Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 135: Returning to the Soul Yang

In the periphery of the Silent Forest, the trees grow somewhat low due to wind erosion and water erosion. There are not many dead branches and leaves scattered around these trees. In addition, it is now in the season of all things multiplying, and the trees are not willing to be lonely. It is in response to the old saying that dead wood comes in spring, making the trees suitable for firewood increasingly rare.


   At the end of the edge of the forest, Zheng Qing finally picked up the first wood suitable for firewood.


   This is a dead branch that fell from the Returning Soul Yang. On the dead branch there are still a few fancy caterpillars. Zheng Qing pinched the roots of the dead branches and shook the crawling ‘caterpillars’ to the ground. The caterpillars fell to the ground and turned, and disappeared in the gap between the dead branches and fallen leaves.


   These caterpillars are actually the seeds of Huihun Yang.


   Hunhun Yang is a magical plant.


Its plants are dioecious, and the female plants are no different from ordinary big trees. They have high crowns and white branches, leaves like daggers, air roots deep into the soil, and the bark is covered with moss and large and small black bumps, sometimes one or two. The dark tree hole, as if a woodpecker had just visited. From a distance, it is not much different from ordinary green trees.


   The male strain of Returning Soul Yang lives on the bottom of the shallow sea not far from here. Different from the female plant's morphology, the female plant of Populus sylvestris is an activated plant with a shape closer to an anemone.


Every early spring, when the female plant that has been dormant for the whole winter spit out the first bud, the male plant crawling on the bottom of the shallow sea will receive this signal of reproduction through a mysterious channel, and start to draw their short and complicated The tentacles, driven by the waves and trade winds, leave the shallow seabed, cross the reefs, crawl across the tidal flats, and come to the feet of the female plants, and plant their short and tender rhizomes.


  The difficult journey, the drastically changing living environment, and the coveted gaze along the way caused these male plants to suffer heavy losses, often ten male plants, only one can successfully survive at the feet of the female plants.


  In mid-spring, the flowers of the female plant begin to bloom.


At this time, the male plants that successfully took root began to slowly lift up their hardened tentacles, and climbed up along the trunk of the female plant until the flowers of the branches were near, and the tips of the tentacles cracked and spewed out. Smoky white flocculation.


   These flocks hovered and lingered between the canopies of the female plants, like a swarm of bees returning home from hunting for nests, and finally gently attached to the blooming stamens and disappeared.


   The flowers of the female plant always have to absorb a lot of light floc to be satisfied.


   When they are satisfied, they curl up their petals and shrink the flowers into small cyan balls. These small **** gradually hardened and tightened under the influence of the sea breeze and spring rain, and finally slowly penetrated into the branches of the female plant and turned into ugly tree tumors.


   These tumors bred the descendants of Huihun Yang.


After a long gestation, the descendants of these tree tumors will wake up after a spring rain in the next spring, drill through the thin tree shell, roll down their mother's body, and swallow the branches and leaves under the tree that may have the remains of their father. Then drag the furry body to crawl into the distance, looking for the land where they can take root.


   For wizards, the soul-returning poplar is a very versatile magical economic plant.


   Its bark can be made into talisman paper, and the smaller branches can be cut into amulets. The effect is not inferior to that of peach and locust wood. Its tree core can be used for refining magic instruments and burning discs, and its leaves and ‘caterpillar’ tree species can be used to raise spirit beasts. As far as Zheng Qing knows, these ‘caterpillars’ are used in the school’s pet garden recipes.


   In addition, its air root is ground into powder, which is a very commonly used neutralizer in standard tranquilizers. Its children can serve as temporary ‘sacrifices’ in many magic rituals.


  Because of its wide range of uses, the school planted this plant extensively outside the Silent Forest.


   But as far as Zheng Qing is concerned, right now, these soul-returning Yangs have only one function, and that is to provide fuel for the picnic and bonfire.


   The silent forest is very quiet, except for the rustling sound of branches and leaves colliding, there are only sporadic bird chirping, and the distant sound of running water that seems to be on the horizon.


   Zheng Qing bent down, picked up the seventh firewood, and when he straightened up, the corners of his eyes swept white. He looked intently and found that it was a half-picked mushroom. Perhaps the picker felt that the remaining mushroom was a bit small and did not remove it completely, so there was a little remnant.


   Zheng Qing's eyes lit up.


   He used to collect firewood and came with a certain gypsy witch who was picking mushrooms, but unexpectedly the witch disappeared in the woods in a blink of an eye. Although there are such traces, it is still very difficult to find a figure in the depths of this dense forest without using magic.


   Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, put his fingers in the gray cloth bag, and touched a deforming potion.


   If you become a cat, you can definitely find her by sniffing. But thinking of the old student's warning before, Zheng Qing was a little uneasy--for wizards, such taboos have always been more credible.


   There was a hoarse, unpleasant croaking sound of crows deep in the forest.


   Zheng Qing shook his heart, threw the firewood in his arms to the ground, took out the deformation potion, and poured it straight down.


   He is more interested in Jelena's whereabouts than the restlessness in his heart. And his instinct tells him that if he doesn't find her now, he will definitely regret it.


   The high-concentration standard-dose deformation potion was drunk into the mouth, and there was a strong burning sensation. With no one on the left or right and above his head, Zheng Qingqiang resisted his physical discomfort, packed his clothes properly, stuffed them into a gray cloth bag, and put a few pieces of talisman paper on his body to keep away evil and warmth and hid in the depth of the grass.


Not for a moment, a black cat with a gray cloth bag hanging on its neck got out of the bushes, ran to the remaining mushroom and sniffed the breath away from, and disappeared in Deep in the bushes.


  While running, the black cat is holding on to his heart.


   He did smell the scent of Ilena just now beside the mushroom, as always, that rich fragrance. But besides that, there is a faint fragrance, which is a bit familiar, but can't remember it.


   Didn't see her enter the forest with others? The black cat ran briskly, shaking his ears and wondering to himself in the bottom of his heart, who is the owner of the other breath.


   Compared with people, cats are like fish in the woods, and run almost without any shackles.


   Soon, the black cat was embellished with Jelena's figure. Irina had stopped, and she was standing between a few big trees, with a small bamboo basket slung on her arm, in which were scattered handfuls of wild vegetables and some white mushrooms.


   The black cat looked left and right, followed the mottled bark of a poplar, and jumped up to the canopy, then hid between a small branch and young leaves, quietly Mimi began to stare.


   Literature Museum



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