Hunter’s Mind Beast Slug

Chapter 195: palpitations

"Boss, this??"

Others haven't reacted to what's going on.

He wanted to say more, but Jin Guang didn't hide anything. After all, no matter what, these people were following him, so he couldn't say nothing and watch them court death.

"This thing will be over soon."

Without much nonsense, I explained it directly. In fact, Jin Guang also knows that it is not suitable for them to say this here based on their current situation and situation.

But now there is nothing to worry about, after all, this is the case.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is possible to die at any time.

When is it time to see Ron's interests and interests.

'ended? ’

'It's over soon? ’

In fact, the people under Jinguang didn't fully understand what was going on, but they probably guessed it, and in addition, added their trust in Jinguang.

No one said much.

I stayed honest. Although I was caught after failing this mission, it didn't affect Jin Guang's prestige at all.

There are people everywhere in the hotel.

The original ten-story hotel has now been completely transformed into a battlefield.

"These guys are obviously weak, but why are they so difficult?"

"Yes, especially a few guys who don't crawl to death. What sacrificial moves are used, and they try their best to kill people. I just saw someone being killed by several of them."

"In addition, there are those bugs and electromagnetic guns, and that power has threatened us."

"I originally thought I came here to make some money, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome. This dangerous situation is almost the same as when I went to the battlefield before. MMPs, they will definitely ask them to pay more when I go back."

"I don't know what's going on outside. I hope the big guys can solve it as soon as possible, and then come to support."

During the battle with Ron's undead army, a group of people were chatting cursingly. During the conversation, they also cooperated to break up a few slugs and undead soldiers.

"Damn, why is it so hard to kill now, and it has become so powerful."

Several people cooperated, but they failed to solve the goal. Now this situation is becoming more and more troublesome.

"That's right, the recovery ability has become stronger."

They didn't realize anything at all.

The slugs here are distributed with the ability of the slugs, and the slugs here have been improved in both mental energy and strength, and the healing power is naturally the same.

It is impossible to kill people as easily as before.

Especially some people, watching the slugs around them start to grow bigger and bigger, even bigger than this small floor, and they directly rolled over and slammed over.

One by one their eyes widened.

But the people who can really resist are only a small number of guys with strong fighting ability and full attack power.

Now the slug's powers are starting to hit the people in the hotel, and it's the beginning of their disaster.

"What? Monster."

"Why did you suddenly become so strong?"

"Don't eat me."

Those who are unlucky are directly eaten by slugs, or half-crippled by sticky acid, while those who are lucky are directly killed.

Anyway, few people who encounter slugs have good news.

In addition to slugs, there is also Ron. Anyway, if you encounter it, you will attack, as long as you are sure that it is not his.

Then hit the ground first, there is no problem at all.

The situation of this hotel.

It is exactly as Jin Guang said.

The fight is over really fast.

As the time disappears every minute, the movement below this is getting smaller and smaller, and then.

At the back, there was little movement.

Maybe about half an hour.

With Ron and Slug joining the fray, these guys were bullying kids.

It goes without saying that Ron punched a kid. The people here, except for a few guys with special abilities or faster speeds, tried to run for a while.

The others are just one punch at a time.

As for the slug, listen to Ron's words, eat it if you can catch it alive, or use mucus acid to make the opponent half-crippled.

If you can't, just kill it directly, anyway, it's not bad for the origin of life.

"It's really a lot of consumption."

It took more than an hour for Ron to come into contact with the special state. This battle really consumed a lot, and the source of more than 10,000 lives disappeared.

[Origin of life: 33222 units]

It can be said that Ron has been bleeding profusely. To really absorb it, it must be at least the source of life for two or three hundred people.

This wave is completely lost.

Even in the end, the slug absorbed a lot of life source, that is, more than 5,000.

Let the source of life come to a little more than thirty-eight.

[Origin of life: 38553 units]

It's not like before, I can still earn a bit, but this is normal. After all, this time, all the guys are dangerous people.

If you don't deal with it properly, things can happen.

There are no ordinary people in this battle.

The worst are D, C-level able, and B-level strong, there are also many.

When encountering such a guy, Ron's subordinates are basically crushed.

"Lord Ron, it has been completely determined, all of them died, and 92 people died in the army."

Standing in front of a bar where many corpses were piled up, Ron walked into the bar casually and took a bottle of unknown wine to replenish himself.

And the slugs have already been counted at this time.

As soon as this battle is over, it has already been determined.

This does show that the guys who came in before are all dead.

Unless there is any special ability to avoid the slug's inspection, it is impossible to escape.

After all, the ability of the slug is not something that will be ignored if you are not careful.

In this regard, he is still very confident.

"Ton ton ton."

After gurgling and drinking, Ron didn't estimate the high alcohol level at all, and now he just wants to have a good time.

And after a sip of wine, Ron suddenly thought of it.

"How about Jinguang? What are they doing?"

Those guys have never left before. If the other party leaves at this time, it is not impossible.

"No, they have been there all the time. They discussed it before, but then gave up."

The slug has never let go of Jin Guang's attention.

It is also very busy.


Nodding his head, he drank the hundreds of ML of high-strength spirits directly. Now that Ron's physical fitness, drinking this thing is actually just like drinking water.

There is no harm.

And now there is still something for him to do.

Now it looks like it's over, but that's just what it looks like.

This time the danger is resolved, and there must be more dangers in the future.

Thinking in his heart, he hadn't had time to confirm what to say, but suddenly, Ron felt an inexplicable sense of palpitations, a sense of crisis.


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