Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 136: solicit

Look at the guy in front of him who is eager to answer the question.

"Hehehe, it's enough to have experience in developing the ability to think."

Nodding lightly, Ron was satisfied with this guy. Originally, he had no idea how profound the other party's basic knowledge was. What he needed was development experience.

Looking at Ron's expression, Dax couldn't see what Ron meant at all, and he didn't care how much he guessed.

It's useless to think too much about such a completely casual person. It's better to tell all this honestly and honestly.

Maybe there is still a chance to survive.

As for other situations, Dax doesn't dare to think too much now.

At least now, it's not a bad thing for him, and so far Ron has not shown anything to deal with him.

There is still a chance.

Ron didn't continue to speak, but was thinking about something, and Dax seemed to be waiting for some judgment, so he didn't have the guts to interrupt.

And such a strange scene formed at the scene. Ron didn't say anything, just looked at Dax like this, and Dax also looked at Ron, not daring to say anything more.

To be honest, he was terrified of being stared at like this.

But in order to survive, it's better to be honest. It's just that sweat has been falling from his forehead. Dax can swear that he is not hot at all now. .

Fortunately, in the time to think, Ron didn't have the idea of ​​staying here for long.

If it wasn't for this Dax attracting his attention, perhaps he has already left now, and he has no idea about the fat pig next to him.

If he had the time, he might as well go back and play with Maggie.

Now, he is mainly thinking, if the guy in front of him is better, according to the current situation of this guy.

Give sticks or dates, or give sticks and dates together.

"I'm so scared, I'm thinking, what will I do with you?"

After looking at Dax carefully, Ron also gave a sentence about the degree of satisfaction of this guy. It depends on this guy, whether he has a brain or not.

Hearing Ron's sudden words, Dax trembled for a while, and soon, he reacted again.

Thinking of what Ron said before.

When he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, although he said that the relationship between him and that old Ente was indeed normal, and he was facing things before.

He really used his ability to protect the opponent's life, but now there is no point in resisting at all.

It's a bit of an insult to the profession of bodyguards.

In fact, speaking, it doesn't sound good anywhere, so I guess it won't be good either.

Going too far will make people think that he is a perfidious villain, and if you don't go too far, it will make people think that he has some ideas.

For a while, Dax thought a little more.

I just don't know how to choose and what to say.

Choice, maybe fifty percent of the choice, how to choose well.

"I just said it directly. I have a few subordinates, and I will take you there later. What you need to do is to teach them and completely reduce your knowledge about mindfulness to them, including your process of developing mindfulness."

Looking at the other party, it was obvious that he was thinking about something, and even thought a little too much. Ron was also a little speechless. He didn't have the heart to let the other party continue to guess and explain the situation directly.

"It's that simple, is there a problem?"

After changing his tone, seeing the guy in front of him so scared, Ron didn't plan to speak in a good tone.

Obviously he is a very friendly person.

The main thing is to worry about the other party leaving a hand.

Think of this. .

Ron added again.

"If you can satisfy me, not only will you have nothing, but you will also get a good reward, what do you think?"

Between the words, when it came to the back, Ron slowed down.

Make it clear to the other party that if you are satisfied, you will be rewarded and you will have nothing, but if you are not satisfied, not saying anything does not mean that there is nothing at all.

As for dissatisfaction, it is impossible to get benefits. Everyone knows this.

"No problem, my lord, I know what to do."

In fact, after hearing Ron's words, Dax was really relieved.

This may really solve this matter, but for his own ability and skills, in fact, to him, it is nothing.

It was strange that he would even be interested in Ron's abilities.

But I didn't say much, I don't really talk about it now, I just do it anyway.

"In that case, let's go."

Ron didn't say much, the other party had already agreed.

Then it's the right thing to do next. If he really finishes things, then he will naturally give the other party a little reward.

If he can't finish it or he likes to mess around, then he naturally doesn't mind.

Feeling the changes in the atmosphere of the people around him, Ron could even clearly feel the people around him. Many of them were really relieved. At least they were really relieved when they saw Du Wen and the others leave.

Maggie didn't say anything from start to finish, although she felt a little weird about what Ron did.

But she's not a talkative person, and you'll see it later.

As for the fat pigs that were still in place, they are now dry and almost dead.

Only the one who struggled in a powerless state was estimated to be completely dead in the end.

Losing the source of life is like that.

The whole body is completely lifeless, without any vitality.

If a normal person is injured, the body will automatically repair, unless those serious illnesses are seriously injured, the human body's own repair ability can repair a lot of pain.

It's just the length of time. Of course, this premise is that the source of life is sufficient.

Not enough, just like that.

So the older the elderly, the worse their physique is, that is, the source of their life has been exhausted, and they cannot continue to repair their deficient bodies.

Ron and the others left all the with no one to stop them.

Including the guard team outside before, no one appeared, it was the default that Ron and the others left.

Then, after confirming that Ron really left, someone appeared here to confirm the old Ent and the situation of their previous villa.

Look at the old Ent who has become dry, then look at the small villa and the bodyguards who were dead before.

The people present were a little shivered and their whole body was hairy. They wanted to go back and ask their boss if they had offended such a person. If so, they should resign as soon as possible.

It's too terrifying and dangerous. The purpose of being a bodyguard was to make some money.

This is too much.

More or less, he had some ideas, and then went back to report the situation. Ron didn't think of anything.

How many bodyguards were frightened by his punch.


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