Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 141: Mary Jude, the businessman's mind

Woman, she looks pretty.

But in Mary's eyes, it's nothing, because of his status, he can't find any kind of beautiful woman.

Now it is necessary to survive, and other things, even revenge, must be postponed.

With a professional smirk on his face, waiting for Ron's reply, he didn't say anything more to the people next to him.

He didn't want to continue to say anything to those guys, it was too dark.

Compared to them, he felt that Ron was more suitable for negotiation.

This is also the reason why Marie decided the target in the first place.

"And compensation, what do you think, Maggie?"

Looking at Marieu in front of him, Ron seemed to see something interesting, and he asked Maggie before he spoke.

This made Mary still more hopeful.

As for the people at the table, some people are relaxed, some people don't care, and some people don't understand the situation, but they are all the same, there is no idea of ​​interrupting at all, just watching the two perform.

"This guy hates you."

Maggie didn't say much. When she heard the words, she glanced at Ron, then glanced at the other party, and said directly.

There are no superfluous actions and words.

After observing people's situations for a long time, and Ma Qi's ability to read, she is very professional in many subtle observations.

After all, human expressions are much clearer than the blood vessels during sewing. Except for some real lying experts, when faced with a lot of things, some specific actions and situations will be exposed.

Just like now, Maggie can easily see the anger and dissatisfaction in this guy, and even a bit malicious towards her.

Well, intuition.

She didn't say much about other things.

She knew that Ron was just asking casually, unless she really spoke, not letting this guy, it depends on his ability.

Live with useful value, or die without it.

What Ron would do with such a thing, Maggie knew very well.

"Really sorry."

Upon receiving the answer, Ron looked at Mary and shrugged, as if to tell the other party that offending a woman is a bad thing.

Maggie's observation ability is strong, and his observation ability is also good.

The guy's expression changed before, and he observed their gaze, although he didn't see anything.

But I can also feel that this will not be a good sight.

Ordinary people, normal people will not use such a line of sight to look at people, it is too secretive and pretending.

Only under certain circumstances can such a thing happen, and Ron doesn't need this.

He came here, very simple, just because of money, and killing people and cleaning up enemies, in fact, it can only be regarded as an incidental.

If you have to say something else you want to do, it is to make more business partners.

For these guys, there is more or less useful value, especially in terms of mobilizing resources and materials.

He didn't have so much confidence before, so he has been acting alone. Now that the source of life is sufficient, how could he not have enough confidence.

Anyway, there are many consortia and businessmen in this world, and he is not worried about being betrayed or betrayed.

If you can use it, use it, if you can't, replace it.

As long as he is shot, it will be him, even if it is distributed, it can only be distributed by him.

Even if he didn't throw it away, he wouldn't keep that thing.

Just like this guy, Marieu, who has thoughts about him, there is nothing to blame each other for.

In this regard, Ron just wanted to say: What a coincidence, I also have some thoughts about you.

"Misunderstanding, I was wrong this time, I shouldn't be greedy, I will compensate you and you will definitely be satisfied."

Although Ron had a smile on his face, in Mary's eyes, it was the devil's smile, and there was nothing good at all.

In this sunny smile, he only felt strange.

Although not a professional smirk in the merchant industry, it also made him a little weird.

"Compensation, I am satisfied, of course there is no problem."

Ron didn't have any negative thoughts about what the other party put forward. As long as he was satisfied, there would be no problem at all.

"No problem, it will definitely satisfy you. You can ask for anything."

As a businessman, Marie actually has a habit of painting flatbreads.

There are many times when you need to calm down the other party, whether it is another businessman or one of your own.

And if you suppress the other party, it is different in many cases, then how to explain it.

You are satisfied with the package.

The price you are satisfied with, the salary package you are satisfied with, and the package you are satisfied with. . .

In fact, in the final analysis, it is to continue the discussion later, or he unilaterally customizes it.

As for the follow-up satisfaction or dissatisfaction, in fact, Mary still has the final say.

In Mary's view, all of this is actually a negotiation and negotiation, and he means to pay a little price.

But Ron, he wouldn't be so polite.

"I want, your everything, your life, your wealth, your family, everything..."

In a completely rude way of speaking, Ron looked at each other with a smile.

Seeing that Marie was originally anxious and a little happy, when she heard Ron's words later, she became a little shocked, angry, and changed into various emotions of bitterness and unwillingness.

Ron was more than happy to pay attention to this scene.

A scene from hope to despair.

He doesn't often bring it to others, especially people who might be able to be used by him.

But if it is the enemy, then there is not so much to care about.

In Ron's view, apart from the people he knows or can use, whether it is a stranger or an enemy, there is not much difference.

He doesn't care, just like others don't care about them either.

People who come out of Meteor Street will more or less have such a mentality. After all, it is such a living environment, receiving such education, and being influenced by the people around them.

Ignoring, or hating, other people in the outside world, of course, the internal struggle is also very serious.

Where there are people, there will be fights, which is normal.

"I Mary still wanted to say something, after all, negotiation is business.

It may be Mary's mistake to talk about everything as a business.

At least, now, here, Ron is not playing with each other, or talking about business or something, he is here to kill, to kill some people who choose the wrong one.

to get rid of some of the people following him.

Of course, in addition to this, there are other things to do. When the other party opened his mouth, Ron directly grabbed a split body of a slug and threw it directly into the other party's mouth.

It made him pause when he wanted to speak.

"Ugh, (#`O') Vomit."

Before he could see what it was, he was swallowed directly by Mary.

Mary still really doesn't know anything, but can feel that something is crawling inside her body.


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