Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 144: Miss customer service

The task of teaching mindfulness.

It is actually quite common on hunter websites, or in the circle of telepaths.

But being able to meet an excellent teacher is a bit of a test of luck.

Some people with the ability to read are only half-assed themselves, so they can't be said to be powerful people, but they just happened to be lucky and developed their abilities.

Like. .

"What kind of psychic are you?"

"Attribute? What attribute? I'm right, I'm a minder, you can say it directly, ten million monks, if you agree or disagree, stop talking nonsense."

. . .

"Higher applications? What other advanced applications are there? Isn't reading just reading?"

"Development ability? What development ability? Isn't it just like that?"

After responding to several people one after another, Ron was like a helpless customer service lady, facing these guys who didn't know anything at all.

Most are novices.

A small number of relatively aloof people did not reply directly after hearing Ron's request.

Judging from the news the other party has read, he is either still hesitating or planning to give up.

After all, Ron's request is to teach people with all their strength, so that the other party can develop the same or similar abilities.

In Ron's view, it must cost a lot of effort and cost for everyone to develop the ability to read.

Just like Ron was.

As for the so-called ability of people to learn to read, it is fully developed.

There are many factors, some people are unwilling to expose themselves, and some people feel that this is a bit troublesome and unwilling to do so.

Some people left coldly, and some people were not very capable, but they were quite big, and they directly filled Ron with tens of billions of rennies, tens of billions of rennies.

According to the situation, in fact, if the other party's ability to read is good, the price is not unacceptable to Ron.

But well, there are quite a few people who are not very capable, just have a big voice.

Others were obviously thinking about him, and Ron was not polite.

Anyway, the debt is not too much, since the other party wants to come, just leave the address directly to the other party, if they do something irrational.

I believe that Dax will have a partner soon.

one morning.

Ronsai selected more than 30 people with telepathy abilities, of which seven or eight had hunter licenses, and the rest were unlicensed hunters outside.

And these people's quotations are actually similar, ranging from 10 million to 500 million.

Some people don't think much about the price aspect and the privacy aspect of the ability, they just find the teaching aspect difficult and the talent aspect.

Ron also expressed this point, there are hundreds of people here, let him choose a group of people to teach, as long as one person completes it, it will be OK.

According to Ron's idea, let a psychic lead ten or dozens of people to study.

For a licensed person, Ron can even arrange to enter the Kingdom of Emira to teach people, and the people there are troublesome. It is estimated that he will have to pay a travel fee at that time.

If he hadn't had the confidence to prove that he could cure this so-called alienation disease, he really wouldn't have the confidence to convince people to let them in.

In the end, of the thirty or so people, there were only five people who planned to come over to see the situation.

Obviously there is an intention. As for the others, they said that they still have tasks or are busy, and there are still others that need to be reconsidered.

Ron was not in a hurry, and left his contact information directly, saying that as long as the strength is sufficient, the price can be negotiated.

Even if he can introduce someone with good strength, he can pay the introduction fee.

He likes the most people who can help him.

"Five people, it's a bit small, but it's enough."

Closing the laptop, Ron was in no hurry. Five people were enough for the time being. The fastest will arrive tomorrow, and the latest will be the day after tomorrow.

Now that he's here, Ron is sure to keep people behind.

As for those who were clearly thinking crookedly interested in Ron's hunter license and money.

Naturally, Ron wouldn't be polite if he dared to come. He was fishing.

That's why he used the hunter's license in this hotel without any scruples, and left the address directly to indicate that he would not leave for the time being.

Just not sure how many fish you can catch.

"Come on, go get something to eat."

After catching fish all morning, Ron did not continue to pay attention for the time being.

Except for the first few people, there were obviously fewer people behind. The first few people ran out to contact Ron with more than a dozen people, and they were more or less interested.

At the back, after Ron screened more than 200 people, there was no more.

It can be seen that the online traffic of people is still limited, which is actually normal. After all, not everyone will be so idle, staring at the computer all day to check the task status.

Even if it is an urgent task, it is not so urgent.

He took Maggie downstairs for lunch. As for Baldlow's side, he ignored it. They would handle it themselves.

Practice after eating, and eat after practice.

Now Baldlow and the others have made a little progress, but they are still far behind, and they need time to hone in on.

After eating, Ron did not continue to relax.

Checked the information that did not increase, and replied to a few brainless scumbags.

If these guys really count, maybe they are better than his current undead army.

After all, these people got his basic knowledge, and there are slugs to help strengthen the guidance.

As long as the coolies practice seriously, progress will definitely be rapid before they reach their own limits.

In comparison, ordinary geniuses are definitely incomparable.

Besides leaving information and contact details on some public sites and hunter sites.

In addition, Ron also found an intermediary nearby.

Made an appointment.

In fact, it is not easy to find an intermediary. It is just an appointment and nothing is discussed.

Ron was confiscated five million yuan.

Well, the meeting fee of five million yuan is not related to whether the follow-up mission can help him find useful people.

That's so This made Ron have decided that if he finds someone, it's easy to say how much he will pay for the commission, and if he can't find someone. .

Maybe when he has nothing to do in the future, he will smash the various organizations of the other party.

It takes a little temper to be a man.

Was siphoned off five million rennies in meeting fees.

It's five minutes until three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Ron was in a cafe that seemed to be okay.

He was really a little speechless about the location chosen by the other party, he just talked about things, why did he make it look like he wanted something to eat.

However, there is no dissatisfaction, at least it does not affect his reply to messages now.

At this time, Ron has turned into a customer service lady, and he is fighting wits and courage with the stupid and lacking ability of the major platforms and websites.

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