Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 97: Layout, someone come (Please subscribe)

"Yes, Lord Ron, I understand."

Chris agreed directly, and during this period, he wanted to touch his non-existent cold sweat.

But he still resisted it.

Now that Ron's ability and his mind ability have been confirmed.

Chris is more aware of the gap in ability and his own limitations.

He has no other thoughts that he shouldn't have.

He has completely positioned himself.

As for the people in the village.

Chris also knows that he should do this.

"Go, come in batches."

Ron didn't say much.

He planned to send people away directly, while recovering his mind ability, and began to transform his undead army.

Let's talk about it after the people are controlled.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Without any nonsense, after Ron drove people away, the eleven people present respectfully left directly.

In this room, only the martial arts fanatic Bodero, Ron, and of course the little slug were left.

"Slug, how are you doing?"

Originally, he planned to go directly to find the slug, but he met the Chris team on the way, so Ron gave up his previous plan.

Since the people here have already surrendered, let's make arrangements first.

"Lord Ron, there is no big problem for the time being. I have arranged the people, but some people died."

"In addition, there is no one to absorb now. Those guys are still looking for us. Unless we move to a farther place, there is no way to move."

Hearing the question, the slug said softly.

Its other split body, but it has always been the target it cares about, has a mission, and has gathered a lot of its mind energy.

"Forget it if you can't move. If there is a way, then move closer to this side."

Ron didn't say much about the split body of the slug.

If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, there is not much loss.

Anyway, the origin of life has been absorbed a lot. As for those who control it, if it really doesn't work, just die.

And the slug, even if it dies, it's okay.

It is a split body that can be created at any time.

It is that simple.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Without any nonsense, the slug agreed directly.

With one sentence, a gathering point that was still quite far away from Ron and others began to plan the action.

Although it is called a gathering point, there are only about twenty people left now, but these people are all quite strong.

A spirited young man.

The slug was taking action, and Ron did not wait long before Chris also started to bring people over.

Sending people over one by one.

Ron planned to convert them all into undead soldiers.

Of course, they are not qualified yet, mainly because of the source of all evil, poverty! .

So they can only convert some of them first.

The other part will be treated first and kept in this village.

In this regard, Ron did not worry about someone running away.

They showed such strength and could lead them out of here, but they still ran away. It can only be said that they have no brains.

As long as you are in the Emira Kingdom, even if you are cured, you still have a chance to be infected with the alienation disease.

If you can't leave the Emira Kingdom, there will be no hope for your whole life.

And even Ron actually wanted to let these people start running away, because he didn't have enough life source now.

And if someone runs away.

Hehehe... The life source will be there, which can speed up his progress.

. . .

The time to the Emira Kingdom was also quite fast.

Two days passed.

The limit of fifteen days is getting shorter and shorter.

These two days.

Ron converted more than forty undead soldiers and stopped.

The people behind did not convert, but only treated.

There is not much life source left.

And there is something wrong with the slug, and it can't rush here directly. Maybe he can only wait for him to find it.

But it's not that fast.

Now, he plans to develop it first.


Early morning.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Originally, Ron was planning where to start absorbing the life source.

Unexpectedly, the door was knocked directly.

According to the previous plan, no one should be treated today.

"Lord Ron."

On the other side, Boudreau went to open the door very honestly. Although he practiced all day, he was still very careful about what he should do.

After Boudreau opened the door, he brought in Chris.

The only one who would come here to find him at this time was indeed Chris.

Others would go directly to Chris when they had something to do, and they would come to him when they didn't know how to solve it.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Looking at the guy in front of him who saluted respectfully.

Chris still looked so old, even if the symptoms of the alienation disease on his body disappeared.

There was no beast-like feature before.

But the old features of suffering here for many years are not so easy to disappear.

"We found the convoy that attacked Terra and them before."

This matter is quite urgent, otherwise Chris would not come to report early in the morning.

After making sure that Ron was awake and fine, he came.

That convoy.

It was actually a big problem for them before.

But he was not too anxious now, now that Ron was here.

It really gave him a lot of confidence.

And their own Nen, there are now more than 40 Nen users in the village.

Even if they have just been developed, their combat power is not comparable to before.

"Convoy? In that direction? How far away?"

After thinking carefully, I realized what Chris meant. It seems that there was such a convoy a few days ago.

There is no way to determine whether it is an outsider or someone from the Emira Kingdom.

If it is someone from the kingdom, it is still easy to say.

But if it is an outsider, it may not be so easy to deal with.

Who would run to such a place when they are full and have nothing to do? There is no such thing as a vegetarian.

Either they come to study this mutant disease or they come with some plan.

"At the entrance of the village, others found them last night. They are still more than 20 kilometers away from the village."

Chris was also a little embarrassed.

They found it last night, but they came here now.

The main reason is that they found that those guys were also resting, so they kept monitoring them and did not come directly to Ron.

After learning Nen.

With the application of Jue, many people still have some tricks in monitoring.

Maybe this aspect can be used in the future.

But now, it is nothing to Ron.

There is no need to remember it.



Without pursuing what happened during the day and night, Ron looked at the slug next to him.

After taking over this village, he actually had a layout for the inside and outside of this village.

Around this area, Ron released at least tens of thousands of small slugs, big and small, to monitor the surrounding area.

And twenty kilometers away.

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