Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 139: Ron shows up

"What are you thinking about? Did you give up so willingly?"

The man said helplessly.

He didn't see it at all. In his opinion, the people here are usually not like this.

Usually, everyone is more greedy and greedy than everyone else, but now they are like little sheep, not saying a word, especially these few guys who don't talk.

It always felt like I was laughing at something, like laughing at him.

This made him unhappy.

"Okay, I also decided not to eat this thing, five to one, that's the way it is. Mr. Marieu has a good mouth, but just digest it."

It seemed like a one-man show, and it ended with the young man who looked a little gloomy.

This man, who is about to enter middle age, is also a big business man, so he is not a fool.

Hearing this, Mr. Marieu, who had been wanting to take a bite of meat before, also widened his eyes and looked at the other people next to him. The four of them looked at him directly.

There is another person who is a little confused and doesn't know anything. It was obvious that he just followed the big team.

"What are you talking about?"

"What do you want to do?"

"What do you mean? Is this still rejecting me?"

"Do you think you can deal with me like this? My subordinates, my connections? Do you think the union can swallow me up?"

Although he has been giving speeches before, he has been persuading others.

But this statement is still no statement.

But now they have directly identified him, and it is still such a dangerous situation.

At this time, Marieux's brain was also running fast.

Are the people present trying to throw him out for temptation?

What are the plans of the people present to devour him now?

Or, there are others. . .

Those big eyes looked at the people present, looked at these people who didn't say a word, and wanted them to give an answer.

Give an explanation.

Is this playing him?

Otherwise, it wouldn't end like this.

Came here even though they were planning a meeting.

And this does not mean that the people who came here are them, there are many people and younger brothers outside.

But they are all armed with guns and firearms.

The real fight, that's what it's really like, but not necessarily.


At this time, the blond young man who had been talking at the beginning spoke up.

When he spoke, the people present were alert and straightened up, as if waiting for someone to come.

Even the people who followed the team who didn't know what the situation was, straightened up involuntarily.

"Come? What did you say?"


"Bang, bang bang bang..."

Mary still couldn't understand the situation, and was a little confused.

Zhang opened his mouth and said nothing, but suddenly stopped, and heard the roar of gunshots outside.

This made him feel a little bad, and the whole person began to panic.

The subordinates outside are all carefully cultivated by him, and all of them are very loyal. It is absolutely impossible to say that they have not scrambled for anything now.

"What are you doing?"

There is only one answer, the people outside have a gunfight, and here, who can have a gunfight with other people?

It must have been someone else, Mary still roared angrily.

Are these people going to deal with him here? To know that he is not the old Ente, he also prepared a successor.

It wouldn't do anyone any good if he died here.

Are there lies and schemes that he doesn't know about.

There is no news about this.

Haven't heard anything at all.

The people present didn't respond to Mary's words, they just looked at them with a smile.

In fact, they also have a little regret.

Especially the handsome lad who planned the operation.

When Mary was still angry, the outside had begun to quiet down, the gunfire stopped, and calm returned.

But nothing reassuring.

On the contrary, it made Mary still have an even more ominous foreboding.


Now they have few people outside, and that's it, in this place, whoever will lose, you know with your ass.

Marieu hadn't had time to think about it.

Suddenly I heard the door open suddenly.

"Da da da.."

Someone walked right in.

One man and one woman, not very old, young people, it looks like they are about 20 years old.

Not much difference.

However, there are more or less bloodstains on the body. After all, from the place where they entered the door, many places outside the door have been contaminated with these things.

"Hehe, Mr. Ron, long time no see."

Looking at the person coming, the blond young man stood up with a smile on his face, and said to Ron who came in from outside the door, very enthusiastic.

"Every time we get in touch, it makes us very happy, and I hope we can cooperate happily this time."

And when he was talking, he also signaled to their men outside. Those people were still holding guns and staring at the situation inside.

When the gunmen saw the order, they were very sensible and immediately started to act, closing the door and cleaning up the corpses and bloodstains outside.

This time the operation is complete.

In this conference room, the people who are now paying attention to Ron are not only the blond man, but the others also stood up and looked at him.

The expressions are different, and some people seem very calm. Here, there are three people who have contacted Ron before.

basically know each other.

As for the others, the gloomy-faced man still knew more or less of the situation.

At the meeting before, he got the news.

I communicated with the handsome blond guy, and gave orders to the people outside.

That's when Mary still gave a passionate speech.

In this meeting, the people who didn't know the situation were probably this Mary and the other person who had been following the brigade. They were a little unclear about the situation.

Or rather, they don't understand the situation at all.

Isn't this a meeting? Why did other people suddenly appear, and they started killing people.

Now they are even a little delusional, have they come to the wrong place.

"Long time no see, cooperation is naturally a pleasant thing, I will not let my partners suffer."

When he came here, Ron actually knew about the situation here. Maybe it should be said that everything here was originally arranged by him and the handsome guy.

Just to make money, in addition, to solve some potential enemies.

"What are you doing? Why is he here? Did you bring it?"

"Is it you? This was a game from the beginning?"

"Are you trying to trick me?"

Looking at Ron, Mary was stunned. Although she had never really seen Ron, Mary still had seen each other's photos.

When Ron was dealing with Old Ent before, there were already photos circulating.

People with a little bit of ability can still get it more or less.


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