Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 16 Treatment of Slugs

The dozens of slugs that split off were not worried about the sticky acid liquid at all.

They passed through it directly, and ran to each candidate in an orderly manner.

Each of them had their own goals, no more and no less, and each candidate got their own exclusive slug.

"You, what do you want to do."

"Please, let me go, I know I was wrong, I give up the exam, let me go."

"I know I was wrong, life, life is for you, let me go, it hurts, I'm going to die."

Watching these slugs crawling on their bodies, most of the candidates who collapsed on the ground were already trembling slightly, and even began to beg for mercy.

The hunter test examiner had already left, and no one paid attention to them. They couldn't beat them, and now, except begging for mercy, there was no other choice.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not planning to do anything bad, but before that, I plan to collect the medical expenses first."

Looking at the patients in front of him, they have regained their peace and are no longer like before, with hideous faces and wanting to attack him, Ron smiled with relief.

"What's going on?"

"What did you do?"

"You devil, what did you do to my body?"

While talking, the slug has already started to act on its own. This life source is actually a kind of body source energy, and a small amount of absorption may not be felt.

But this time, the slug is not absorbing a small part. Most people feel that something is being absorbed from their bodies.

They all shouted.

"This is not what we agreed before, it's your life source, don't worry too much, you won't die if you extract a little."

Looking at several people who still have the ability to resist and extract the slugs from them, and refusing to pay the medical expenses again, Ron smiled, very happy.

This was not the first time the slug had done this, so it was familiar with it. Although the little slug had no fighting ability, it had some.

"Puff puff puff~~~"

It began to spit the sticky acid liquid at the patients without hesitation.


Although the slug had already aimed specifically, the people present were standing in a crowd. Those who had taken away the disabled slugs were concentrated by the sticky acid again, and not only them, but also many people around them were hit.

"Be honest, be good, you have to receive treatment well."

The kind tone sounded particularly harsh here at this time. A lot of people were suffering in front of Ron, and Ron was standing in front of them, comforting them and giving them chicken soup.

Time passed by, and it didn't take much time to extract the source of life. The main reason was that these people liked to resist, and there were quite a few of them.

"Lord Ron, it's done."

After collecting all the medical fees, one of the big slugs turned to Ron and reported the situation.

When the slug was speaking, many of the candidates present looked up at Ron with a certain desire.

This is to let him release the person.

"Well, I see."

He smiled slightly and answered the slug's question. While speaking, Ron took a few steps forward and got closer to the patients in front of him.

"Dear patients, are you sick and need treatment? As long as you accept the treatment, I promise to cure your injuries. Of course, I need to charge a small amount of medical fees."

Like the devil's whisper, this was originally a very normal human talk, but in the ears of these candidates, it was like a devil in hell, sending them an invitation.

"You, you devil, don't let me go."

"You bastard, you bastard, you won't have a good ending."

"I won't let you go, don't think I'll agree to your request."

"I'd rather die and be eaten by monsters here than accept your treatment here."

Everyone saw Ron's ill intentions. Although they didn't know why the other party wanted them to agree to any treatment, many people knew that there must be something wrong.

It's just that they couldn't find the problem.

Perhaps they also felt that they might not survive, and many people roared and made their last struggle.

"It's a pity that you have failed me again, but as a kind doctor, I will not abandon you."

Ron was directly rejected, and his expression did not change at all.

"Give them a bath and then treat them. We are good people. We can't give up on them just because others are unwilling to pay for the medical expenses. Repeat the treatment until they are willing to pay for the medical expenses."

In fact, Ron didn't need to say these words at all. As long as he gave the slug a signal, the other party would know what he meant.

These words were mainly spoken to the patients in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"

Treatment? Free treatment? They didn't think Ron was a good man with a change of heart.

The slug was already an expert. It had done this many times and knew what to do.

"I know, Lord Ron."

The huge body shook the head with no visible neck, and then faced the "patients" in front of it.


Invisible energy suddenly emerged around them, most of which came from the slugs. When these energies appeared, these "patients" only felt comfortable.

But they could not see anything.

The only people who could see these things were probably Ron, in addition to the slugs themselves.

After all, part of these energies came from him.


Especially Ron's enhanced mind energy. After developing his ability, the recovery and healing effect of this mind power is first-class.

"It's okay? It doesn't hurt anymore?"

"What's going on?"

"I'm okay too."

When the "patients" felt this invisible force, many of them began to find that their bodies had begun to heal.

The symptoms of the originally corroded body had disappeared, and the corroded skin had also completely recovered.

Except for the tattered clothes, it was impossible to tell what serious injuries they had suffered before.

"I wasted a lot of energy. I hope I can harvest more life essence later."

Feeling his energy decreasing rapidly, looking at the large number of people in front of him who were healing quickly, Ron secretly estimated his gains and losses.

"I should have made a profit."

"What do you want to do, you guy?"

"Just let us go. If you don't let us go, we won't let you go."

Unable to figure out the situation, and what Ron said before seemed so strange, many candidates were a little confused, but some people's faces began to turn gloomy and pale.

They seemed to understand what Ron meant.

I already had a premonition that nothing good would happen next.

I finished writing with mixed feelings.

I feel like I am the king of failure.

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