Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 157: scary monster

The usual state is the usual state.

As for now, of course not.

The current slug obviously has undergone major changes and improvements.

The previous slug split still seemed limited and slow, like an ordinary and a little big slug. As long as you keep a distance, there is no danger.

The previous slug split body, even if it is fighting or attacking, is actually very controlled and does not consume a lot of energy.

Basically just entangle the opponent on it.

Even if they are blown up by the opponent, they will not care very much and recover slowly.

Completely salted fish, leisure mode.

But it's different now.

All slugs seem to be in infinite energy mode.

It's like entering **** mode.

The soaring thoughts began to erupt, and if it exuded malice, it would be like a resentful spirit with monstrous resentment.

In that case, there is no doubt that this place will really become hell, and the people here will definitely die a lot.

Just relying on the huge qi and malice, those who have not developed the ability to think can't survive at all, and just rely on qi alone, they can crush all ordinary people to death.

Whether it is an enemy or a passerby, in this area, in an area completely covered by slugs, everyone must die.

It's just a pity that the current slugs have no terrifying malice at all.

So it can only be said that the amount of energy it bursts out is very large, but there is no terrifying malice, and it will not make ordinary people feel very dangerous.

It's just that I can simply feel the appearance of extraordinary momentum.

It might be a lot easier if Ron could control it.

As far as his emotions and perceptions are concerned, as well as his malice towards people, he is very aware of it, and he really exudes malice.

Can definitely achieve good results.

Just relying on his thoughts and malice, he directly suppressed people. It's not that he didn't do this kind of thing.

Maybe if Ron had that many slugs.

But Ron didn't have the ability of the slug to control many split bodies at once. He didn't have the ability to connect multiple lines and operate so many bodies at once.

If it is said that operating a clone is a simple level, then operating two is to fight each other, and the left and right hands can operate that difficulty at any time.

And the next three, four, that's what's from the toe, head, bone, or even a hair on the body.

are in control at any time.

Like the difficulty of manipulating so many split bodies of slugs, in one person, it is like manipulating body hair, and not just one, but at random, manipulating countless hairs at any time and making different actions. .

Can someone directly manipulate his own body hair and make him lift it up?

Maybe someone can, but Ron, he hasn't reached this point yet, in short, he can't.

There is no such ability, at least not now.

Just like a slug, he is very skilled in the control and operation of the split body, but for that kind of idea, that kind of emotional kindness and malice.

It's not that easy to release.

So it can only be a simple and rude outbreak.

And these four weeks, with the slugs and their previous bodies, one by one began to become huge.

The people and circumstances around here are already very different.

In fact, gigantic growth may not necessarily enhance combat power, but it is certain that destructive power will be enhanced.

Especially the current slug, with the explosion of its thoughts, its mass and weight will also change immediately.

The surrounding environment will also be affected by that very terrifying thought.

One by one several meters high, it can even be said to be as high as two or three-story buildings, and slugs with a length of more than ten meters appear around, and this thought alone can crush many building rubble.

Let the mercenaries who had just suppressed the slugs collapse in an instant, and the slugs can feel the terrifying pressure just by approaching them.

That is the power caused by invisible thoughts, and it does not carry any malice or other.

Simply put, it's an attack.

There is absolutely no resistance, so the mercenaries present just want to run away and leave.

The mercenaries' depression and thoughts, the slugs ignored them, anyway, attack, attack and capture the target.

With this huge body, it is almost impossible for bullets to penetrate.

And if you want to smash slugs of this size, you should use some heavier weapons.

And how many heavy weapons are there?

The most important thing is that the number of giant slugs has not decreased at all, but has increased.

One hundred, one hundred fifty, two hundred, two hundred and fifty.

Just a rough calculation, there are more than 250 slugs nearby.

But it is starting to stop slowly.

Such a terrifying energy, such a terrifying monster, if the monster attack on the city was just a small-scale battle, now, it is a real big boss attack.

More than two hundred slugs are like more than two hundred small buildings that can move.

As long as they are not careful, they will directly crush the houses. As long as they are not careful enough, they can directly smash and smash the surrounding houses.

The house is like this, and the people at the scene naturally don't need to talk about it.

Ordinary residents used to dare to watch the situation outside, but now they are completely closed, pretending that they do not exist.

The world is so scary.

Hundreds of slugs are directly scattered all around, all in the sky and the ground.

It's not that easy to run anyway.

Not even if you want to leave now.

More than two hundred slugs have been searching non-stop, and found that the target even acts in groups.

Then directly cooperate with the action.

Let the mercenaries, many of them really even want to commit suicide to make themselves happy.

More than two hundred slugs seemed to have found their prey, and all those present did not want to leave.

Even, you can leave a live port and make up for the loss later.

After all, these people came to the door like this, and they lost a lot of energy and life, and wasted a lot of time.

This time is is everything, this indirect loss is tens of billions, so you have to lose money.

No money to lose.

"Strange, monster."

"How are we going to fight this? Jin Guang, after you return with such an inaccurate information, you will definitely have to compensate us for our losses."

"Who can deal with such a monster."

"This is completely different from what you said before."

"You bastards."

A large group of huge slugs slammed into it quickly and rudely. This huge body was like a beast trap. Anyway, if it was caught, it would be pressed into the body by the slugs.

It will not be solved immediately, leaving their heads outside and leaving them a way out for the time being.

And many of the mercenaries are also roaring angrily. This plot is completely different from what they said before, and now it is completely one-sided.

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