Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 146: task release, personnel transaction

"No, no, I already know."

When Elago heard this, the hair on her body moved.

Reply soon.

As for Ron's request, they really have no problem. Although this matter seems a little strange, it is actually not a big deal, and it can be solved.

It's not a problem at all if you can't find someone. Not to mention other people who accept the task, it is estimated that many people can be found in their organization.

Isn't it just thinking ability development? Isn't it just revealing your abilities and development skills?

These things are precious no matter where they are, but there are still many people who don't care about leaking them.

Sometimes, just the money is not in place, the money is not enough.

As long as there is someone, everything is fine.

"Since there is no problem, let's do it. Remember my words. What I want is real teaching. At least one person must be taught to develop abilities. How much money depends on ability."

Looking at the other party nodding in response to prevent the other party from messing around, Ron emphasized it again.

Thinking of preventing the other party from not working hard, or not being able to explain the situation, Ron explained his reward as well.

"I can guarantee that the minimum will not be less than 10 million rennis. If it is high, even billions of rennis are not impossible. The premise is that I am satisfied."

As long as he has the ability and can help him develop his ability, Ron will not be stingy, even if he doesn't want money, it is not impossible if he has other requirements.

After determining the tasks and circumstances, Elago then determined other circumstances, such as their commissions, the number of people, and the level of reading ability requirements.

Ron didn't care too much about the commission and the number of people, and directly agreed to the other party's request to take their account and let them take other people's fees.

And the ability to read requires, at the very least, people who have developed the ability to read.

According to Ron's idea, those who develop the ability to read have a limit, and there must be a little skill.

Anyway, if there is nothing to do, just give them some money to get them out of the way.

Such people are often a little bit overwhelmed in their hearts.

As for those who don't count, Ron dares to say that he is not afraid of those who don't count.

I would love to even meet these people with bold ideas.

I want to see how bold their ideas are.

After the matter was settled and the situation was confirmed, Elago didn't stay too long, and left quickly, paying the bill before leaving, indicating that if Ron had anything to eat in the future, it would be taken by them.

This is a rare one. In fact, this cafe is indeed their industry.

It's all controllable anyway, even if Ron ate all the ingredients in their cafe, it wouldn't be a loss.

Anyway, they earn it anyway.

The most important thing is this task. After Elago made sure that the situation was registered, he directly passed the task back.

According to his idea, for such a similar task, the people in the organization will definitely come to join in the fun and make some extra money.

They guide others to practice, and their organization itself has such people.

There are always people who are not very busy, so it’s not that difficult to teach them to cultivate.

. . .

It didn't take long for Elago to leave the cafe, and Ron didn't stay here much.

He had no idea to take advantage of others to drink coffee or something.

Came here around three o'clock, talked for a while, and replied to the person who came for the interview. At four o'clock, Ron took Maggie and left here.

Tonight, there is still something to do.

Chatting in the afternoon, Ron had a little gain. There were two more people who were interested in coming here to check the situation.

Of course, it's just interesting, I'm not sure whether it will come in the end, and if it comes, I'm not sure whether it will stay or not.

Half past six in the evening.

In the hotel, Ron had just finished his dinner, and was planning to see if he could catch one more person and give him some pointers when he received a call.

"Well, well, I know, send it directly."

"Everyone has no problem, right? Is it determined in advance?"

A simple chat explained that Ron had already hung up the phone.

Soon, around seven o'clock, a large number of people came to the hotel where Ron lived.

More than 100 people came here. If Ron hadn't booked a hall before, he had already prepared in advance. It is estimated that the staff of this hotel would have some conflict with them.

Under the guidance of the hotel staff, more than a hundred people came to Ron.

Except for the dozen or so people who wore black suits very formally and obviously carried firearms and weapons, the others were not well dressed.

Although it is not to say that it is simple and shabby, it can only be said to be of ordinary level.

These people are basically young people, both male and female.

As for physique, some people look good, but they still have a little bit of force, and their muscles and physique are still developed. Some people are very ordinary.

And some people are so skinny and obviously malnourished, and they don't seem to be resting very well, which makes people worry that they will fall down after being blown by a gust of wind.

One hundred people, it feels like they are from different worlds, but there is no conflict.

"Mr. Ron, I'm Andrews, this time I'm in charge of sending these people over, and the follow-up people are also sent by us, the boss has already explained, if you have any other requirements and things, you can do as you ask, I can do it will do.”

When he saw Ron, a team leader came directly to Ron. Although Andrews didn't know who Ron was, his boss said it.

If the attitude is better, he will naturally not mess around.

"Okay, okay."

Naturally, Ron was not a polite person. He just glanced at the bald head of Andrew, and didn't look at him. His physical fitness was also a good person.

Only this time his target was not him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's the other group of people who don't seem to be doing well.

"Mr. Ron, there are a total of 100 people this time, all of them are specially selected, 50 people are willing to sell to you completely, and the other 50 people are willing to exchange some money have been negotiated, there is no follow-up trouble. "

These people were arranged by them in batches, and a batch of 100 people would also facilitate the transaction. Although Andrews did not know what the transaction was.

But he doesn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he does what the boss says.

Some things need to know more in order to do more things, and sometimes, you need to know nothing and hear nothing in order to be able to do things well.

But now, in his opinion, this matter is not something that should be let them know, anyway, it is a transaction exchange, according to his boss's words, it is enough to explain it directly.

Andrew has been able to survive until now, and he is still very sensitive to these things.

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