Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 190: show weakness

They had planned a lot before they came.

Said to be a variety of plans, in fact, it is only one.

Just can be implemented simultaneously.

Because it was already determined before he came, Ron had a strange undead ability, even if he chopped off his head, it would be fine.

So, they need to try it.

Based on their experience, no matter how powerful the psychic is, death is necessary before they have time to use their abilities.

At the beginning, the old snake had this good idea and planned to poison Ron directly, but unfortunately, this is very obviously impossible. The other party's poison is enough to kill hundreds of people.

There is no way to kill Ron.

After confirming the situation, they were arrested. For this reason, they came here to prepare several martial arts factions.

Just to accurately capture Ron.

After being caught, tortured, tortured, tortured again and again, killed again and again.

When he couldn't stand it himself, he canceled the ability to die. In fact, if they could, they didn't really want to use this ability.

Because they all know that sometimes they abuse, and then do such hateful things, especially in the case of powerful people.

In the end, it may cause trouble, the resentment after death, although only witches have really seen it, but they all know that those who can read are afraid of this aspect.

Some obsessions and resentment will make people "resurrect from the dead" and become a corpse form different from ordinary people.

Kill again and again. Find Ron's limit and kill him.

No matter what ability it is, they all know that it has limits and limitations, and as long as they find the limit, they can kill.

Moreover, even if you can't kill them, you just need to catch them.

It's not that easy to deal with.

Whether it is imprisonment or burial, it can be done, as long as the movement is restricted, it is not impossible to permanently ban.

There is a top policy, and a bottom policy.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

As long as you think of a good way, many things can still be solved and dealt with.

Just like now, Ron has been controlled, and as for the follow-up situation, they have never been worried about it.

Find a place to be held and buried alive.

In fact, these people did not say anything wrong. Sometimes people are more painful than death when they are alive.

Life is better than death, this term is not a casual word.


In fact, without the witch's explanation, Ron had already felt the surge of the burning sensation.

Originally, the state he had been gradually getting used to gradually recovered, and now it seems that his entire body is on fire, and his entire body is in pain.

That is, someone like Ron, who is very used to pain, only reacts slightly.

It's not normal for ordinary people to have such pain and roll on the ground to death without pain.

"How is it? I feel it? As long as the old woman is here, I can make this resentful spirit continue to rise, and I can also add other curses to you."

When the witch spoke, the dry hand stretched out again, feeling that she was dissatisfied with only one curse before.

The Wizard's Hand is activated.

This time, the more powerful thoughts were used again, which made Ron feel a chill again.


Seeing Ron's reaction, the witch smiled.

Ron was breathing smoke at this time, sometimes it was cold, sometimes it was thick smoke.

With the appearance of the freezing effect, Ron officially felt what it was like to be in the double world of ice and fire.

These two temperatures do not interfere with each other, but instead add to each other.

It's a bit similar to the magic attack, the effect of freezing into the bone marrow.

And the scorching attack of that flame had scorched Ron's whole body.

"Hey hey, be comfortable."

Seeing Ron being tortured, the old witch smiled.

And she is actually in a very strange mood. Her curse is real, not a false psychological effect.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent should have been burned to a charred corpse by now.

Or directly frozen into ice cubes.

But I didn't expect that this guy still looks like nothing at all.

This is a bit weird. Thinking of the so-called immortal body of the other party, this witch is actually very interested.

People like her have actually studied this aspect.

I just felt that there was no chance and effect, and finally gave up.

And now, in fact, when she came here, she also planned to see what Ron's situation was like, and whether it was possible to learn from it.

Maybe such a young guy can succeed. With her rich experience and decades of experience in thinking ability, she has developed a good ability.

It might be possible to live a few more years.

Ron didn't know what the witch was thinking.

At this time, he also just wanted to say MMP to a few people here.

I feel like this is a bit overkill.

The pain is one thing, the speed of his recovery is another.

If a normal person was attacked like this, it is estimated that they would die directly here and cool down.

Fortunately, his life was tough, and he didn't plan to wait any longer.

With so many people on the scene, he basically had certain abilities. Those who were not sure of their abilities were the swordsman and the white-eyed girl.

As for the swordsman man, Ron glanced at it and skipped it. He was basically a swordsman with a long sword.

The ability is probably the same, Ron has no idea about him.

As for the white-eyed girl.

No matter what strength the opponent is, the first target is him.

"The Beastmaster seems to be in trouble, I'll go and help him."

At this time, the swordsman man may have found that he has nothing to do here, so he took the initiative to ask.

And several other people also saw that the Beastmaster was surrounded by so many slugs and could not get out at all.

And because of good face, he was completely unwilling to call for help, asking for help or something.


"Just leave it to us here."

In the previous task they also have a general division of labor, but no one has any opinions on this matter.

We can't let the Beastmaster keep holding on forever, it's not good if something happens.

Not worried about what happened to the other party, but worried about what happened later.

Ron, who originally wanted to do it directly, also waited a little while hearing the swordsman's departure.

[Body restriction lifted: 30%]

After being in an active state for a long time, he has been receiving abuse. At this time, the restrictions on Ron's body have gradually been lifted.

Showing weakness by the enemy all the time is just to find such an opportunity, especially now the people here feel that they are sure to win.

That's the real good time.

This swordsman man is obviously also a cold person. He didn't say much, and his instant action has reached the beastmaster's side.


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