Hunting College

Vol 3 Chapter 180: Andrew's story and advice

People come and go in the first hall, and the audience at the exhibition is like weaving.

But like any other event in this university, the young wizards in various robes always walked clearly with their partners and gathered into a small and closed circle.

Few different gown colors are mixed together.

Therefore, in the corner of the hall, the scene where a fat wizard in a white robe and three wizards in a red robe stood together and chatted happily. No matter how you looked at it, it felt like a violation.

This combination naturally attracted many curious eyes.

Fortunately, wizards are a group of creatures who respect their privacy very much. If they did not receive an invitation, naturally no one came forward rashly to chat with several young wizards.

Zheng Qing obviously felt the strange eyes floating around from time to time.

This is the opposite of his intention to keep a low profile.

"What the **** do you want to do?!" The young public-sponsored student suppressed his irritability, and his tone naturally brought a little anger.

Andrew narrowed his smile, but did not speak immediately.

He turned around and looked at a few people not far away. The Sam Hunter's ‘outliner’ hanging on the wall was silent for a long time before speaking slowly, and said:

"Before I went to college, I liked the Sam Hunter very much. I did every game of their game."

"...As you may know, I'm from Quebec. There are not many wizards there, so naturally there is no great hunting team. On the entire east coast, maybe only the Sam Hunter can play a little bit of prestige in the World Cup."

"So, I became the most loyal fan of the Sam Hunter since I was very young."

"I will go to watch each of their hunting games; every hunter in the hunting team, including the figure in the standby seat, I buy..."

Zheng Qing frowned, listening to the little fat man in front of him, feeling a little impatient.

But I can only listen patiently.

However, Dr. Xiao Da seemed to be very interested in the information mentioned by Andrew, and he had already opened his notebook and drew a brush to record it.

"...In the 2002 World Cup, I was only twelve years old and my elders were not there, so I went to Yingzhou with an old servant to watch the game."

"That year, the Venus Hunting Team had not yet been formed; De Flamingo had not yet become the main hunter of the Flamingos; the Scarlet Hunting Team had not recovered from the collapse more than ten years ago, relying only on the two-headed system. Afterglow, maintain the last decent point."

"That should be the strongest year for the Sam Hunter."

With that, Andrew looked up at the hunting painting in front of him, his eyes showing a bit of nostalgia, a bit of hatred, and a bit of regret.

"The main hunter Clark, left auxiliary Stark, right Bute Steven... Oh, the code name of Stephen on the hunting ground was also Doctor, just like you."

While talking, Andrew looked at Xiao Xiao, smiled, and continued:

"And Peter the Hunter, Natasha the Hunter...these hunters on the painting in front of us."

"In addition, the alternate camp of the Sam Hunter was also very strong at the time... Including Bruce, Rogers, Wilson, Te Chara, etc., it can be said that many members of this hunting team, even those super hunters who joined the new century The regiment will not have too much difficulty."

Andrew continued speaking casually.

Unconsciously, Zheng Qing gradually listened a little attentively, and the irritability in his heart gradually faded.

But as soon as the voice changed, Wizard Alpha's tone suddenly sank:

"...It's just that no one expected that in the 2002 World Cup, the Sam Hunter team would eventually be broken."

"Because of the previous impressive results, the Sam Hunter did not participate in the round robin, but went directly to the finals, so they missed many opportunities to understand their opponents and also missed opportunities to communicate with their opponents."

"Naturally, they don't know, the other hunting teams slowly reached a tacit understanding."

"In the final finals, five top hunting teams, including the Scarlet Hunter, King Hunter, Triumph Hunter, Suzaku Hunter, and Black Forest Hunter, were headed, and the Golden Crustacean, Palme d’Or, Flamingo, etc. A second-level hunting team is supplemented by a total of 17 hunting teams. After the start of the game, the'strangling tactics' were implemented first...forcing the Sam Hunter out of the game early."

"Isn't it a foul?" Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting Andrew's words and exclaimed: "Aren't hunting teams forbidden to attack each other on the hunting ground? What about the hunting organizing committee? Why don't they stop it?

Andrew glanced at the publicly-funded student in surprise, showing a strange look.

"Ahem," Fatty Xin interrupted Zheng Qing's indignation, tugged at his robe, and explained in a low voice: "It's just to'force' them out...not to attack them. There are many ridiculous methods to achieve this effect. ...For example, if a certain piece of small animal is coated with croton juice, if the hunting beasts can't help but eat some game, they will naturally have diarrhea and lose their combat effectiveness...similar to this method."

"Can you do this?!" Zheng Qing was dumbfounded, and immediately expressed his attitude clearly: "It's so shameless!"

"It's true! Anyone who uses the next three methods has lost the honor of being a real hunter! It's so shameless!" Andrew immediately hit the snake with the stick and slapped Zheng Qing with a flattering: " It really deserves to be a public student at the school, a true moral gentleman!"

It's okay if he didn't speak, but Zheng Qing's vigilance immediately aroused when he spoke.

"What do you mean?!" The public-sponsored student touched the scar that was already invisible on the palm of his hand, and interrupted the young master of Taylor's babble, his eyes showed a little alertness again.

Andrew froze for a moment, then curled his lips.

"...I didn't expect you to distrust me so much." His tone finally seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Eat a ditch and grow a I won't have nightmares for weeks. I'm still as stupid as before." Zheng Qing also made it clear: "You don't need to tell stories... Let’s talk if you have any thoughts."

"Simply!" The young master of Taylor's family hit his palm with a fist and his expression became more serious: "I'm here to find you to form an alliance."

"Huh?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

Fatty Xin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, holding his arms, standing on the side, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, without saying a word.

Xiao Xiao frowned and slowly closed the notebook in his arms.

"Thank you to repeat, what you meant just now." Zheng Qing smiled politely at the little fat man in front of him.

"I mean, our two hunting teams can cooperate on the hunting ground... give priority to expelling the other hunting teams." Andrew, as good as he was, immediately repeated his thoughts in clear and concise words: "...As for the new hunter For the final championship, we can divide the victory and defeat after other hunting teams are eliminated."

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