Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 86: Proxy war

The sudden cold wind interrupted Xiao Xiao's analysis, and also interrupted the strange gaze of other people watching Zheng Qing.

The young Gongsheng breathed a sigh of relief and yelled: "Wait a minute, let me change the warmth!"

After all, without waiting for others to agree, he jumped up, jumped up from his seat, and then took out a new inferior talisman, and quickly reposted it on the pilasters around the pavilion.

Behind him, Fatty Xin swallowed the fried chicken in his mouth, groaned a beer, and then muttered: "Damn... it's not that there are no good products, it's better to use standard talisman. Always use this inferior talisman and say Sometime it will blow you up."

Zheng Qing didn't turn his head back, and sneered again and again: "Inferior talisman is also a talisman! Don't take the bean bag improperly as dry food... Standard talisman is money! It is white silver, yellow gold, and green jade coins! I want to use the standard. Fu Lu, take the money out!"

Without saying anything, the fat man immediately picked up a new fried chicken and gagged his mouth.

After Zheng Qing had replaced the new Fulu and sat back in his original position, Xiao Xiao took the previous topic calmly and continued to analyze:

"... The secret magic skills, closed social circles, and heavy heritage of the bloodline wizards are increasingly being smashed by the "nerds" of Jiuyou Academy with test papers and exam results."

"This has put a lot of pressure on Alfa Academy."

"You know, in this world, there are so many magic skills created by wizards. If there are more than nine cracks, one more promotion, the Alpha Academy has one less handyman, and the competitiveness is one point weaker."

"And the speed of newly created magic skills is far behind the speed of later learners... This is the so-called ‘late mover first’ or ‘late mover advantage’.”

"Similarly, there are so many outstanding young wizards in this world. Nine schools recruit one more, and Alpha Academy recruits one less. This means that for the foreseeable future, Jiuyou Academy will be one point better than Alpha."

"Every bit of progress in Jiuyou Academy is to plan Alpha Academy, even the roots of Star Academy and Atlas Academy."

"Whose cheese is it?"

"Who moved whose cheese?"

"This is a question without a correct answer."

"But when there is a problem, it is natural to solve the problem. As the saying goes,'The disease is in the management of the body, and the decoction can be cured; the disease is in the skin, and the needle can be reached; the disease is in the stomach and the fire is strange; when it enters the bone marrow, there is no cure. '."

"The contradiction between Jiuyou Academy and Alpha Academy is that for the first university, it is the skin disease. The use of acupuncture and medicated stones can alleviate the symptoms, and perhaps have the possibility of curing. If you keep suppressing it, you can't suppress it in the end. At the time, I am afraid that the entire island will be torn in half."

"The First University will not allow such a situation."

"But the First University will not allow Alpha College and Jiuyou College to have a blatant conflict now. The Wizarding Alliance will not allow it, the Great Wizard Council will not allow it, and the Unknown Principal will not allow it either."

"Therefore, the contradiction between the two colleges will be transmitted through various channels, to the club, to the students, and finally it becomes a speech similar to the one just now and is presented to you and me.

"This is called ‘agent war’."

Dr. Xiao Da's analysis came to an end. He picked up the green tea in front of him and sighed with satisfaction.

Around the stone table, several other young wizards from the Yougui Hunting Team were also very enjoyable, even claiming praise, including Zheng Qing. Of course, for Xiao Xiao’s analysis, Zheng Qing still has reservations about some of the fields, others The content made him feel very beneficial.

"Sure enough, the angle of the problem is different, and the depth you see is different." Zhang Jixin cleaned up the leftovers on the table and commented on Xiao Xiao's analysis: "The entire first university can be like a doctor. There are not many sober people."

Zheng Qing didn't help Zhang Jixin clean up the table, his eyes were always on Fatty Xin.

"Fatty, if you want to record the analysis of the doctor just now, remember to delete the content that should be deleted." Zheng Qing watched Fatty Xin holding the notebook, the quill flashed quickly, and immediately reminded him vigilantly.

He has enough trouble now, and he doesn't want to appear in an article that is destined to arouse criticism and serve as a topic target.

"Don't worry," Fatty Xin didn't lift his head, and snorted: "This kind of thing, I know... There are many outstanding wizard representatives in the Jiuyou Academy over the years. It's no problem not to mention you."

"The example I just gave is just to facilitate your understanding." Xiao Xiao added in due course.

Zheng Qing felt a little hot on his cheeks.

However, Zhang Jixin pointed out the problem sharply: "Whether you write it or not, if everyone really talks about this matter, you will definitely mention Brother Qing... After all, everyone knows his situation. You are such a means of hiding your ears and stealing bells, It's purely an ostrich tactic."

"The ostrich is the ostrich, anyhow, feel at ease." Zheng Qing muttered in a low voice.

Xiao Xiao just put away his notebook and stretched his waist. Hearing the discussion of several companions, he suddenly looked at Fatty Xin curiously and asked: "If I remember correctly, I remember that the school newspaper and school journals do not allow such publications. Article... This kind of stuff filled with'conspiracy theories' and'big chess games' does not conform to the pragmatic and self-denial attitude of the university."

"I didn't say that it must be published in the school magazine." Fatty Xin raised his head and squeezed his eyes at his companions, revealing a treacherous smile: "Beta Town Post, Ganges Daily, Lady Dodo, Ladies and Gentlemen~ Wait, the newspaper of Wizarding World is not only a school newspaper, there are many places where you can contribute. It really doesn’t work. After I finish writing, I put the manuscript in my drawer, take the time to appreciate and entertain myself. Well."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows, admiring the fat man's optimistic attitude.

Then he took the timer from his arms and checked the time.

It is 1:47 in the afternoon, and there are less than fifteen minutes before class in the afternoon. So he quickly greeted his companions to speed up.

When leaving the pavilion and passing by Linzhong Lake, Zheng Qing vaguely saw dark shadows sliding across the water. That is the murloc tribe at the bottom of the lake hunting.

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered those "murloc audiences" who appeared on the edge of the lake not long ago and listened to the lanky wizard's speech, of the unannounced "guests" of the Hemophilia, and the relationship between Seprano and the murlocs. Covert transactions.

He turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

"How long do you think the conflict between the divine will and the hemophilia will last?" He was a little worried that the school would fall into continuous chaos due to this incident, affecting everyone's class.

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