Hunting College

Vol 4 Chapter 215: Crazy pumpkin cart

For the students of the First University, this year’s Christmas is just as interesting as previous years.

For example, several great wizards with the title of Druids in the school activated many tall pine and cypress trees, and then hung colorful little gifts on the trees, letting them drag heavy footsteps, wandering around the campus, every time Students who are empty or lonely in their hands will kindly give a Christmas gift-this is the traditional program of the first university Christmas day, and it is part of the "Campus Vulnerable Group Holiday Care Initiative" led by the Student Union .

For another example, the school work committee has produced a large number of puppet snowmen, the small ones are only a few feet high, and the big ones are only a meter over. Because today is Christmas, as usual, the campus will always be covered with thick snow. With these snowmen active in this snow field, it adds a bit of vitality to the entire campus.

Of course, the role of these snowmen is not just this. Their more important role lies in their big fluffy belly. Those thick snowballs are an excellent tool to hide the line of sight.

If a boy wants to give a Christmas gift to the witch of his heart, but he is embarrassed to give it out in public, then he can stop a snowman wandering in the snow, and then stuff the gift into the snowman Insert the paper crane talisman in the snowman’s belly, and the snowman will follow the guidance of the paper crane talisman and deliver the gift to the witch.

Because the snowman can't speak and is loyal, he is regarded as an excellent "Santa Claus".

In comparison, the other group of postmen seemed a little noisy.

This year, Santa Claus who is responsible for giving gifts to students is not a traditional talisman paper puppet, nor is it the rumored elk and sleigh, but a mouse and a pumpkin.

Yes, it’s not a reindeer that is pulling a cart for Santa this year, but a big mouse with a glossy coat; and the carts that these mice are flying around are not Santa’s sleigh carts, but a round mouthful. Pumpkin cart; if there are agile students to lift those'Santa Claus' hats, you can see the snow-white beards under the brim, but with pointed mouths—yes, this Christmas The old man is also played by a mouse.

"This year is not the Year of the Rat. How come there are so many mice in the school!" A short child witch whispered to his companion when passing by Zheng Qing: "I met three mice in the cafeteria in the morning and drove the pumpkin cart to me. Sending gifts... Those sharp-mouthed guys speak weirdly and look dirty. I don't know why the school chose them as messengers."

Although her tone seemed to be filled with dissatisfaction, Zheng Qing always felt that she was showing off both inside and outside.

"Yeah," the companion of the short child witch curled his lips and muttered: "I also think what the school is doing... You said, let us catch mice some time before the school, will they just let them pull the pumpkin cart? Does it count as cruelty to small animals? Can we protest to Dan Hagg?"

Zheng Qing didn't know if letting a mouse pull a cart counted as abusive behavior, but he knew that the two little girls were wrong about one thing. But before he could speak, Dr. Xiao Da, who was walking beside him, couldn't help but jump out.

"That," Xiao Xiao coughed, poked his head to interrupt the conversation between the two witches, and reminded in a low voice: "This year is the Year of Wu Zi. Although it is still a month away from New Year's Eve, it is indeed the Year of the Rat...In addition, Dan Haag will not accept public interest lawsuits filed by natural persons. If you want to protest against the abuse of rats by schools, you are more likely to submit relevant documents to the court of the lower parliament to be accepted."

The two witches were obviously taken aback by Dr. Xiao Da's sudden insertion. They turned their heads and looked at him in a daze. Then they huddled around each other and ran away suddenly like being stung by a wasp.

There was a string of giggling laughter in the snow and a short wizard who stood on the spot with a red and white face.

"Stupid action." Fatty Xin, who was walking behind Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, finally caught up with the two of them, panting, and commented.

It is 1:50 in the afternoon, and it is less than ten minutes before the start of the life class.

Today is Thursday, and the afternoon is a compulsory school-wide general education class, life class.

Although it is a required course, because the course is simple and the credits are not high, everyone is not very motivated to attend the course. In this time period approaching the end of the term, the students hope to spend their limited study time in courses such as Fulu, Mowen, and Pharmacy.

Including the Yougui Hunting Team, most students will squeeze the noon time to the limit-some students will also ask for a sick leave slip from the school hospital for an afternoon of sick leave-so, similar to Zheng Qing and others stepped Pointing into the classroom is naturally not too much.

"It's really stupid." Zhang Jixin nodded in agreement, and analyzed: "Even in the Year of the Rat, there shouldn't be so many rats in the school... In other words, in the Year of the Dragon, there will be ice crimson all over the street. Do dragons like horns fly around?"

Fatty Xin widened his eyes, his eyes full of shock at what his companion said.

"That's not what I mean by stupidity!" The fat man corrected loudly, "Are you all in your brain with muscles? Can you think flexibly about the taboos and points when communicating between a wizard and a witch!"

"Does this have anything to do with what Xiao Xiao just said?" Zhang Jixin was puzzled.

While talking, Zheng Qing, who was walking in front of a few people, suddenly sighed: "Fuck, here comes again..."

Before the words fell, a yellow lightning engulfed a fluff of snowflakes, and swept down from the treetops not far away, with a whistling, plunged into the snowdrift in front of the young public Qing When he was hesitating to drive away right away, the snowdrift squirmed a few times, and crawled out of it a little mouse with a red robe, a ridiculous little cap, and a big white beard on his face.

"First University Jiuyou College Astronomy Class 08-1, Zheng Qing, student number 2008TW-1-002, you have a Christmas gift, please sign for it!"

"Bah, baah, the ancestors are here, what a **** of the weather!"

The little mouse complained screamingly, and at the same time he raised his head and looked left and right: "Excuse me, who can help me dig out the pumpkin cart from the snowdrift? It’s so hard to give you gifts on a snowy day. I won’t help if I'm so busy!"

Xiao Xiao held the notebook and turned a blind eye to what happened to the mouse. Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin also hugged their arms, looking at a joke.

Only Zheng Qing, after a few sighs, squatted down and helped the little mouse to scrape the pumpkin cart out of the snowdrift.

Looking at his proficient movements, it is obviously not the first time he has done this.

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