Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 145: An unexpected visitor at the class meeting (Happy Year of the Tiger)


On the podium, in order to maintain the order that was gradually getting out of control, Downton had to shout loudly: "... Now, let's call the name first, and the classmates who have called the name shout 'Here', don't pretend not to hear! Liu Feifei..."

Li Meng rested her cheeks in one hand, and her short, raised legs were shaking and shaking under the table. While listening to Downton's hoarse shouts on the podium, she stared out of the classroom in a daze, thinking about what to do after the class meeting. Only then can I get rid of my cousin's 'rules' and sneak quietly to the pedestrian street to play with Su Ya.

Lin Guo's guy was too dumb, he knew how to read books and do experiments all day long.

Zhu Si is a fun companion, but since she has a ruby ​​on her forehead, her whole body has become unstable and unstable. Li Meng didn't want to play with friends, and suddenly became an adult and a child.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Or Su Ya is funny, tail is funny, ears are funny too.

Just like that, thinking about it, thinking about it, the sound of the students answering one after another echoed in my ears, and the pleasant warm magic was rolling around, like a powerful hypnotic potion, making the little witch drowsy, almost forgetting. She got her original idea - she has never been good at solving problems, she is only good at creating problems.

"Li Meng!"

Downton's majestic voice came from the podium.

"Here!" The little witch squinted her eyes and agreed lazily. She raised her arm and waved her hand to signal to the podium that she was not asleep.

At this moment, out of the corner of her eyes, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a white light flashing past the door of the classroom, from left to right.


Li Meng was stunned for a moment, and the corners of her slightly squinted eyes opened slightly. There was nothing white at the door, and her eye straps slowly drooped down again with a bit of suspicion, thinking that she had just had an illusion.

But immediately, shuh, a white light flashed across the door again, this time from right to left.


The little witch sat up straight, raised her finger to the door, and shouted. The entire classroom was stunned by her cry, and suddenly became quiet, and the roll call, which had been going smoothly, was forced to be interrupted.

"Li Meng?!" On the podium, Jiang Yu reprimanded in a low voice: "Sit honestly, what are you yelling for in a class meeting now?"

"There's something at the door!" Li Meng pointed out the door with a sure look and reported loudly.

The two class leaders looked at the door of the classroom in confusion. The other students in the class also followed the direction of the little witch's fingers and looked out in unison, stretching their necks one by one, like goose exploring for food.

However, there was nothing at the door. The wizards who had been sneaking around outside the 601 classroom had also dispersed because of the start of their respective class meetings. The corridor was quiet and not even a ghost could be seen.

"Are you dreaming?" Zheng Qing asked very kindly in the back row of the classroom.

The rest of the class suddenly realized that the original silence was suddenly broken, and the hall burst into laughter. Jiang Yu glared at the little witch with a stern face, signaling her to calm down.

"I haven't slept!" Li Meng cried out loudly, glaring at Zheng Qing viciously, while defending: "I really saw a white thing pass by the door...twice!"

She raised **** and emphasized.

"Okay, okay, we'll investigate this later."

Downton comforted the little witch, picked up the notepad in his hand, and cleared his throat: "Let's go to the second item of the class meeting, about the reissue of the Merlin Medal at the opening ceremony... Well, everyone is starting school. I've heard it all at the ceremony... According to the relevant documents provided by the Wizards Union and the First University, the First University's guilt hunters were brave and tenacious in the war to guard the black prison, and they were not afraid of life and death, showing the young wizards of the new era. With a sense of mission and responsibility, the collective Merlin Silver Medal is hereby awarded... The relevant certificates and documents were issued at this class meeting, let us welcome the hunters of the Guilty Hunting Team to the stage with warm applause!"

There was a burst of warm applause in the classroom.

Under the cover of applause, Zheng Qing tilted his head to the side of Dr. Xiao Da: "Collective Merlin Silver Medal? I almost forgot... How come I haven't seen the medal before?"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and pretended not to hear the question from the captain of the hunting team.

Zheng Qing wanted to ask a few more questions, but was pushed and shoved by Zhang Jixin and Fatty Xin behind him.

Li Meng angrily looked at Zheng Qing with a bright face, wishing she could jump up and punch the wizard's ridiculous nose. Unfortunately, she was also a full member of the Guilty Hunting Squad, and she had to stand on the podium with the others and be cheered by her classmates.

The little witch was gloomy, standing at the end of the line, her head drooping, listening to Downton's boring blessings, her eyes swept across the door of the classroom from the corner of her eye.

Then in the lower right corner of the classroom door, I saw a familiar furry head, poking out his head, peeping into the room.


Li Meng finally saw the murderer who caused her to be ridiculed. Ignoring the award ceremony in progress, she jumped up from the spot, as agile as a swooped towards the door, reached out and grabbed it. The little fox poking his head at the door.

Poseidon twitched his ears back, flicked his big tail, and exerted a little force on his hind legs, easily avoiding the little witch's pounce, got under her crotch, and ran towards Zheng Qing's position.

As he ran, he kept chirping and chirping.

The classroom was in chaos again.

Curiosity, exclamations, cheers, greetings, mixed with the collision of tables and chairs, the screams of foxes, and the curses of the little witch, one after another. The hustle and bustle in the house was suppressed, and finally he chose to give up.


Like a cannonball, the little fox slammed into Zheng Qing's arms, almost knocking him out of breath.

"Why are you here?"

Zheng Qing rubbed his suffocated chest, gasping for breath, and looked innocently at the two squad leaders next to him, trying his best to use his eyes and expressions to prove to them that he had nothing to do with this little thing's troubles.

Haw Haw Haw!

The little fox squatted in Zheng Qing's arms, raised its two small paws and gestured randomly, flicked its big tail from side to side, and barked happily.

Zheng Qing squinted and listened to the description of its preamble that didn't fit the description. After a while, he understood: "You mean, there is something 'over there' that you need to call me over there?"


The little fox folded his arms and nodded contentedly, with a look of 'Am I very good' and 'please praise me'.

Zheng Qing scratched its ears perfunctorily, puzzled. The 'over there' mentioned by the little fox is the Qingqiu mansion, and there is no one else but Su Shijun who can order the little fox to find himself to the Qingqiu mansion. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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