Hunting College

Vol 4 Chapter 58: Return

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According to Zheng Qing’s idea, if the hunting team is only training for the whole winter and does not participate in any hunting competitions, there is no need to buy a dragon skin hunting suit for everyone—he has never known much about dressing, since childhood. It is almost always a set of school uniforms worn year after year. Naturally, little is known about this kind of "image project".

But now that I have entered the university, my previous experience in elementary and middle schools has gradually become useless.

Moreover, he obviously did not fully understand the related arrangements of the hunting game.

"Some and some! In a while, there will be hunting games." After hearing his captain's remarks, Fatty Xin turned his head hurriedly, stepped forward, and said with excitement and saliva. At the end of February, around the winter solstice and before Christmas, the school has a tradition of'winter hunting'."

"The hunting scope of winter hunting is mainly at the periphery of the Silent Forest and on the banks of the Silent River that flows around the school. The purpose is to clean up some monsters that have slipped out of the deep forest to hunt for wild food. Such as the beast, the fei fei, the holy sheng, the holy owl , Mandrill, red tongue, water tiger, boat ghost, wind raccoon, bipedal worm (Amphispina)..."

"If you are lucky, you can still catch two frozen birds, or dig out a nest of puff pastel from a tree hole." Zhang Jixin smacked his lips, his face full of memories: "My brother participated in the winter hunt last year. Then I brought back a brood of puff pasted to my cousin, which made the girl very happy."

"Unlucky, you might meet Ye Qi." Xiao Xiao's voice suddenly sounded from the side, looking a little crippled: "As far as I know, animals in the Silent Forest that are worse than the black crow are I would never want to participate in this kind of event."

Zheng Qing originally listened to the introduction of the fat man and the elders, and was quite moved. But then he was poured cold water by the doctor, and he suddenly became sober-he immediately realized that he is now in a wizarding university, bad luck, curse, etc. words that could not be cared about before are all in this world. A real existence.

Seeing that his captain had a tendency to dispel his thoughts, Fatty Xin frowned and immediately made a move to retreat.

"Of course, not all hunting teams can get a place for the'Winter Hunting'." The fat man squeezed his fat chin, paused, and added: "In principle, the school only accepts registered official hunting teams to register. …However, if an informal hunting team is'exceptionally outstanding', there is a certain possibility of getting an invitation letter. That's why I said that you have the opportunity to participate in this hunting game."

"The first place in the freshman competition is definitely an exceptional condition." Zhang Jixin made a very safe assist.

"Well, I hope so." The young public-funded student obviously lacks the vigor and vitality that a real young person should have, so he shrugged indifferently and looked at the two extremely positive companions in the front row: "As long as you don't go to the forest. Just catch mice in the house. Then, the qualification question of the'Winter Hunter'...or the question of whether we can participate or not, you two will follow up."

"If you really want to participate in that winter hunting, you have to come up with a really strong reason and convince everyone at the hunting team's plenary meeting-just to convince me is not enough..."

Before the words fell, the stick figure villain behind the door suddenly screamed: "Class! Class!"

"Boys, hurry up and sit down!"

"Close your beaks! The teacher is coming!!"

"Sit down soon..."

The fat man turned his head and glanced at the stick figure in surprise: "Why is that guy starting to yell again... Hasn't it been quiet for a long time?"

No one answered his doubts.

In fact, all the young wizards sitting in the East 601 classroom obviously have such doubts. Since the professors were busy with other things and the substitute teacher took the class, the teaching discipline has declined significantly. Correspondingly, the "usefulness" of the stick figure villain who was originally responsible for reminding before class is not so prominent.

In layman's terms, the stick figures posted behind the classroom door have been'half unemployed' for almost half a month.

But soon, everyone's doubts were solved.


With a loud noise, the classroom door was pushed open from the outside.

A long-lost tall figure rushed in from outside the house, carrying a winter wind, freezing the hearts of the young wizards in the classroom.

"Fuck it!" The fat man blinked, but didn't react for a while, and groaned in a low voice, "What's the situation..."

"What's the situation?" The tall figure on the podium seemed to hear the fat man's muttering, raised his head, looked around with a smile, and finally turned his gaze on the fat man: "This is the situation... I heard that you have been very cool recently. Teacher Zhang, the substitute teacher, said that the atmosphere in the classroom was very active and the completion rate of extracurricular homework was also very touching."

"Since we are still a school, learning is the most important job of the school. After serious discussions between the vice principal and the deans, including me, and given that the current situation has eased, starting this week, Your previous professors will return to the classroom one after another."

"If there are no accidents, from now on until the end of the semester, I will continue to teach everyone the spell class."

"Oh, and the philosophy of magic."

Professor Yao held the edge of the lecture table with both hands, leaning forward slightly, and there was a big red pipe with wisps of smoke in his chest pocket--a completely familiar and unfamiliar picture.

The students seemed to have not woken up from the sudden bad news. They looked at the professor blankly. No one spoke, and no one said'welcome after a long absence.'

This makes Old Yao feel so unhappy.

"Why, isn't it welcome?" Old Yao straightened up, grabbed the pipe, stuffed it into his mouth, and spewed a large thick smoke.

With a word, thunderous applause.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

" We want to kill you!!"

"Compared with you, the substitute teacher said too badly. I didn't understand several knowledge points at all!"

"Professor, if you are not here, I don't think magic can be used anymore!"

Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, and listening to the strange welcome speeches in the classroom, it felt impossible to say--to be fair, how many of these welcome speeches were sincere and scared, which is difficult to quantify.

For example, Fatty Xin, he sat there constantly belittling the substitute teacher, the sole purpose of which was to give him a reasonable explanation for his first two loose homework.

Obviously, Old Yao also knows the intestines of these little guys.

He held his arms, leaned on the blackboard, and watched everyone vent their horror/joy with a smile. After a few minutes, he raised his arm and pressed it down.

"Okay, okay, just quiet down."

М.③③χs.cóм worthy of collection by book friends

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