Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 166: target change, capture

Even so, it was not able to completely block the opponent.

The speed of this golden light is too fast.

With the slug, he couldn't catch up with him at all.

Now Jin Guang, who is being chased by slugs, has lost a hand. It can be seen that the state of the other party is really not very good, but if it is true, it will be slugs.

This really could be run away in the end.

After all, the speed of the opponent is really fast.

This made Ron have to admit.

"It's really troublesome."

As soon as he left the giant pit, Ron saw that Jin Guang and the slug had crashed into a building.

He didn't have any ink or anything, and planned to start taking action, first to help kill Jin Guang.

And when Ron was about to act.



A sound that ran through the air with electricity reached Ron's ears.

That speed, it could even be said, was faster than the sound. At first, Ron felt that the air around him was stirred, and then he was hit, and then he heard the sound.

The body just reacted instinctively and moved a little.

This kind of attack is really a bit troublesome. Ordinary capable people, facing this kind of attack, basically can only wait to die, and the speed is too fast.

The voice can't catch up with each other.

A big hole was punched in the body, but Ron didn't pay much attention to the injury.

After all, in the blink of an eye, it has been restored.

What he really cares about is that ability, weapons that go beyond the speed of sound, and Ron said that he was really envious.

It's just that he knows that this ability is not something he can develop casually.

Not to mention what happened to the firearm, he had no experience or understanding of the current change and how to activate it.

Interlacing is like a mountain, there are some abilities that are separated by several mountains between the mind system and the mind system.

It was not wrong to originally plan to pursue Jin Guang, but now seeing the opponent's ability, it can be regarded as attracting Ron.

The ground trembled, and with the shaking of the ground, Ron leaped directly, like a high-speed dashing car, flying directly toward the tall building.



Looking at the supersonic bullet that the other party designed again, Ron didn't mean to dodge anything.

Even if he was hit, nothing would happen. Now that his whole body was activated, his resilience and regeneration were no longer at the same level as usual.

If a normal person wants to recover something, it will take a day or a few days to get it done.

A normal person needs to rest for a hundred days if his bones are broken, so he is only for a moment.

The world is so different that it can no longer be converted according to multiples.

"Don't you know that it hurts when something like this hits someone?"

However, after recovery, the pain is still real. It is destroyed in an instant, and then recovered in an instant. The pain in the middle actually feels like an illusion.

It's like having a body twitch. It's one thing to recover, and it's another thing to get hurt.

And now, the change of direction is actually not just because of the reason that he has been attacked all the time.

Mainly, the ability to read.

If many people in his legion can hold such weapons, then the strength of his legion will definitely need to be improved.

The attack power is strong, the attack speed is fast, and the side effects do not seem to be that big.

For Ron, who had no development ideas at first, it was a way to open up.

Originally, he planned to go militarized, so that these people under him could act as a team.


The sound of the collision between the human body and the stone was accompanied by a loud roar, and Ron had come to the top of the building, standing in front of the people from the Golden Light Organization.

There were two people who caught Ron's attention the most.

Among them was a little fat man, who was obviously still in command before, but now that Ron has no intention of commanding everywhere, even if someone contacts him, he has no time to reply now.

Obviously the leader, it should be useful.

As for the other person holding an azure sniper gun, this gun looks a bit exaggerated, very huge, about 1.8 meters in length, and the huge body looks a bit heavy.

There is also a sense of technology. If he can't feel the spirit of this weapon, Ron even doubts whether this is some kind of black technology in this world.

When Ron came up, the other party was already pointing the gun at Ron.

To be honest, this gun really doesn't match the other party's. It's really that the person holding the gun is thin and frail and looks a little uncomfortable. The whole person doesn't look as big as this gun.

This looks a bit weird. Originally lying on the ground was nothing, but now, when I stand up with a gun, I can't see it.

At this time, the thin and handsome sniper shooter was actually a little pale.

Not only because of the consumption of the attack just now, but also because of Ron's arrival.

Originally, it was because they were worried that the other party would continue to pursue Jinguang or something, so they shot one after another. After all, Jinguang lost a little fast, and they were a little unresponsive.

And now it's better, people are not chasing, but they are in trouble.

The sniper gun in his hand was surging, and he didn't mean to give in. Instead, he wanted to try to attack the opponent.

Even if he knew that his attack was useless in the end, he had no intention of giving up.

This time, it was actually the most terrifying moment in his sniper career. Usually, no matter how strong the opponent was, he still had the confidence to calm down.

But in the face of a guy who can't be beaten to death, he can only say that the concubine really can't do it.

In fact, there were not only the two of them on the roof, but also two people who looked like bodyguards, who had already pulled away when Ron arrived.

In a protective state, looking at Ron.

"Catch them, slug."

A few slugs split apart, and Ron rarely wanted to stay alive.

Now he doesn't have the heart to communicate with them, the rare ability to read, just arrest them directly, and talk about the later things later.

Whether it is a threat or an there is always a solution.

It really doesn't work, just give up.

Anyway, there are no other alternatives.

As for giving up directly now, it is completely impossible. He is here, it is his fishing ground, and when it comes, it is his fish.


At Ron's words, the slug went straight into action, no nonsense.

Several huge splits appeared from all around, which were all dropped by slugs just now.

The current slugs, large and small, can be said to occupy every place on the ground and roofs around here. If you don't do it, it's okay to say that if there is anyone nearby who wants to do something or do something.

It will definitely be discovered as soon as possible.

A slug is like a legion, especially if it has precise computing power.

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