ma Qi had not left Meteor Street, and she still followed people to dig through the trash. In fact, Jin Guang was the same as before. He was tall and tall, and he had awakened his ability to read.

Early in the morning, he pulled a team of people and came to the scene to rob other people's loot.

Maggie was also robbed once before.

Then, Ron took someone to fight them.

After all, they were a team before.


Listening to Ron's words, Maggie seemed to hear something funny.

I emphasized that it was obviously the trouble I caused myself.

It has always been their business. As far as their previous drama of robbing garbage, it is actually nothing at all.

If it weren't for the sudden mention of each other, Maggie would have even forgotten.

"It's not all the same, your business is mine."

Not caring about Maggie's words, Ron smiled and pulled the other party away directly.

So Maggie didn't have time to say anything.

was immediately pulled away.

On the way, I found a taxi.

For people who don't have a car, this thing is really very convenient.

Then get into action. .

Although it was broad daylight, Ron had nothing to worry about.

Before going to meet people, Ron came to a villa area.

This is where one of his "patients" here lives.

Some people want to court death a little bit, so Ron will naturally send each other a ride unceremoniously.

People are mortal, and some people need a little help.

"Sir, first..."

The vigilance here is really a bit crowded. It was just approaching, and someone was already leaning over to stop Ron and others.

But before he said anything, he was directly **** by Ma Qi.

The thin thought lines seemed to be played with flowers.


He was completely bound, unable to say anything, and even moved his body a little, and blood flowed out along the line of thought.

"Be honest, don't blame me for being cut to death."

Maybe it was because she was worried that someone might dirty her mind, but it was rare that Ma Qi said one more sentence. ,

"Who? Who are you?"

"Let him go and put your hands up."

"Be honest, are you courting death?"

While Maggie was talking, there were already quite a few people rushing out of the security hall, with suits and leather shoes, black suits and black leather shoes, and black sunglasses.

Even if it's a hot day, it's really hard for them to dress up like this.

In the hands, basically one person holds a gun, and directly threatens Ron and the others.

At first, I thought it was the wrong person, or came to visit, but I didn't care too much, but my teammates were suddenly caught, which made it clear that something was wrong.

When informing the situation of the people in the villa, he already had a gun and came to Ron and the others.

The people in the villa can be said to be either rich or expensive.

But you can't let people run in casually.

Especially people like Ron and the others who started without saying a normal word.

"Find that guy, little slug."

Looking at the unlucky guy caught in front of him, and the gunmen who were surrounded by him, Ron didn't care too much, even though he was just an ordinary person with ordinary abilities.

It can only cure diseases or something, and its combat effectiveness is not high, but. .

As a person with the ability to strengthen the system, there are still some characteristics that he should have. Those who are incompetent, just those guys with guns, he does not pay attention to them.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Ignoring the threat in the vicinity, the little slug in Ron's hand, when he heard Ron, responded with a loud snort, and directly scattered hundreds of thousands of split bodies, acting on the ground here, aiming at Action inside the villa area.

Completely ignore the guards here.

After all, Ron didn't give any orders. In addition, Ron's people are here, and the slug body is also there, so there is nothing to worry about.

It needs to be dealt with, just give it a hint.

No need to waste time or interrupt other plans.

"Do not move."

"Stop, what is this, slug."

"Damn things, stop, order them to stop." "Clap clap..."

"Order them to stop or die."

At this moment, more than a dozen security guards have gathered here, most of them holding pistols, and a few others, holding semi-automatic guns, have already shot at the slugs unceremoniously when they are talking.

However, the speed of slugs is not as slow as ordinary slugs.

And this special body, it doesn't matter if it blows up, at most it just abolishes a few split bodies, just this pistol, who else can it threaten.

Soon, the security guards at the scene also found that they could not threaten the slugs here.

And these slugs directly ignored them and moved towards the villa area, which made them anxious.

Thinking of Ron who gave the order one by one held guns at Ron and threatened.

If they weren't worried that they couldn't get rid of the slugs without Ron, or that there was something special about the slugs, they would have shot.

Let the people who cleaned up here say it again.

Even if his partner is in the hands of others, he will not manage it.

The people here are like this, the safety of the villa area is the first, as for the others, they don't care that much.

"Or die? It's terrible, is this threatening me?"

After releasing the slugs to find the target, Ron, who was temporarily idle, looked at the guys who threatened him, a dozen people, plus the sniper shooter, one in each direction.

In addition, there are many people who have already rushed here. It may be that someone has contacted them before, or they are attracted by the sound of gunfire.

The first time, Ron has mastered the information around here. .

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