Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 164: The 4th punch, with **** golden light

When I was in Meteor Street before.

The four elders ran desperately, and the speed of the other party was completely incomparable to Jin Guang.

Naturally, there is no need for such an attack, anyway, just follow it.

As for now.

Not only the golden light, but also so many targets.

As long as the other people are solved and the other person hangs, then this golden light is only a matter of early death and late death.

It is impossible to run.

Since the other party came, it was impossible for him to let him run away.

Even if the opponent's speed is fast enough, it is still a problem whether it can burst continuously.

The difference is not so obvious.

Now, Ron didn't know that Jin Guang and others had retreated, and was frightened by his two fists.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

People cannot leave.

Since the fish is hooked, don't even think about running away.

There is no reason for the fisherman to send the hooked fish away, no matter how small it is.

Ignore the golden light that paused.


After determining the direction, he grinned a bit, aligned his position, looked at Jin Guang, and with the team members behind him, posed and punched.

The right way, one way, just wave it directly.

There is no so-called gratitude, no so-called compassion.

In addition to pure force skills, there are only violence and destruction.

Nitro's fist not only has power but also a certain artistic conception, which can break the artistic conception of being defended.

Ron had also learned it before, but unfortunately, that thing is obviously not something that ordinary people can learn.

What a grateful heart, a grateful fist.

he? Like a grateful person?

Everyone has their own way, and Nitro is his own way, which Ron can't and can't learn.

There are some things that should be learned, and some things that should not be learned. If you insist on learning, you will definitely not have good results.

Those who learn from me live, and those who are like me die.

Learning some things from Nitro is not a problem at all. If you are completely chasing him, it will be exactly the same as him.

Then it's dead.

There will be no two identical leaves in the world, nor two identical people.

The probability of being exactly the same is too low, not to mention being exactly the same, the degree of matching between people is often very low.

Like it's impossible for Ron to learn Nitro's punches.

Violence, strength, destruction.

Simple things, just throw a fist out, and that's fine.

Either kill someone else, or be beaten to death, this world is like this.

Thanks, it doesn't exist.

It's not perfect, but that's enough.

One day he will find his goal and his path, and what Ron has learned before is nothing more than what Ron has learned.

Just like the ability to study, there is nothing special about it.

He swung his fist quickly, and Ron didn't know how many times he swung such a fist before.

It's just that I haven't trained for a long time now, and now is when Ron really wakes up his body's memories.

With his third real attack, the power is now getting stronger and stronger.

Complete speed and power, the sound of the air breaking directly.


The air vibrated, as if the entire space was shaking.

Punch out, punch in, not even a second.

And along with the fist wind, the place where the front fist wind passes, smashes, shatters, destroys, and destroys.

Whether it was the ground or anything else, nothing could be preserved.

"Boom boom..."

Originally, Jin Guang was still thinking about how to run away, but suddenly he felt a punch that was a little bit frustrating.

It's not that he's cowardly, it's such an attack that really makes people panic.

Relying on the distance between the two sides, he barely avoided the attack, and now Jin Guang even suspects that if he really gets close to the other party, he will be directly punched to death.

"How the **** did he become so strong."

In fact, it's no wonder that Jin Guang didn't get the information. After he left, he didn't pay much attention to Ron. After all, his hatred did not reach the level of life and death hatred.

Otherwise, when they were in Meteor Street, they would have already decided to die.

In the follow-up, it is worth letting Ron do less and less things. Basically, it is either handled by others or the slug directly handles it.

It wasn't even Ron's turn.

Therefore, except for the last battle on Meteor Street, few people really determine Ron's current fighting power.

He glanced at the street that disappeared under Ron's punch, including his subordinate who was beaten to crumbs by the punch just now.

Jin Guang is both angry and disturbed.

If it goes on like this, they may really be wiped out here.

"What do you think?"

The sudden sound made Jin Guang shudder, and then he reacted immediately and turned to attack.

And the golden light flickered, and his hands seemed to be equipped with two golden light blades, which flashed past and gave Ron a big cut.

And in this regard, Ron did not avoid much.

Keep waving your fists.

The golden light blade is very sharp.

Even if it cut directly into Ron's body, the internal organs must be injured.

It's enough to see that the power of Jin Guang's sharp blade is still very powerful, otherwise it wouldn't be able to directly break Ron's defense like this.

And even if it was attacked, the blood flowed, and even the internal organs were directly cut in half.

But Ron was in no hurry.

No hurry, no change in expression.

Condescendingly, the fourth punch was thrown.

With such a distance and such a position, it is not so easy for Jin Guang to dodge quickly.

Although Ron was injured, even in the eyes of ordinary people, in the eyes of other psychics, this is definitely a fatal injury.

But now, Jin Guang is not happy at all.

Even the sharp blade that had slashed directly across Ron's body, with a little bit of his blood on it, was shaking slightly now.

He doesn't think about anything now, they want to dodge Ron's punch now.

Although the speed is very fast, this distance and situation really made it difficult for him to escape.


There is not so much careful thinking, even if he is injured, he will ignore it. Ron's mind is only to throw a fist.

A real man should fight head-on. You slash me and I punch you, so it's very fair.

Punch out, punch out.

With the sound of air blasting.

A condescending blow, UU reading www.uukanshu. com makes the whole ground tremble.

Then, the powerful thought force, the powerful force, caused the ground to sink and the soil to smash.


"Boom boom..."

The billowing dust appeared quickly, blocking the sight of the people around, and people quickly lost their attention to the situation nearby.

There are only some people with good strength who pay attention to this side.

I can see the last flash of the golden light before, it seems a little blood red.

And from the back, you can't see it. After all, there are no people around here who have the ability to see through, and can notice their situation in this dust.

Perhaps, even if someone has this ability, they will not use it indiscriminately.

After all, the situation here is really not a joke.

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