Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 19: A short life doesn’t matter, being handsome lasts a lifetime.

"Everyone, the first test is over. This is the venue for the second test. Please get ready. Then, I will take my leave."

The examiner of the first test did not stay any longer. After announcing that the people present had passed, he left the scene on his own.

Leaving behind a large group of candidates with confused and questioning faces.

When Satz left, the gate of the manor was opened directly. This was obviously prepared. What caught the eye was a fat and thin, a tall and a tall, a man and a woman, a complete contrast.

"Welcome everyone, candidates who passed the first test, please come in. I am the examiner of the second test, Menqi, and he is Buhala."

When attracting everyone's attention, the girl Menqi, who was sitting on the sofa in front of Buhala, spoke. She had a good figure and was wearing a bit revealing clothes, especially showing her long legs. During her speech, all the candidates noticed and recognized her.

And behind her, the fat man Buhara, who is at least several Menqi's, is even more attractive. In a sense, he can attract more attention.

After all, it is difficult not to notice such a large tonnage here.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Ron, who is mixed in the crowd, is not very interested in them.

Compared to listening to Menqi and others arguing with the candidates, Ron is more interested in the guy in front of him who may become his customer.

"Hey, Leorio, what's wrong with you? There is a big pimple on your face. Did you go for plastic surgery after not seeing you for a while?"

Looking at Leorio's big pimple face beside him, Ron stood beside him and said teasingly with a smile.

"You guy, why are you here when you are so annoying?"

Compared with the cheerful Ron, Leorio can be said to be irritated when he sees the other party. He suppressed his anger and touched his slightly painful cheek and said something.

"I'm not here to find you. I'm looking for anyone among the candidates who needs my help. You happen to have this characteristic. After all, I'm such a considerate, charitable, selfless, and helpful young man. When I see a lost teenager like you, I can't help but want to lend a hand."

"You can't blame me for this. It's abnormal for you to not be noticed with such a big pig head. How is it? Does it hurt, young man? Do you want me to treat you? It's free. I can cure you in just a moment."

It's impossible to be annoyed. Ron seemed to have not heard what Leorio said. He kept introducing him with a harmonious smile.

At this time, he looked like a salesperson.

"If you need it, even plastic surgery is not a problem at all. With your current appearance, I can help you with plastic surgery. I guarantee that after a set of plastic surgery, you will be cuter than Kurapika next to you."

"Besides, it is pure natural, without any industrial products. I can even make you look younger. After all, it is difficult for you to find a partner with the face of a middle-aged uncle."

"How about it? Choose. As long as I help you, everything can be completely settled."

Ignoring the angry Leorio who was waiting for him fiercely, Ron smiled at the ugly guy in front of him, and did not dislike him because of his ugly appearance.


Kurapika glared at Ron. After all, as a man, being called cute was a bit too much.

"You are really too rude."

But thinking of Ron's character, he finally did not argue with him.

This is just a waste of saliva.

"I need plastic surgery. You must be blind to think I need plastic surgery. I look handsome like me. Do I need plastic surgery? Say it again, huh?"

When talking about his appearance, Leorio became excited.

Waving his hands and feet, if he didn't have a little bit of reason, he would probably hit someone directly.

"Leorio, I feel that you need more than just plastic surgery. It's better to let me see if your conscience is still there. You look like you are a little seriously ill and have delusions. Of course, you don't have to worry. I am here for everything. I can cure you."

Looking at the shameless Leorio in front of him, Ron comforted him very considerately. After all, the other party was too thick-skinned.

Shouldn't the word handsome exist on him? Anyway, Ron can't see such a thing from Leorio.

When these words came out, the people who had been staring at Ron and Leorio all agreed a little.

But as a companion, he still didn't say anything.

"You guys."

Looking at this group of guys who ignored his handsome face and thought he needed plastic surgery, Leorio was simply furious.

"Look over there, the exam content has been announced."

Fortunately, Killua, who was smart, had changed the subject before Leorio got angry.

Let everyone here divert their attention.

"The specified ingredients for this exam are pigs. As long as they are pigs in the forest here, you can catch pigs and cook them to our satisfaction. Then you will pass this test."

The tall and fat Buhara stood, looking down at all the candidates present, and announced the results.

"Pig? Is that the pig?"

This statement directly caused doubts among the candidates present, which seemed too simple to them.

Just catching an ordinary pig and cooking it would pass the test. In the eyes of the candidates present, this was much easier than the first test.

"Yes, as long as it is caught here and cooked and we say it is delicious, it will be fine."

And Buhala answered their questions very considerately.

"Although it is delicious, it is not as simple as whether it is delicious or not in terms of cooking alone."

"Okay, then the second test will begin."

After Menqi muttered, Buhala did not waste any more time, and patted his belly directly, announcing the start of the test.

"Hey, it just happened that I have recovered a lot of mind energy, so I can continue to collect the source of life."

Looking at the enthusiastic candidates around him, Ron smiled cunningly.

Originally, he came here to take the hunter exam just because he had to go somewhere, and it was not very convenient without the hunter exam.

Now according to this situation, not only can he get a hunter license, but he can also get a lot of life source.

"The source of life, you guy."

Listening to Ron's slightly malicious words, Leorio looked at him with even more displeasure.

In his opinion, this kind of buying and selling of life is really too much.

"Hey, you want to say I'm wrong again? I won't argue with you now. One day, you will think that what I said is right."

"Remember what I told you, you can really consider letting me help you with plastic surgery. I think you are a big customer. Consider it. I will give you a discount at that time. I won't charge you money, just a little source of life."

"It's okay to be short-lived, handsome for a lifetime."

Hehe smiled, continued to promote a few words, and ignored the other party, because Ron had seen many candidates start to act. The monsters here, even an ordinary pig, are not so easy to catch.

Next, it was indeed his time to perform. He pulled the slug and quickly disappeared from the sight of Leorio and others.

"Damn, this guy."

Looking at Ron's figure leaving, Leorio clenched his fists. The other party's mocking words only made him a little excited.

What really made him angry was that Ron used his healing ability to harvest other people's lives. This behavior was no different from killing people.

What's more, he was still under the name of healing others.

Thinking of his goal and what Ron said before, Leorio felt that he was a little out of control.

Every time the other party came to him, he would be angry and excited involuntarily, and he felt that he and the other party were two different people.

"Don't think too much, let's think about how to pass this hunter exam first."

Kurapika, who was standing aside, looked at the a little excited Leorio and stopped him. In the first exam, he also knew the other party's thoughts and goals.

Probably also knew that Leorio was entangled at this time.

But he couldn't fully understand it. He wouldn't point too much at other people's lives. Some things, or he himself experienced it, to know.

"No matter what, it won't change my goal."

I wanted to continue to say something, but in the end, Leorio didn't say anything, but he had already made a decision in his heart.

He wanted to prove that the other party was wrong, and this world didn't need his ability.

Vote and invest after watching.

My head hurts, I always hear others say that if I don't make a short statement now, I can't sign the contract.

I feel depressed.

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