Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 134: Old Ent, deal with

Villa area.

Although it's a bit messy now, it doesn't affect anyone's attention here at all.

And in this dirty and dusty area.

"Yo, long time no see, old Ent."

Squatting in front of the two of them, with a sunny smile on his face, he said to the fat man who was wearing a bath towel and running around with bare feet.

Although the other party is very disgusting, and the appearance of the fat body is indeed a bit disgusting, but Ron still does not dislike putting his hand directly on the other party.

Then, with a little force, he greeted the other party.



With a slight rubbing sound, the sound of broken bones made the fat fat man scream in pain.

When the telepath next to him moved, Ron glanced at the other party and asked the other party to stop honestly.

Sitting in embarrassment, he didn't dare to move.

This is indeed, he knew the horror of Du Wen originally, but did not expect the woman behind Du Wen to be equally terrifying.

Originally seeing his boss screaming in pain, when he moved unknowingly, he felt the maliciousness emanating from the woman with the pink ponytail. .

There is no doubt that if it is messed up, it will be directly cut into many pieces.

"The temper is still so hot."

Ron naturally felt Maggie's performance and teased a little.

This made the people next to him a little speechless. Who is the hot temper? At least Maggie didn't start without saying anything. Ron came here and didn't say a word.

Directly punching the person inside to death, a person with the ability to read did not even have time to run out, and just died inside like that.

This is also because one of his comrades has died, which makes this surviving Mr. Psychic feel so sensitive.

He was originally very fortunate, fortunate that he had developed such an escape ability, so he escaped the catastrophe.

There was nothing wrong with this at the beginning, he thought about it, hided, and when Ron and the others left, they appeared, and then he wanted the pig-headed fat man to make up for him.

After all, let him face such a terrifying opponent, and save the opponent's life, this is completely okay.

Get a little more money, then retire directly to be an ordinary person, marry an ordinary wife, and live a life of salted fish.

I still thought so and it was not wrong.

But after thinking about it, it is very difficult for people to achieve what they want.

There are a lot of twists and turns, like right now.

It should have been a very simple thing, but now that they have all been caught, it has become very difficult.

It feels like standing up.

At this time, it was the first time that he really felt that the world of those who were able to read was too dangerous.

So malicious.

The world of psychics is dangerous.

Wanting to make trouble, at this time he was just honestly saying that even if his pig head boss had an accident, he couldn't do anything.

It's not that you don't want to do it, it's that you can't do it.

Can only give up resistance and wait for the verdict.

I hope the other party can see that he is just a bodyguard and save a life, and hope that his remaining wife after so many years can buy him a small life.

"Is it necessary to scream so badly?"

Ron didn't care at all about the thoughts of the actor next to him. At this time, he just looked at the middle-aged fat man in front of him with kind eyes.

This looks like a middle-aged fat guy, but in fact, he is already a lot of age, in his sixties or seventies.

It is because of him that he is able to maintain such a well-maintained life and scream so vigorously here.

And now, Ron just wants to get back what he deserves, by the way, to get back a little interest.

"Old Ente, why do old friends have such an expression when they meet, think about it carefully, we should have not seen each other for more than a year."

Like an old friend was chatting, Ron looked at the middle-aged fat man in front of him and said.

"Ron, hehehe, I didn't expect you to be so cruel, you little bastard, should you say that you really came out of that place?"

Reluctantly to cheer himself up, although this old Ente is very delicate, he is also the master of a big consortium, and there is naturally no problem in the aspect of mind.

The main thing is that he is too greedy, and there are some things that he is reluctant to let go of.

In real terms, this is actually not a problem. As the leader of a consortium, greed is inevitable.

Then he was wrong, he didn't know the times.


"Uh... ah..."

Originally, this was only half of what the old Ent said. The old Ente wanted to organize the language to say something, and Ron didn't care too much. When the old Ent was talking about that place, he stood up and gave the other party the size of his right leg. Elephant legs came.

Step on it directly.

Let the other party continue to pause, screaming and humming.

"Old Ente, you didn't call me that before, but you actually called me a kid. When you need me, when you need me, what do you call me, have you forgotten?"

Looking at the man in front of him with a painful face and trying to pretend, Ron smiled, as if he had encountered something happy.

"Don't think about what you got from me, huh, huh."

Eyes widened, the old Ent clearly understood Ron's intention and spoke viciously.

He felt that the only way he was valuable was that Ron wouldn't. . .


"What do you think of me, I'm just here, and you reminisce, by the way, after-sales service."

He continued to interrupt the other leg, leaving only two limbs left, and Ron was still smiling so brightly.

"I thought I could kill you I didn't expect that you would survive, so just enjoy it again. After enjoying it, it's your family's turn."

The tone was calm, there was no threat, and there was no persecution, but what he said was so chilling.


"Shh, calm down, calm down, you should be prepared for this before you do things. Don't you think that I just want to talk to you about conditions and then make a deal."

Seeing that Old Ent was excited to say something strange again, Ron stretched out his index finger and hissed, interrupted him, and then introduced him to the current situation.

"Hehehe, impossible, there is only one chance, after solving you, I will let your partners call out everything, if they are willing, I will give them a sip of soup, if not, then eat If I get my stuff, I'll eat all his stuff."

As if to see the opponent's final despair, Ron unceremoniously hit him in order to enjoy that pleasure. . .

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