"What's the matter with that guy now? So strong?"

"Jinguang and the others were directly crushed? Can't do anything? You didn't do anything?"

"You can't even do a sneak attack? You didn't say that when we gave you money before."

Today, it is not destined to be a very pleasant day. Not long after Ron ended the battle, various forces in various places and all concerned about the situation here heard the news.

Immediately afterwards, various complaints were heard.

This is really, a little over the top.

And listening to their subordinates or partners pass the news and some videos back.

Many people gradually became silent. .

In particular, the Presbyterian Church and others who had dispatched many people before.

Thinking of Ron's previous situation in Meteor Street, this is indeed, not impossible.

But what he didn't expect was that the people they sent out didn't dare to make a move and retreated.

In the end, only Jin Guang and the others did it.

In this situation, they are also annoyed, and they are scared away without doing anything.

Originally, they planned to consume a lot of Ron's physical strength and ability layer by layer. Even if they failed, they could determine where Ron's limit was.

As a result, after Jin Guang started to do it, others were not willing to do it.

This is a little embarrassing.

This also made the elders think that not every faction is their dead man.

If the people they sent out were the dead men they trained in Meteor Street, then there would definitely be no such problem.

And now, there is no if.

It is impossible to send out.

This is their final trump card. They have lost a lot of people before. If they send out and lose a lot of people, then there will be nothing to them in the future.

And now, they want to use their connections to deal with that guy.

Whether it's paying money or something else, go and clean him up.

"Damn, just these guys, they said it well when they received the money, but they were cowardly when they started."

Meteor Street elders meeting, after a call ended, an elder couldn't help but muttered.

In high positions, especially in places like Meteor Street, they are used to speaking in terms of interests. As for people who are not human, people's lives are not people's lives, this is not something they will think about at all.

All they need to think about is the benefit, the cost, that sort of thing.

"Okay, let's talk about those guys later, let's talk about Ron first."

After listening to the elder end nagging, the first elder spoke up, and now they still need to do this.

"You have also seen the previous video. Now it is basically certain. The other party has fully recovered. You can see that the price is not as big as we thought, and we still don't see where the limit is."

They had thought about it before to determine where the opponent's limit was, but obviously, whether it was the last time in Meteor Street or this battle. .

There was no test at all, especially this time, it was a crushing battle.

It's very embarrassing to be solved without trying anything out.

As for the strength of Jinguang and the others, the people present are still clear, and they are considered advanced in this Meteor Street.

In terms of real combat power, it has surpassed many people.

After the Great Elder finished speaking, everyone present became quiet.

They are actually clear about Ron's strength. They have some budget estimates. This time they originally wanted to try, but after some people retreated later.

They also put everyone out of the question, and if they can't come out of the test, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

no need.

Originally, they even arranged a lot of manpower, and many of the bottom-level personnel who had been brainwashed in Meteor Street carried bomb attacks, and even planned to destroy that area.

As a result, because Ron scared off some people, the plan fell through.

Only to find another way.

But now, many people are scared away and do not intend to do anything, and there is no chance to find them again.

Now they can only curse, these guys who don't do anything after receiving money, get out of trouble as soon as possible, and think that after this matter is over, they will definitely ask the other party to explain something.

In fact, even if this situation is not very friendly to the people of the Presbyterian Church, they are still very confident, and they will only win in the end.

After all, they actually have their own trump cards.

"In this situation, we can only continue to contact other people, but at this price..."

After a moment of silence, someone finally spoke, and now that they were asked to use their hands to test, they would definitely not be happy.

The main consumption will definitely be a lot, so I would rather live a little more money, pay a little price or something, and solve it here.

In this case. . .

"Look for someone."

Someone spoke, and someone answered.

It didn't refute anything. In fact, basically everyone agrees with this matter.

But the main thing is that it is better to find some experts, otherwise, like before, you will run away without doing anything.

That's not good, it's not even as good as a mercenary.

"How about looking for someone who beats the enemy Hakka? They should have a little bit of confidence. At this price, it will definitely not be cheap."

The reputation of Beating the enemy is still there, and many people from Meteor Street have joined the Hakka who beat the enemy after leaving. Even the wife of the Hakka who beats the enemy is from Meteor Street.

A few old guys like their elders would definitely be able to get in touch.

As far as they know, the people who beat the enemy Hakka, there are still old guys hiding in this Meteor Street.

Although it is not certain, they did not specifically search for something like this.

After all, the other party is not a small force.

"Beat the enemy..."

Hearing the name, some people fell silent.

It's not that I'm worried that the other party will run away like the previous ones, mainly because of the price. .

It's one thing to beat the enemy Hakka people with strong strength, but it's also one thing to be expensive. You know, an ordinary target costs more than one billion yuan.

People with stronger strength can't get up to ten times or even more than 100 times of tumbling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like Ron.

In the end, the sky-high price was offered, which is actually not an exaggeration at all.

Tens of billions? Hundreds of billions of ringtones?

It's all possible.

Maybe even higher, it's not impossible.

In fact, the price is high, which is not a big deal for them.

The main reason is to worry about the strange request made by the other party, or to directly refuse to accept the task, that is the trouble,

"The cost will be shared by the four of us. If there is no problem, please contact the other party first."

"In fact, what we are thinking about now is whether the other party will accept it."

The four members of the Presbyterian Council explained, and finally accepted the plan.

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