Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 131: Strange Fist

Listening to the words of the people around, the defense captain hesitated or gave up.

First, the previous machine gun bullets were useless at all.

The second is the speed of the other party, which made him think of some bad things, and he is not like a person at all.

And since the other party has not acted, the target is obviously not them.

There is no need to do anything for the time being, mainly because of the opponent's strength. If there is no previous shot, it will be completely ineffective.

Let him think of some things, and now he may act directly.

But for now, forget it.

"Stop, don't act for the time being, I'll ask the boss."

For everything here, the defense captain didn't explain much.

He obviously knows more things than other ordinary people, so he should contact the people behind him directly and let them have a headache.

After giving the order, started using the phone, intending to contact the person behind him.

"Send it to treatment."

Looking at the guards who were caught by Maqi before, and now have many parts of the body cut by the same thread, they were sent directly to treatment.

"Boss, this way..."

When he was in action, the guard captain's phone was also answered, and he quickly and simply explained the situation here.

Emphasize the description of those who have the ability to read.

He had seen capable people before. He was not an opponent and survived by luck. However, he still knew that there were strong and weak points among these capable people.

And the person who just entered is obviously very powerful.

Machine guns can't break through the defense, let alone those small pistols. It is estimated that the two sniper rifles are likely to break through each other's defenses.

Moreover, it is only possible, plus the opponent's previous speed.

The defense captain felt that the opponent was more likely to kill them all before they shot him.

For all of this, he was still a little bit pushy.

"You did a good job, don't act for the time being, pay attention to who the other party's target is, and make sure to contact me."

On the other end of the phone, he was silent for a while. Of course, he also knew what the captain of the defense could know. He also knew a lot of people in terms of telepathy.

There are even capable bodyguards around, and there are many owners in the villa area.

As for his subordinates, he naturally didn't want to let him give away the head, but just wanted to determine who and what situation came first.

As for the back, what to do.

It depends on the identity.

If Ron and their identities are only average in his opinion, then even if he spends a little money, he will earn this face.

If the status is good, or the price is too high.

Then pretend you don't know, nothing happened, but in fact, everyone is the same.

Everyone is not a fool, they can't provoke powerful opponents, and then hide in the villa area, they will be desperate to protect.

It's really powerful to survive that way.

Otherwise, it will definitely be played to death.

The people here, whether it's the boss or the owners inside, or the guards, are actually a bit overwhelming.

Otherwise they wouldn't have to have their own bodyguards.

"Yes, boss, I see."

He was half a confidant of his own boss. After clearly receiving the instructions, he hung up the phone and started arranging actions here.

It is not necessary to do it, but it is necessary to determine the opponent's movements and whereabouts, and who the target is.

Moreover, it is necessary to contact the other side at any time, and there may be other actions.

Link up.

It's really hard to be a good manager.

And here's everything.

He didn't care too much about Ron, who had already entered the villa area and started to act.

He didn't pay attention to the fact that there were obviously a lot of people watching around him.

There were some gunmen and defenders before.

By the time he has gone deep into the villa area, many "owners" have appeared.

Some of the bodyguards found the slug before Ron, and some found the conflict at the door. After all, the gunshots were not small.

This voice, even if it is very far away, ordinary people can't hear it, but can people with the ability to read can be considered ordinary people?

Reader: I'm not a human being.

Feeling the existence of Ron and Maggie, many minds can feel the sense of threat, and have no intention of doing it.

Just tell the news to their owners, and then protect the people.

Let the other party contact this other acquaintance, perhaps including the owner of the defense team.

"Just ignore them like that?"

Ron didn't care about the sight of the surrounding observation, not very far, and Maggie seemed a little dissatisfied.

Every time I pass by some villas, I always feel the attention of some disgusting people.

Want to beat people.

"Hey hey, let's forget it for the time being, and we'll talk about it after that guy is dealt with."

He smiled, as if thinking that he was almost ready to find his goal, and Ron was not in a hurry.

Just follow the route guided by the slug. As for the able ones present, come here if you want, more than 20,000 sources of life.

It's not a problem to completely hammer them all.

Listening to Ron's words, Maggie didn't say much. She originally followed the opponent this time.

"Is this what it is?"

"I know."

Watching the slug pointing the villa, Ron was completely rude, and confirmed with the slug, so as not to get the wrong target.

After the slug was confirmed, he turned to look at Maggie next to him, and said to him.

"Wait for me, I'll say hello to him first."

Unceremonious words, with a slightly sunny smile, as if he really took his girlfriend to the street, but when he met an acquaintance, he wanted to go up and say hello.

After speaking, Ron had already acted without waiting for Maggie's reply.

A three-story cottage.

The decoration is exquisite and luxurious. Although it is not as luxurious as a palace, it is no longer comparable to an ordinary exquisite room.

The first time he came here, Ron had already felt that ordinary bodyguards might carry guns, seven or eight, and two minders beside his target.

This is the news given by the It's okay, it won't die directly. "

A few jumps, completely ignoring the guards around him.

These people are nothing.

He couldn't catch up with him at all, let alone people couldn't catch up, and even his eyes couldn't keep up with Ron's movement speed.

Only a few afterimages can be seen passing by, cooperating with the nearby high platform.

Before the others were just shocked, surprised, and before they could do anything, Ron had already surpassed the height of this small villa.


A whole body of thought energy condensed with the fist of the right hand, terrifying and powerful thought energy.

Coupled with the fact that he has already developed it, it is already unbelievably powerful. Except for a little monotonous consumption and a little big, there is no other definite strange force fist.

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